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Rockstar's Table Tennis heads to Wii.


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Yeah, if they listened their "fans" we would have GameCube Beyond XTreme with Nintendo Live, 4 ghz quad-core processor, Gamecube Controller, 800 euro pricetag and 500 000 units sold worldwide. :wink:


And it would allow AO rated games to be published on it :D, but the console would be banned by the BBFC because it would be too "Beyond XTreme" for us adults to handle.

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Nintendo News | Rockstar Bringing Wii Table Tennis to Leipzig


Quick News: According to RandomNintendo, the upcoming European Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany will host Rockstar's Wii-take on the 360 hit, Table Tennis, complete with realistic physics and a wide selection of characters.

Look forward to seeing it!
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Just rented this on the 360, and its a very fun game. I'm concerned about how easy the Wii controls will be though - playing a top spin shot without putting it into the net would either be too hard, or too simplified, as far as I can imagine.

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Just rented this on the 360, and its a very fun game. I'm concerned about how easy the Wii controls will be though - playing a top spin shot without putting it into the net would either be too hard, or too simplified, as far as I can imagine.


I think a button press and immaculate swing timing would be the best way to pull of such moves, means it isn't completely random and won't feel like a fluke when you do swing it plus means there is some skill to it still.


I can't wait for this, really hyped to see it, think we could really see some great graphics as I've said before owing to the small closed environment and limited number of characters. Hope this is budget price like on 360

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Yeah, if they listened their "fans" we would have GameCube Beyond XTreme with Nintendo Live, 4 ghz quad-core processor, Gamecube Controller, 800 euro pricetag and 500 000 units sold worldwide. :wink:


The fans would WANT an 800 euro pricetag?

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This game could be quite important for the Wii. I want to see how realistic controls on the wii can get. With wii tennis we had potential to change the spin type, hiegt and direction of shots. But direction was imo botched by the fact its to do with timing not placement. Also you cant control the power of shots in as satisfying way as wii bowling and at the net your power was limited. Also there were to many canned animations. To be fair this made it damn accesable but I want to know if there is more potential to the wiimote so im hopeing for good impressions from leipzig on this one.

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Waggle - Swing

D-Pad Up - Topspin

D-pad Left - Leftspin

D-pad Right - Rightspin

D-pad Down - Backspin

A - Hold for Soft shot

B - Hold for Focus shot

+ - pause

2 - Change camera


There had better be alternate control schemes. ATM it just seems to be a port with waggle (rather than proper motion detection) with movement and online taken away.


Surely they could have an option to have motion detection to replace D-pad directions. And then the option of Nunchuck control.


edit: video

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Well glad the graphics look good, I'm not really all that surprised though as I said before expected the small closed environment would lead to this.


As for the controls whilst it is disappointing to see them like this, it actually doesn't come as much of surprise. Think of it like Wii Sport's approach to pitching in baseball. It would make things easier, and owing to the low development costs of the original coupled with its likely budget price on the Wii, its to be expected in some respects. I'm not surprised either that there isn't nuchuck support, Wii Sports Tennis didn't need it and I think the small nature of table tennis means its needed even less...

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But Wii Tennis was part of a package with 5 other games, and it was FREE!!!!


If you dont control the players in this its fucking ridiculous! And all swinging does is hit it, with spin done on the dpad and power done on buttons - thats the stupidist thing ive ever fucking heard! So how do you pit spoin and do a soft shot! Would love to try that A button and Dpad at the same time! Well done Rockstar!!! Well done!!!!


Is this control confirmed?

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Phew!!! There are 3 control schemes and the one shown is th emost basic and for the casuals. There are two advanced settings, the latter of which gets you controlling the character and the direction, andgle, spin, power of the shot with the wiimote!! Please nail it rockstar and show everyone the Wii is where games shoudl be!!!

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Phew!!! There are 3 control schemes and the one shown is th emost basic and for the casuals. There are two advanced settings, the latter of which gets you controlling the character and the direction, andgle, spin, power of the shot with the wiimote!! Please nail it rockstar and show everyone the Wii is where games shoudl be!!!


Sweet dude! Thanks for the info!

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Phew!!! There are 3 control schemes and the one shown is th emost basic and for the casuals. There are two advanced settings, the latter of which gets you controlling the character and the direction, andgle, spin, power of the shot with the wiimote!! Please nail it rockstar and show everyone the Wii is where games shoudl be!!!


Jesus thank god some good news.

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