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Super Metroid!

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Bumping this thread cos, it's finally here! :D


Also, "stuck" already, except not really stuck as I'm sure I know how to do it but tactics don't seem to be working, that bit near the start of Brinstar where you have to run along a collapsing floor while those barriers stop your progress at certain intervals, I thought you had to run across holding either L or R to make it? apperently not though, I can't remember if you need a certain upgrade or not as this bit always hinders my progress.


Anyways, any hints / tips?

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Just downloaded the game this morning. I went up to the Super Missile boss, and after that in the same area I got a bit stuck below some kind of long vertical tunnel with gliders moving around and a power bomb door below. I guess you should have used the Ice Beam to freeze those Gliders and use them to get above. But I really wanted to try if I could make it another way, because it looked like I was stuck there.


What I did was Wall Jump to the top Super Missiling them away, and then shoot the barriere above, quickly drop down and wall jump up again. I made it above the barriere before the block appeared again. I got in some kind of really hard area with just 1 energy tank, but there was a Save Point after that, I just made it with 4 health left. I couldn't get anywhere after that because there were Power Bomb doors everywhere. Luckily the first Power Bombs were waiting in a room hidden below. Above and to the left of this area, the ship was waiting so I quickly saved there after destroying some Yellow doors.


So, I managed to get the Power Bombs right after the Super Missiles, and I got 20 of them now after exploring some new areas. :D

After checking it appears you're supposed to get them much later. :p


Yes, I was thinking that may be the upgrade though I always thought that one was later on in the game? :hmm: either way I still have lots of paths to take so I'll just explore the paths that I can for now. :smile:


I got there today, but even running (B button on GC Controller) didn't help, I think you need some kind of speed upgrade.

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I remember first few times I played it I got continously stuck. I got so stuck that I would start again and eventually surpass where I got to last time. I was always convinced at the time that I needed an upgrade and that I got further in the game than I was supposed to and got stuck because of it.

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if you do not like the game(...how?) then dont post here because there are actually people who actually have a good taste in games that enjoy this game and wish to download it:P


Don't say people have bad taste just because they don't like your favourite game.


Downloaded the original when it came and I didn't like it. All the rooms was very similar and exploring was more annoying and frustrating than fun.

So how is Super Metroid compared to the original and Prime?

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Don't say people have bad taste just because they don't like your favourite game.


Downloaded the original when it came and I didn't like it. All the rooms was very similar and exploring was more annoying and frustrating than fun.

So how is Super Metroid compared to the original and Prime?


Super Metroid is by far better than the original, as for comparing it with Prime? my answer is simple...


Super Metroid = Best 2D Metroid game

Metroid Prime = Best 3D Metroid game


While they are both stunning games IMO there isn't any point in saying one is better than the other because due to the different perspectives which offer different brands of gameplay even if they are based on the same concept, they are incomparable.

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I can't compare Super Metroid to Prime. Even though it's the seem series, they just seem different in their own right.


Super Metroid is a stunning game and probably number 2 in my favourite SNES games behind ALTTP. I love Super Metroid because of the amount of abilities and exploration. It's a challange that makes you think and sometimes the answer is easy and makes you go "Ohhh offcourse how obvious".


But for a SNES game there's a lot in it and highly addictive and again, lots to do.

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I have the points but what I don't have is enough space , but I need this as I don't think I ever played this first time round , if I did , I don't remember.


Looks like I will have to shuffle a few more VC titles/Wii saves onto the SD card (again) , this is becoming a real pain - and Perrin Kaplans recent chat hasn't proved inspirational.

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