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Resident Evil 5


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I saw a video on Youtube that seemed to me like when you are playing joinable solo mode and someone joins the game breaks up and goes into a loading screen saying "your partner isn't ready yet".


Can someone who has already experienced it elaborate on this? Does the game load if someone joins?


I ask because Gears of War 1 and 2 don't break up, if someone joins you don't even notice it if not for a small font text that appears saying someone just joined.

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I saw a video on Youtube that seemed to me like when you are playing joinable solo mode and someone joins the game breaks up and goes into a loading screen saying "your partner isn't ready yet".


Can someone who has already experienced it elaborate on this? Does the game load if someone joins?


I ask because Gears of War 1 and 2 don't break up, if someone joins you don't even notice it if not for a small font text that appears saying someone just joined.


It doesn't really break up. When someone joins you they can't join you until you reach a checkpoint or if you click restart (it restarts from the last checkpoint). Because you can only bring 9 items from your inventory it takes you to the item screen so that your friend can decide what he wants to bring in with him (and you can too).


It needs a different system of joining to accommodate the fact that you can only bring up to 9 items. But really, most people seem to create a game on the chapter and difficulty they want, invite their friend, then begin playing together.

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Worst. Ending. Ever.


Way to kill the best resi character there is. They cant bring wesker back after that and the whole jill thing was so obvious that a monkey could have wrote it.



The story line imho was terrible but i think resi has hit the fork in the road now so to speak.I enjoyed the game, it was good. But it wasnt resident evil anymore. It played more like Uncharted: Drakes fortune to me. The series needs to decide now what it wants to be.


Does it want to be GoW, UC:DF or does it want to be survival horror?


I miss the old resi's i wish they would rebrand these new ones as bio-hazard and release a real resi game that gets my blood pumping through suspense!


Overall 7/10 as a resi game


As a stand alone game 8.5/10

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They could do anything to bring Wesker back. Create a new one, invent a crazy story about he had extra powers and didn't die. teleported out in the last second or something.



They tried tying up all the loose ends, so if they do make another resident evil, I'd say they create a new problem... Or new villains...

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Heres some nice facts from Kotaku


- Resident Evil 5 outsold EVERY ITEM in the UK Singles Chart (Based on physical and digital sales of UK Top 200)

- Resident Evil 5 outsold U2's chart-topping new album's total sales since release in ONE WEEKEND (in the UK)

- Resident Evil 5 grossed more than the top 5 movies in the UK this weekend - COMBINED (Source: IMDB.com)


Games 1 - Everything else 0 :)

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All I can say is that people who loved RE4 cannot complain about this one, really. RE has only had two games with this formula, while series like Zelda, Metroid and Mario do similar games time after time but people don't moan that it feels the same.


This game had the regular story as well as co-op (which works well), focused on a better villain and seemed more in line with the story of RE. I can't for the life of me understand why people are complaining about this game not being survival horror when it's just as RE4 was. It even expanded on mercenaries, and the PS3 version is set to have online battle modes via DLC.


The only dispute I have is that the main character isn't as entertaining as Leon, and perhaps it could have been a bit longer. But I ended up replaying this more, and playing it online with others, so I've probably played this more in total than RE4.

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I am loving it. I am just right at the end bits. Played the whole game in splitscreen. I think this is the best real coop game i have played. Will finisih soon and dig into Mercenaries as well. IMO one of my favourite games this gen. Yes the story is silly but its RE what do you expect? If it wasnt cheeesy and over the top it would be boring :heh:

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It looks like I am right at the end but for the life of me I just can't seem to finish off the final battle. Don't know if I am missing a trick somewhere or whether the AI is letting me down.


Got to the lava section and just after Chris has dropped and is told to find higher ground he then has to defend Shiva whilst the rock bridges are collapsing.


I then go to this rock thing that I assume will get me back to within reach of Shiva but no matter how many times I have tried it , she doesn't last long enough for me to move the boulder , it doesn't help when you need to move the boulder 4 times (QTEs) by the looks of it.


It's beginning to piss me off now.


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It looks like I am right at the end but for the life of me I just can't seem to finish off the final battle. Don't know if I am missing a trick somewhere or whether the AI is letting me down.


Got to the lava section and just after Chris has dropped and is told to find higher ground he then has to defend Shiva whilst the rock bridges are collapsing.


I then go to this rock thing that I assume will get me back to within reach of Shiva but no matter how many times I have tried it , she doesn't last long enough for me to move the boulder , it doesn't help when you need to move the boulder 4 times (QTEs) by the looks of it.


It's beginning to piss me off now.


Shoot Wesker until she manages to pull herself up after falling, then go for the rock.


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I suck at re5 mercenaries. :sad:

If it's anything like RE4 it just takes a lot of practice. I remember getting scores like 2-3 stars and thinking it would be impossible to get 5 stars, especially with Hulk etc (it was really easy and awesome with Krauser) but after a while you learn all the tricks and best routes etc and it you get much better at it. Haven't actually played the RE5 ones yet though (been going through it at an average speed on system link co-op only, not quite fiisshed yet!)

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Shoot Wesker until she manages to pull herself up after falling, then go for the rock.


Been trying that but it's still not doing the job.


Found a video on youtube because annoyance set in , and I noticed that after you do the X and LS waggle , the guy managed to get an A and then B button QTE , but for some reason after the LS waggle I end up having to go back to the X and LS waggle again (every time) by which time Sheva is forced into the lava.


Man , I must really suck at this game.


EDIT - Ignore that , finally got past that part.


Edited by ThePigMarcher
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See even in the recession games are still making moneyz. Another nail in the coffin for those who still think games are not a viable media.


I finished this tonight. It's an alright singleplayer, not spectacular.


I knew you didn't like it that much, dunno why you just didn't say the 10 times i asked.

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