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Resident Evil 5


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Completed it twice now, once with my mate and once by myself. Im now on chapter 5-3 on Veteran and its super easy. I managed to finish the game in 3 hours 38 mins ( easy difficulty ) which has resulted in me having infinite ammo with a rocket launcher! One-shot boss kills FTW! Im loving the game so much, been on it since 9 this morning :)

Blehhh, real men start the game on Veteran. That's what I did. :P


Some games really benefit from playing in the hardest mode you can right off the bat...Resi 5 is definitely one of them, as it becomes one of the easiest games in the world once your weapons are upgraded (e.g. inf. ammo).


I really enjoyed the game, so much so that I'm up for playing it again!

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Capcom’s Must-Do List


As written by producer Masachika Kawata, translated from Japanese:


Neck Twist /Silent Knife Defense Trick

Attack Majini’s legs and get his back. Use Action button to throw neck twist /silent knife. Majini will immediately die and emergence of Plaga can be controlled – it’s a great trick!


Finish with a BLOW!

Sandwich an enemy with a partner and individually throw attacks with bare hands to finish him with an ultimate blow. First, attack his arms and get his back. Next, throw kick/knee kick with Action button.


Partner throws body attacks on the staggering Majini to further hold him down. Then, you walk up to him to finish with a blow using Action button. This is a very difficult combination to coordinate so that when you can nail it, the force will be unquestionable.


Aim and shoot driver on the armored truck

If you aim and shoot the driver of the armored truck on Chase Stage with Rider Majini, you can easily get rid of the truck. You can also enjoy the excitement and exhilaration of watching the truck lose control and roll over.


100% Target Rate

The target rate on record actually reflects past 100 counts. So you can always improve your score to get 100% even if you miss a target. This will be a great challenge for super competitive people!


Use the Machine Gun VZ61 to avoid filling up your item slots with ammo

The revamped Machine Gun VZ61 can be further remodeled to increase the loading cap up to 300. Hold the enemy down with the VZ61 and throw some attacks with bare hands to maintain a space on Item Slot to keep fighting.


Use eggs (rotten?)! But don’t eat them

(Rotten) eggs can be powerful weapon when thrown. One egg can kill a Majini! Be careful not to eat it since “eat” option is usually given when you have an egg. If you eat it by mistake, a surprising amount of energy will be lost – by half when full. Be careful!


Collect BSAA emblems

Some of the exchangeable items on Bonus Feature will be unlocked depending on the number of collected BSAA emblems. There will be hidden alternate costumes. You can verify the locations of the emblems on each chapter on Chapter Select Screen to locate what you missed.


Provoke your enemy

Push both L & R sticks to provoke the enemies. When you do, they will start walking towards you.


Finish Gatling Majini by yourself with a blow

Attack Gatling Majini’s head. He will hold back. Immediately press Action button to finish with a blow. It will give him huge damage.


More fun on co-op with exclamations!

If your partner nails a head-shot in co-op, press B button for Xbox360 or ○ for PS3 right away to exclaim “Nice shot!” You can also scream “Help!” when you are troubled, and “Thanks!” when your partner hands you an item. Enhance excitement and have more fun by exclaiming at your partner.


Courageous Josh

You will have a chance to work with Josh on Refinery Stage. It will be a rare opportunity for anyone other than Chris or Sheva to work with you. Remember his courageous actions.


Speed reloading using Item Slot

Reloading should be avoided as much as possible since it exposes you unprotected. In reality however, it is necessary to reload your ammo. When needed, open Item Slot, move cursor over a bullet, and press X for Xbox360 / □ for PS3. Then cursor over the gun to press the same button to reload quickly. The faster you can operate, the shorter your reload time.


Use Sensor Bomb

The sensor bomb requires a little time to activate. When activated, a red poll will stand in the center of the bomb. Use it as a reference. Considering the time lag, it is better to place it in a little distance from an enemy and guide him to walk towards it. In case the enemy doesn’t step on it as you wished, shoot the bomb to blow it up. Easy to use and cheap. There are little reasons not to use it.


Kill all of the first Majini horde

Jumping off of a window at the first encounter with a Majini, you will be attacked by a horde of Majinis. Don’t run away into a hut, but try to kill them all. If you do, the last Majini will drop a topaz gem for you to keep. It will be hard to kill all at the first try. Challenge it after clearing the stages lavishing with as many weapons as possible.


