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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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8 May 2008 - 15 May 2008


...is what my Amazon Package Tracking says for this game. Considering I ordered it a helluva long time ago, and people have been recieving Amazon packages on day-of-release (some day before), what on Earth's going on? Never mind late post, they haven't even sent it. Anyone else having trouble with Amazon...?

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I have been playing it ever since i got it! :D (except dinner :heh:)


I got it this afternoon from GAME!


I have been playing mainly Online but i have completed 4 cups in 50cc!


Online is amazing and so addictive i kept saying to myself "just one last game..."


The Wii Wheel is great! :awesome:


I'm over the moon with this game! :bouncy:

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Question time!


Does this game still let you use the Freeloader? Haven't been keeping up with things, so I want to know if it renders the Freeloader useless or not.


Also, is this game any fun in single player? I don't have anyone to play with, and online usually doesn't seem to work well for me. So does it have anything to offer for lonely people? =P

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This game is fantastic, I've been playing since 4PM. :D


I went to get it from GAME, yet they were all out of hats, so they were offering free wheels, which they were also out of. I got a little MK capsule toy instead. I just bought a Wii Wheel and played it all afternoon with my mate and sister.


The servers screwed up at about 6 o clock, I was expecting another Mario Strikers... but it was all okay. :D

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Guest Stefkov
Online mode is a gem on this and far sarpasses Brawls. If you can get online and like MK, get it without a doubt.
Online mode is a gem on this and far sarpasses Brawls. If you can get online and like MK, get it without a doubt.

Quoted twice so people will read it.

Seriously this is good online. Before I left at 6 ish Cookyman and Shadow was in the same room as me with like 9 other people. This is truly a fantastic game and no one person is the best of group. It's balanced which is fantastic.

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Quoted twice so people will read it.

Seriously this is good online. Before I left at 6 ish Cookyman and Shadow was in the same room as me with like 9 other people. This is truly a fantastic game and no one person is the best of group. It's balanced which is fantastic.


About time... i been waiting for the day that i can play Mario Kart online without damm dirty snakers since i gave up on Mario Kart DS thank god that day is here!

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any ideas why when i try to join friends, and this is EVERY time, it says i'm unable to join?


In think of two reason. They may be playing in a private room. You can't join them until they have returned to the chat menu. Or there are already 11 people playing with your friend.

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Awesome game. I really like the new courses, especially Maple Tree.


Played against Japjer and four others I didn't recognise by name. Great match. The chat room is fun^^


No, why is everyone saying they like the new courses. No, but Dwarf and Jamba said the new courses were shit because they looked boring in screenshots!!! You're all wrong!

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I played this earlier for the first time in three player and the past hour I've played it in one player. The wheel is pretty good and guess what? 50cc isn't THAT slow! It might not be F-Zero but its not as slow as I expected. I'm enjoying the variety with the cars and bikes and whatnot... and I've been using the Baby Princess, mwahahaha.


I just did the Star Cup and what can I say- maybe the first cup ever in Mario Kart where I can genuinely say that the four races are all very good. I look forward to what the Special Cup has to throw up!


Ah yes, and in the mall level... you know when you first enter it and there is a poster on the right and one on the left? Well, I had Rokhed on the right and Hero-of-Time on the left and I thought that was pretty cool. I like seeing all the Mii's appearing in different places- my Goomba one was even driving a car!


Anyhoo, I'm gonna add my friend code to the appropriate thread and I'll set about adding everyone else. : peace:

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Guest Stefkov

I agree that 50CC isn't as slow as people made it out to be.

I thought it was a nice pace. Online most of the time is 100CC and I liked it, once or twice I've had 150CC online and they were great. Can't wait for 150CC in the GP

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I played this at a friends house and it was pretty much what I expected. I agree that the online is good, but it would be much better if Brawl had this system, I'd much rather play Brawl online than this.

Wii wheel was OK, nunchuk was probably the easiest to use.


I've decided i won't get it. For now.

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Been playing 2player online with / nando / and despite it being pretty empty, we had great fun. Blue shells were few and far between and there was no lag whatsoever. The levels in this are showing Double Dash up quite a bit. The Star Cup levels and Special Cup ones are pretty class with the Star Cup maybe edging it.


I haven't done all the retro levels yet, but Peach Gardens graphics are rotten, and then you have the likes of Sherbert Land which has a great look for a remade level. The graphics don't ruin it because imo, they have got the fun factor packed into this... and with up to twelve player online, the fun could go on for quite some time!


The wheel is good, oh yes.

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Not a fan of the wheel, but definately liking the wiimote+nunchuck option. :) One thing I am immensely dissapointed about is the lack of 2 player Grand Prix, what were they thinking removing this mode? :S

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