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The UnHoly Union (ViPeY and Jimzor meet up)


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Many a thread has been started as a result of ViPeR/Joe and myself talking on MSN.

We have brought you classics such as Knock Ginger up or down, and whether or not Batman was indeed a superhero or a rich man in spandex and lycra.


Well, just a few weeks ago, we finally met up in the flesh. Not only that, but we have pictures to prove that such an event did take place. If you checked your news papers that day, you may also know that the planets were perfectly aligned that day, that Damien the Anti-Christ was also born to a Mother of a Raven, and that Vigo was living (alive and well, I might add) in a painting at the Manhatten Museum of Art.


It was sexual, to say the least. We scoured the streets of Brighton, on a Saturday, looking for a metal club. What we found was a 50/60s jive club which played stuff bordering on country music and 60s rock. Awesome, to say the least. Armed with my one pint of Strongbow that night, and with ViPeY's sexual prowess, we really dropped it like its hot on the ladies of The Engine Rooms.


The first thing I did when I met ViPeR was to punch him in the face for the result of that bluddy Knock up ginger thread. It's blatantly knock UP ginger:




And finally, one more for good measure:




I love you, man. Next time you come down, come down on a better day during the week, and we'll have a much better time.

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Awwwwwww *cries*. It was indeed a good night. For the unenlightened, i've known Jim since the Cube-europe days so you can probably understand how significant such a meetup would be. It's quite strange making the crossing from Internet friends to real world friends but hey, I consider Jim as much a friend as any of my real life ones so I think this is a perfect example of how meetups should be :heh:. Oh, don't ever go Brighton anyone... there's bugger all there ;)

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Ah that looks cool. I never met anyone from the internet but I did come quite close to it once... then I found out the person owned a flesh light... so I got creeped out.


So where are all the other pictures? We want more punching action.

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Who is the strange looking man on the left. He wasn't with you, was he. He just decided to leap in all your photos and pull ridiculous faces in an attempt to sabotage your memories.


In the first one, he looks like Shane from 1up.

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Awh thats cool lads, good to see you had a good time!


Yeah its really surreal meeting people off the net, when I did it for the 1st time in May it realy was like meeting a celebrity! Its a great way to meet new people and can bring you new adventures and stuff (seem as how I did have to go to a different country etc)


Stuff like this really defincts the whole "meeting people on the internet is dangerous" thing.......well for the most part!



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Seconded. The other two are having a laugh and he's trying his best to crack a smile. Awwwww.


To be honest I did find the entire situation a bit surreal. I did enjoy myself though, just doesn't come across that way well in pictures. I'm sure there were more pictures but i'm not quite sure what happened to them...

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j7 and I met up with Ashley and I beat him at pool. He doesn't like to talk about it


I'll get you next time Gadget!


But yeah looks like fun. In the new uni year when you're going to go home leave a few days early and come to Worcester Jimatron. As I believe you need to go through there (or at least I know you mentioned it because of your brother...). We shall upchuck the boogie.


Likewise Shorty, I keep meaning to ring j7 and see what hes up to. Although to be fair I dunno what im up to....but looking like September.

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