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Spong: Mario To Be Revealed December 2nd


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There is interesting chatter consuming our friends in Japan this morning, with talk of an early and somewhat low-key showing of the Mario game currently underway for the Nintendo Revolution.


A Nintendo-focused set of keynote addresses has been organised for December 2 in Kyoto at Ritsumeikan University. Part of the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2005, the National Symposium about videogames will see a 30 minute address from Shigeru Miyamoto.


Several well-known independent sources contacted SPOnG to tell us that they had been hearing gossip for some days which pointed towards some sort of Mario showing at the university event.


Of course, this is to be treated strictly as an unconfirmed rumour for now. We’ll keep digging and try and bring you confirmation from a party close to Nintendo in the coming week or so.


After Merrick said no Revolution games will be shown this year it makes this rumour look useless, but you never know.... I wish it would happen anyway.

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Miyamoto is giving a speech december 2nd, but I doubt there will be anything revealed apart from the controller shell? My money's on that.


Merrick has made it very clear that we wont see the games this year, but is all this part of the suprise? Like come on, it would of been a suprise about the revolution controller if you stayed away from all the Gaming sites.

But I maybe wrong, I most probably am. But its the last date this year they can leave us with details, maybe just a small revealing of one feature of the console?

The shock tactics idea I had seems pretty unprobable, but im sure they'l show us something other than the games.

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Merrick said we won't see any games this year but that doesn't rule out any information on them. I hope we get news on SSBR and Mario, cause I think its likely.

I think on December 2nd Miyamato will announce the proper name for it too.

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Lucky guess thats hardly plausible!

Yes, it's a guess but it's plausible. When Nintendo says they won't show games next year and the E3 is too late for a rumored summer launch, Nintendo will have to show it before March.

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Didnt they say that they would reveal Mario at TGS? :P Im not counting on this.


Indeed, which is why I don't trust them as far as I could flick their fat sweaty asses.


They haven't been right "alot" about Nintendo things lately, they guessed a couple of things and fucked up alot too. It's like believing the obvious bits of a horoscope and ignoring the bits that don't make sense.

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I like Spong more for their sense of humor and the fact that they criticize all 3 companies instead of putting Sony on a pedestal. I dont think they themselves make up phony news but some of their insiders seem to do so.




Spong for the win!

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