Item hidden in tomato

Items are not only hidden in a wooden box or a barrel. In fact, some tomatoes that appear in the beginning of the game contain items. If you run out of ammo, pray and cut the veggies!?


Collect Figures

Swap your figures as a bonus feature. The number of figures you can exchange will vary depending on your performance. View figures you swapped on “Viewers”! You can even hear them talk. Their voice is engineered to sound like toys to make you feel nostalgic.



Kill Licker with one attack

Tricky movements are Licker’s strength, but if you hit Action button at the same time he jumps off to attack you, and you can get him down. Get closer to him and hit Action button again to use the knife. You can kill him with a single attack. Use good judgment when you are surrounded by lickers and you can always find ways to break through, even in desperate times.


How to handle fearful enemy Leaper

His fatal attacks make Leaper such a powerful adversary. Use the sulfate bomb, electric bomb, or photoflash bomb. One single blow can take put him down to expose his Achilles’ heel. First, use a grenade to throw him off, then damage him with powerful weapons like the Magnum.


Walk softly and avoid battle against Licker

When Licker is unaware of your presence, open the door quietly to avoid any contact. If you walk softly, unnecessary battles against Licker can be easily avoided.



I dindnt know about the neck twist and taunting.

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Only meant to have a quick go at this game last night. Kept starting a new stage, telling myself "I'd just have a quick look at it" and before I knew it, it was 3am!


May see if my girlfriend likes it enough and I'll buy her a copy as well.

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JUst finished chapter 5-2 and fuck me that boss pissed me off. Sheva was so useless on him it was unbelievable. When I beat him I realise I had a rocket launcher I could have used to make it easier so that was *facepalm* moment. Was wanting to go back on it and try and get the last few sections out of the way but my brother has hijacked the 360 and is ruining my RB2 tour by quitting gigs in the middle because he doesn't like the songs. Prick. Anyways, will most likely finish it this evening and start it again with my upgraded weapons for a speedier run.


The robed woman is very intriguing. Haven't got to the point when you find out who it is, and I don't know for sure if you do, but it'll be an interesting unveil as I have may ideas over who it is, and not just the most obvious one. The way she moves about reminds me of someone in another RE game.

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how you finding the small splitscreens?


Its annoying but have to live with it.


edit: Worth adding really enjoying it in splitscreen. The early parts where the demo set are nothing you get better scenarios as you go on. The old kicking ladders down and running around is back and fun with a partner. :D

Edited by Choze
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Just finished this for the first time on Veteran mode, loved pretty much every minute of it. :)


A quick question for those who have completed it... Is all your inventory carried over no matter if you start a new game or chapter select and if you say... started a new game and then played a chapter further on than you are in that new game does it save over it seeing as you only have one save file?

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A quick question for those who have completed it... Is all your inventory carried over no matter if you start a new game or chapter select and if you say... started a new game and then played a chapter further on than you are in that new game does it save over it seeing as you only have one save file?


I think you keep everything. But to be safe you can always use chapter select and start at the start. You will progress normal doing this :)

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Any tips on beating the El Gigante guy on veteran? I just can't seem to do it.


Hmm if I remember correctly...


You keep shooting at it to stop it stomping on you all the while pressing 'X' etc at the QTE's to dodge the other attacks, keep shooting until the parasites pop up and shoot them both, eventually a larger parasite will burst out of it's back, put everything you have into shooting this.


Lather, Rinse and Repeat a couple of times, oh and don't forget to take out the projectile firing Maniji's inbetween all this when you can as those will hinder your progress, hope this helps. :)


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And I'm finished. I'll tag my feelings about the game and the end so as to avoid spoiling for those who haven't completed yet.


Disappointed in the ending. Lacked the grandeur, if you can call it that, that RE 4 had with the spider boss and the jet bike race out of the island. Think they overpowered Wesker a bit because it was simply one attack landing on you and you were dead. Got me several times when trying to beat him so eventually settled for firing a rocket into his chest as it was just an annoying way to end the game. The lead up was alright, the fight with him in the hangar and the bit on the plane were much better than the actual final fight. But then none of the boss fights really stood out as great for me. Think my favourite was the one where you used the satellite laser. The boss was pretty stock and was very reminiscent of the Irving one but the satellite laser was a nice touch.


