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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I just completed the 50cc and 100cc cups. I like the fact that you get rewarded for achieving one or more stars. I much prefer the carts over the bikes though. The wheelies are nice, but I really miss the yellow/red sparks when riding a bike.


Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but it seems like the opponents are more equally skilled on the Wii version, compared to the DS and NGC versions. It's not as easy to predict which NPC will have the most points.

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Just played it for the first time and love the game and the wheel. Can't imagine playing it with anything but the wheel, so easy to use. I'm gonna be spending so much time online.


One question tho, how do you jump? or can you not?



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Options menu I think.


found it! cheers anyway!


Right so here's my views on this game, and I guess considering how cynical and how much hate I gave this game before release I reckon people will be pretty interested to see whether or not I have been converted....


Well the answer actually lays somewhere in the middle. Firstly simply do not like the Wheel...I have given it a chance by completing most of 50cc using it, but have simply found it too loose and i really didn't feel in control as much as I was with my fav control scheme the wiimote and nunchuk. I don't think the controls with the Wii Wheel are any where near as good as Excitetruck if I'm totally honest.


I think the Gamecube controller options are totally gimped and just don't work because of the use of the D-Pad. I can undstand why they included it so people could use cube controllers to get 4 player games going, but how about having a little bit of fav in your current gen controllers? Remember when Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 meant you simply had to own 4 controllers? This is what the Mario Kart Wii control system should instill and get people rushing out to buy Wiimotes (although to be honest that means more copies of Wii Play getting sold as the solo wiimotes are still hardish to get)


I was a cynic about the introduction of stunts, but can see how their inclusion leads to a lot of potential with regards to chaining boosts rewarded from stunts and boosts given for drift. So that gets a thumbs up in my book...


Bikes I can take them or leave them. They are basically just another kart class and add some more variety to proceedings.


Some good new tracks which arguably are the ones that make best use of the new boost mechanics.


I think the addition of the new online inviting system that allows numbers to be transferred via the Wii Message Board to be a sound idea and can only hope that the much delayed EU version of Super Smash Brothers Brawl with incorporate this feature, but I doubt it will.


Online play is great. I still find it a little disappointing that they obviously spent all their effort on online and left offline kind of an after thought...it's a good thing that it all works well and is the best Wii has had online. Gimme voice chat (for friends) with that system and I would be fairly happy and see it as a great mark of progression from where we intially started with Mario Strikers Charged.


I still stand by my comparison of this to Wipeout HD. If Mario Kart was a Sony franchise we would live in a very different world, but also this would be a downloadable on PSN for a cheaper price point, as both effectively just add online play to already study frameworks.


My critique of this game in no way distracts from the fact that yes it is still fun....

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Final Cup to do


Keep getting to the final match, winning despite the computer's cheating...final match its just cheat cheat cheat cheat cheat, I lose...I dont get my star ranking when I have it on all the others


This game fucking sucks at times

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Thats whats really bothering me at the moment.


In past games I wasnt bothered about my rankings as it didnt really unlock characters or karts but in this is does. Im tying to get at least 1 star on each cup but the AI is such a cheat.


I done 3 races without any problems but on Rainbow Road, a track which I know very well, I got knocked off the track nigh on 5 times due to the computer using a lightining bolt/POW block at precise times not to mention the amount of Blue Shells thrown at me. By the end of the race I only managed to come third and got knocked off the track that many times I ended up getting an A ranking. I nearly threw my pad at the TV.

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Guest Stefkov

I've managed 2 stars on some of the 100CC cups but 150CC.

Jesus. On the third cup on the top row, the name escapes me, I got rank E.

I mean seriously, the computer gets 2 blue shells one after each other. I'm a fair distance ahead. Then I'm 8th in a flash.

It's so annoying.

I love using Mii though. The first car and the first bike are quite awesome. Turning isn't great but the drift makes up for it.

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Just like MKDS, your star ranking will be displayed next your name online. A nice touch if you like that kind of thing.


Oh, and just discovered that unlike MKDS, blue shells are avoidable. A well timed mushroom used just before the shell comes down sends you clear of that oh so infuriating weapon.

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Guest Stefkov

You just reminded me that blue shells were aviodable in MKDS. I did it once or twice, you could do it when drifting. Letting go of R at the right time and you'd speed away.

I totally forgot about that.

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Oh, and just discovered that unlike MKDS, blue shells are avoidable. A well timed mushroom used just before the shell comes down sends you clear of that oh so infuriating weapon.

And then a lightning bolt fumbles that lifeline shroomy and another blue shell is fired for a bit of overkill. The smell of victory being wiped away from a person which had little influence on the outcome otherwise.


Thing is you never get shrooms in first.

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And then a lightning bolt fumbles that lifeline shroomy and another blue shell is fired for a bit of overkill. The smell of victory being wiped away from a person which had little influence on the outcome otherwise.


XD, so true. I never get why they give such winner-deciding items like the lightning bolt to idiots (no offense to those in 12th, really) who will never come in the top 4 and really need not influence the winning few.

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Guest Stefkov
question. May have been answered already, sorry if it has... When playing online, i see white wii wheels and gold on certain people- what do they mean?

I think it means that they've used the wheel in all of their games. It's only a guess though.

Why am I better online than I am in single player, it's so frustrating that I can't get gold in 150CC but I can come first/second online.

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This might be a silly question but... is online only 100cc? (Ranked matches) If so that would seem a strange choice by nintendo, 150cc has always been the best.


I've been in 150cc online games. I'm not sure what decides which cc the game will be in. COuld be the ranking of the others in the game, or might even be to do with the amount of people in the game (can't handle 150cc with 10+ players maybe?)


edit: also, i have some questions >:(


1. What is it exactly that determines the ranking? Sometimes i win every race by country miles, and only get an A ranking... so annoying

2. Why does everyone seem to be using Funky Kong on the time trial leaderboards?

3. What bike is it that the record holders have on Luigi Circuit? mmm, this one


cheers if anyone can answer these ><

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My loan has come thru! Where can i get the cheapest deal for MKWii guys? Need to save every penny I can. Hmm may just go to gamestation and trade in the DS version...


Cheapest deal would still be that £29.99 copy that I have pre-ordered with Play.com but they didn't fulfil as they chose to give priority at launch to those who paid the higher price >< your still welcome to buy it off me if you want Deathjam as I haven't cancelled it yet but it may be a while before they get them back in stock.


Otherwise try Woolworths but the stock situation is sposed to be bad everywhere so if you want it now and see it in ANY shop, I would just buy it. :heh:

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1. What is it exactly that determines the ranking? Sometimes i win every race by country miles, and only get an A ranking... so annoying


To get Stars you have to try and win every race ( 60 points ), dont fall off the track, finish the races as fast as possible and use as few items as possible. I was wondering the same thing and thats the answer I got from G-Faqs.


As for the Time Trials I dont really know why they are using that character, maybe he handles well for them? I have only unlocked about 9 expert ghosts so it would be best to ask Cookyman as he seems to be putting alot more time into the Time Trials

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but i cant because to many friends like to play it to and you just cant do a cub with fore people


Well, technically, you can do that offline.


Just race against eacht other, and at the rules-menu, choose "CPU-opponents: off" and "Nr. of races: 4". You can choose the courses, or let them play in order. So while it's no 'real' cup, it's technically the same. You can even make your own cup! You can even battle without CPU-opponents.


I've been playing face-to-face with my girlie in a 10-race-match, all random. Just her and me, mano-o-womano.

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