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Resident Evil 5


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Demo felt weird. Turning while looknig down the gun seemed too slow, maybe thats a sensitivity inssue though. But the camera also seemed too close to Chris, the menu system was rubbish, the laser sight was odd and Sheva's accent was terrible.


Obviously, I'm still going to buy it.

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I think its a case of, its a demo... A lot demos really don't sell the game (ie: Banjo-Kazooie) and then the full game is awesome.

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Even though Sheva is supposed to look after herself, shes a little... Dependant on you when you're around.


This game will be FAR better in co-op. Now I just need to find a co-op buddy :(

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Has anyone been able to bring down the massive axe guy yet? Me and my mate were playing the demo in co-op over Live ( fantastic addition ) and we unleashed clip after clip into him and he just smiled and kept on coming!


The controls/aiming dont bother me that much but I will say the way the wiimote is used in R Evil 4 is far superior.

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Got the demo yesterday, enjoyed it a lot!


Tried the normal setting, felt awkward so I switched back to RE4 controls (type A). Felt like normal again, except it seems far slower and stiffer than before. Turned the sensitivity up in the options but didn't seem to make much difference. Also, didn't like the new menu too much.


But yeah, still can't wait for it to be released.

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That explains it then :) Cheers.


EDIT: Just read many a peoples replies on G-Faqs and apparently he can be killed. Im gonna give this a shot.


Wow, that's pretty surprising. I threw so many grenades and he was hit by a couple of exploding barrels.

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Spent some time on the demo. Have to agree that the controls aren't great, even comparing it to RE4 on the GC as I haven't played it on the Wii. I did find that control type D suited me best but i had to crank up the sensitivity to the highest as it was far to slow. It still is on that setting.


I can't remember if I've said it prior to the demo coming out but after playing it it confirmed my fears. The AI controlling Sheva sucks and the whole co-op thing, while interesting and will probably provide some interesting bits, just feels awkward and pretty damn terrible. She's so bloody useless at the bits when you are separated. I'm not holding my breath on them improving this in the final game seeing as it's pretty close now. I'm hoping the two player is better than playing it in single player though because that AI for Sheva really annoyed me. Constantly in the way, always standing in front of you when you're trying to shoot. Might try the co-op later but I'm seriously doubting it's gonna be as good. Oh and the inventory thing sucks as well. Yes, they've done it so that you are doing things in real time so there's a sense of urgency to changing weapons/healing/etc. but it's just pretty poor compared to RE4.


I know it's a demo and that they say it may not reflect the finished product but with something like this, it's pretty close to what the final product will turn out like and as such, I'm not entirely sure I want to buy it anymore, well not at £40 at least.

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The only demo I've downloaded off Xbox Live.


It is visually stunning, but apart from that it feels almost identical to Resi4. The controls like many have said are plain bad, and I really hope they are improved. The movement feels so square and slow. Loads of ammo about, great, no, because I have to give it to the woman who's crap. Shooting seems poor too, doesn't feel like you've actually shot them. Having noticed a few bugs in the way enemies die I'm hoping Capcom will sort this issue.


Bit underwhelmed if I was honest, but I'm going to keep an open mind because it's only a demo.

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