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Wii60 love is increasing!


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games on the wii that rule with friends:


Mario Party 8

Excite Truck

Ravin Rabits

Wii Sports

Big Brain Academy

Mario Strykers


Single players:


Excite Truck

Big Brain Academy


360 multi:


Guitar Hero 2


Virtual Tennis

Gears Of war



Lost Planet

Gears Of War


single Players

more than enough not even going to list all.


but all in all the 360 is here now for almost 2 years now and the Wii just a half. so i see great potential for the Wii.


PS3? they have a rip of excite truck wannabe. and some were in the future there will be little big planet. but that is it....


this is in my vision of coarse this doesn't meen there aren't any other great games. its just in the eye of the beholder.

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Y'know, i never used to agree with ant-shimmin, but altely he's talked my mind so much.


Also, Maiky, PS3:

Little Big Planet


Time Crisis 4 (creaming for me anyway)


Heavenly Sword




That's just off the top of my head, now the games may not appeal to you, but there's still a lsit of decent exclusives there.

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i think its kinda unfair to use graphics to define a generation, the wii remote has been used as anouther controler type, but its also being used in great ways, wario ware and wii sports take you closer to the game then better graphics would.


i'll keave you the wise words of gandalf the gray


"all that glitters is not gold"

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But it's true though I walk into a shop let's say with x Amount of money, I look at the Wii games but none of them appeal to me at all.


Look at the 360 Section however, you have got games now for £10 and they are Next Gen games, I just think it's stupid not to get more games for the Next Gen system because most of us if not all paid more for the 360 than the Wii.


I Just feel more attracted to invest more in my 360 than Wii....and the Wii isn't doing anything with any games to change that...

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But it's true though I walk into a shop let's say with x Amount of money, I look at the Wii games but none of them appeal to me at all.


Look at the 360 Section however, you have got games now for £10 and they are Next Gen games, I just think it's stupid not to get more games for the Next Gen system because most of us if not all paid more for the 360 than the Wii.


I Just feel more attracted to invest more in my 360 than Wii....and the Wii isn't doing anything with any games to change that...


true if you are a teenager or or some one who has the gray mater of a teenager you will think that way but most just want to know 1 thing.




maybe its because most of us know that a game console is entertainment so the first thing that pops in my mind is entertaining. no mater how it looks! on the other hand if i KNOW it is FUN (2 things that are evenly fun) than graphics play a part. but never the biggest part of the judgment of buying a game or console


in case of the Wii and 360


I love the Wii to play with friends, family or guests on our events. And i love the 360 to play alone or online (still alone ^.-)


Wii60 is the ultimate package of great games and feel good's.




:yay: :yay:

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I actually find it funny that the only good games on the PS3/360 people ever seem to mention are games with guns* or games that are "Indie"/(ish).


*The only games that seem to appeal to me on the 360


uhm did you take a look in the game stores and look in the game shelves of the 360 or ps3 most games in there are shooters ^.^ but like i said there are others to like .... Racers..... and.... uhm.......fighters.....lolz


you hardly see RPG, Strategy, Puzzle, Platform, or any thing colorful and happy.


Home and Little Big planet were both on my list of good games.


Uhm Home isn't a game just like 2nt life and the Mii chanel

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1. What Chris the great said

2. You must have only owned Universal Studios for the Cube or something....or have no frineds (needed in order to get the Cude's full potential).

1. Mario - being the reason why I got the game - was a huge let down, Wind Waker looks and plays amazing but I hate the sailing, Resi games - the first two were amazing but I never liked the genre, playing shooters felt a bit odd. Resi4 and Killer7 were amazing - but the Wii edition puts it into shade. So was Tetris - but then again - what is to be expected from what I consider to be the greatest game of all time.

2. Yep, none of my friends do console games. Well, they actually do very few games AT ALL. Despite me getting the Wario mini games and Donkey Konga - which got their attention for exactly 2 minutes and then they were bored by it again.

Computer (or outside) games nation FTL I guess.

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Plenty of games for PS3 :smile:


Gran Turismo


Metal Gear Online

Final Fantasy

Loco Roco

Little Big Planet

Ico dev's 2 new project's

New Rockstar exclusive



Heavenly sword

Unreal Toury 3



White Knight Story

Time Crisis



Rachet & Clank

Killzone 2

God of War 3


Wipeout HD

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Plenty of games for PS3 :smile:


Gran Turismo


Metal Gear Online

Final Fantasy

Loco Roco

Little Big Planet

Ico dev's 2 new project's

New Rockstar exclusive



Heavenly sword

Unreal Toury 3



White Knight Story

Time Crisis



Rachet & Clank

Killzone 2

God of War 3


Wipeout HD


most still have no release date. let alone they are available in the stores now.

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It is?


The only system I'm even thinking of getting is the 360. Just 'cos the Wii has a cool remotes doesn't excuse it for the lack of games its getting. Plus, as most people here and what my friends have said: the Wii gets, well.. boring.


The 360 on the other hand: Halo 3, Forza MS 2 + Gears of War. I'll have a double please, Bob.

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Well I use to be Wii60, but alas I bought a PS3 last week so... PSWii60 for me.


I'll admit PS3 has no games that really tempt me atm. But I can't wait for White Knight and MGS4! Those games are going to be awesome.


But the 360>Wii anyday. Before RE4 came out on the Wii, it quite literally sat on my shelves for months. Wii Sports/Play gets boring real fast, Twilight Princess sucked, and frankly TC: Second Opinion was no fun really. But RE4 Wii is awesome.


I have about twice as many games for the 360 as I do for the Wii. And XBL>Wii Online.

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Exactly, that list is massive, and plenty of good 'uns, and they're coming, what difference does them having no release date have?

And if you look at it, a lot of those games are not shooters or racers or whatever, stop being stereotypical and saying it's all "dark shooters".

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Plenty of games for PS3 :smile:


Gran Turismo


Metal Gear Online

Final Fantasy

Loco Roco

Little Big Planet

Ico dev's 2 new project's

New Rockstar exclusive



Heavenly sword

Unreal Toury 3



White Knight Story

Time Crisis



Rachet & Clank

Killzone 2

God of War 3


Wipeout HD


Has that been confirmed? When? Any footage?

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Guest Stefkov

Thinking hard there's so much more I can buy with the money from selling my Wii.

I wonder how much I would get for all my consoles and games...


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