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The School Thread!


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As many of us go to school I just realised that there was no school thread so I thought I'd start one. What are everyone's fav subjects? I love Maths, Physics, Computing and Accounts... I am kinda nerdy. :p


I have 4 tests this upcoming week, a Physics test on Transport, a Accounts test about Unit 1 (Personal Finance, Budjets and Receits and Payments sheets), a History test about Farming in the 1800's and a Maths test on Transport.


What's up with everyone else, btw I'm in S3 (England equivilant is Year 10 I believe).


We need a equivilant chart for England and Scotland. Here's what I know, please correct me if I'm wrong:





Year 8/S1

Year 9/S2

Year 10/S3

Year 11/S4

Year 12/S5

Year 13(6th form)/S6



GCSE/Standard Grade



??/Advance Higher

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I go to college. Its alright.


Currently doing: geography, chemistry and biology. They can be good subjects but can also be hard and full of work. I also have a shit load of homework to do. 2 tests on monday, and a few case studies to write up.


Im in year 13 btw.

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as you all no, i cant write for shit, but im at uni doing architecture and its bloody hard work.

when i was at school english was my favorit subject, with duel science's, maths just gave me a headache.but mostly creative subjects was what cept me from pullin out my hair and high tailin out of their.


and im deffinetly not a test person.......

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I'm at sixth-form college at the moment, studying Maths (Pure and Stats), Politics, English Lit. and Theology. As far as the work is concerned, I'd say I'm coping okay, although I'm definitely finding some aspects of it frustrating. Theology is easily my favourite subject I'm studying at the moment, with Maths being the source of most of my frustration. It's early days though.


I'm sure the majority of people hold this view, but I've gotta say that I'm enjoying the social aspect of college much more than the academic side. I've made quite a number of friends (mostly upper-sixth) since I started in September, and so socially I feel more content than ever.

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Sarka, how can you like Acounting + Finace it sucks. We've just starts Profit and Loss acounts and it soooo boring.


No one else in the class likes it but it's my favorite subject by far! My mum is an accountant and when I was little I used to draw up little things that are suprisingly similiar to stuff we do in acounts. I guess I just love money! I'm doing Double Entry at the moment and it's the highlight of my week! lol

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In year 11 atm.


Fave subjects are easily Maths, and Art.


Maths because it's easy. (well what we were doing. doing statistics now which is kinda like maths, but myeh, more to do with formulas)


Art because you don't need to be a good artist as it's so open, like at the moment, i'm creating 3d hexagonal'ish things.

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Sixth form. Studying English, History, Theatre Studies and German.


It's hard work.


Especially when you leave it all to the last day of half term, like I have.


last minuet man, thats what always gets me into hot water but, it does make my brain work,and i find i can get things done with better results, if u i dont push the boat out to far

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God don't remind me:angry:

I hate school. My school at least anyway. Its just so boring, I can't wait to go to College next year and do things I actually want to do. I'm in Year 11 now, and next year I'm gonna do A levels at College for:



Media Stuides

1 other thing(haven't decided yet)


This term between now -> Xmas is gonna be shite, always is. Weather is depressing and nothing good happens hardly. Then January I have my mochs, then May/June coursework.YAY, the time I'm suppose to be revising I'll have an Xbox 360, online DS games, Zelda: Twilight Princess and possibly a Revolution if its out in May(unlikely).E3 too, talk about distractions. Joy.


Can't wait to leave school and go to college.

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Do you mean your started your GCSE's or you will be after the summer?

Fuck sakes man i just edited my post because i realised it was stupid to say where i went to school on a forum. Anyway i've just started my GCSEs, we start them a year early at my school and if we're good enough we can do some of our exams in Year 10.

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Fuck sakes man i just edited my post because i realised it was stupid to say where i went to school on a forum. Anyway i've just started my GCSEs, we start them a year early at my school and if we're good enough we can do some of our exams in Year 10.


Cool, that's a really good idea, plus a year less of having to do the crappiest of subjects like Craft and Design, and Home Economics.

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First year of college.

Psychology - teacher is funny, good, but not great. Him being funny makes the lessons good though.

Media - Like, yup.

History - we have 3 teachers all doing something different, which makes it like 3 different lessons instead of 1, :-/

ICT - boring as fuck.


College is not bad. Hmm... Not bad.

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I was in school the last 12 years (I'm 18 now) - eight of them in grammar school (keep in mind the Austrian school system is different).

I want to go to Uni next year, currently I'm doing civil service because in Austria at the age of 18 every male has to either go to the military for nine month or do civil service for 12 month.

My favorite subjects were Math, Physics, Geography, Latin, English and Sport

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