Overall, as a game I think it didn't quite hit the same notes as RE 4. Graphically, it looked fine although I do think they went a little overboard with Chris' design. The environments were nothing special though and some just reminded me of RE 4 and looked like they had been lifted from there and had some bits changed and 'improved'. The best part they put in for me was the oil refinery but it was too short and I feel that they could have done much more with it and the surrounding area as it was supposed to be part of an oil field. Not going to bang on too much about the controls as it's been said before but they weren't bad. I was playing with the default setup so you looked around with the right stick and actually it was a nice improvement. There were moments though where the controls didn't really work well and I did find myself getting stuck on the scenery quite a lot.


I'm sitting here now writing this thinking how or where they can go with the series. Wesker is now dead (or is he? Most likely yes because I doubt that he'd survive the volcano, which I must say was an assinine place to end the game on) and we don't know of any other operatives working for Tricell or the remnants of Umbrella, even with reading the documents through out as all those higher up people were killed off apart from one who is imprisoned. There's no face to the series now as Wesker was that face; the evil you were fighting against. Presumably, they'll just come up with someone completely new in the next iteration and make him tie in somehow. But it's not only who they'll bring as the new face of 'evil' but also where'll they'll set it. The only real plausible different location to use would be Asia or perhaps South America. Who knows. Perhaps it's time that they introduced an entirely new protagonist instead of those from the originals and have him/her working with the others, who would be almost training them in away to what they'll be coming up against further through the game.



All in all, I enjoyed it even though I've gone through it much quicker than I'd have liked to (the reason for this being I need to be freed up this week for writing purposes for Uni). I will start and go through it again but at a much slower pace, which may sound strange to some as they'd think of going through faster but I want to take more time with it to get a fuller feel. To me, RE 4 is still the better game and while RE 5 has built upon and slightly improved upon what the forebearer brought to the table, it's still lagging behind other titles that have gone on to use the same action style. Coming off of the back of playing Dead Space has sort of made this feel a little lacklustre. However, as I've said, I have enjoyed it and don't regret the purchase.

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Well, I can never stop him from throwing a rock at me, they always hit me, no matter how much i shoot the rock.


Save the explosive barrel for when he grabs the rock. Then simply shoot it and the rock breaks. Unless, on veteran he grabs the rock more than once. If so then just ignore what I said lol.


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Another boss tip is to play co-op :P

Sheva can be useless at times.


Actually I find for that whole on rails level she is quite useful especially on pro difficulty as she can see where the bikers are coming from from a mile off!


She can be terrible though like when I was in the boss fight in chapter 5-3 on pro mode I kept getting hit once which makes your condition straight to dying status. Things would have been fine but the stupid slag just stood there with 5 healing sprays and not once did she attempt to rescue me even when she was right next to me! I got killed 17 times at that point in the game due to her being useless.

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Actually I find for that whole on rails level she is quite useful especially on pro difficulty as she can see where the bikers are coming from from a mile off!


She can be terrible though like when I was in the boss fight in chapter 5-3 on pro mode I kept getting hit once which makes your condition straight to dying status. Things would have been fine but the stupid slag just stood there with 5 healing sprays and not once did she attempt to rescue me even when she was right next to me! I got killed 17 times at that point in the game due to her being useless.


I think ig you set her to cover, she is more useful in those situations, remember one time I was messing with the inventory, and as soon as I gave her a green herb, dumb bitch used it rather than waiting and letting me combine it with a red herb that was lying on the floor right next to us ¬_¬

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I think ig you set her to cover, she is more useful in those situations, remember one time I was messing with the inventory, and as soon as I gave her a green herb, dumb bitch used it rather than waiting and letting me combine it with a red herb that was lying on the floor right next to us ¬_¬


It's not exactly dumb, she reacts to whatever is in her inventory at the time, so in that situation I would hold onto the green herb, make her pick up the red herb and THEN give her the green herb; the A.I might not be perfect but there is a simple, logical pattern that it follows, once you've got that sussed she becomes very useful indeed. :smile:


Question - I've just started Pro mode but it's pretty damn hard what with the '1 hit and dying status' thing so I was thinking of blasting through on easy mode really quickly to get the infinite rocket launcher, isn't that what you did HoT?


So my question is this, even though I started a 'New Game' on Pro, can't I just use chapter select and do all the game on easy that way? I noticed each time of your best attempt is recorded so as long as I do it and they all add up to less than the time required to get the Infinite Rocket Launcher then I should still get it yes?

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