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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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screen shots meen jack shit, people who are dissing it are ps3 or 360 fan boys mainly, look at the videos !!!!! nuff said,


LOL WUT. Don't even own a 360 (unlike you) or a Ps3. Seen the video a while ago and it did look good in motion but there will be times when those angular models rear their ugly heads and that could be a nagging thing in the back of my mind. Admittedly though, Redshell has a nice looking point.


EDIT:What's this screenshot about and why is it that there is an empty slot underneath 150cc?



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I really don't give a crap about this game. And it's not the graphics, honestly i wouldn't care if it looked like the 64 iteration, it's just it seems to be some shovelware racer as opposed to Mario Kart. To me it looks like it lacks those core driving mechanics that made DS, 64 and the original great, and instead it's some one time play, but at least your five year old can pick it up.


Have you read the damn features of the game? The ones that make it sound like it has everything that made the DS game great but with more additions and refinements to the formula and the balancing of powersliding?


How can you make comments like that seriously. All the news portrays it as a racer they've spent a LOT of effort refining, I mean:


- Bikes, new way to play, different methods of boosting with strengths and weaknesses against karts. Will add more variety to the game, especially with 100cc mode being exclusively bikes only and 150cc a mix of both, to stop it from just being a "chore" to do all the engine classes.


- Powersliding, now your boost increases the longer you slide for, with no boost accumulated through the usual left and right motion. A change that could bother hardcore players yes, but an essential balancing act on the gameplay to remove "snaking" and keep all the types who whine endlessly about it happy.


- Online, much more fleshed out than DS with tons more options, a craploads of statistics on its very own channel, 12 player online with every track (I believe) and also battle mode.


- Mission mode, though slightly downplayed this mode returns from DS, for its first entry in a console game, to offer diversity again to the singleplayer gameplay, once again including boss fights.


Then of course on top of that you have the new items, tracks, characters, other gameplay changes such as tricks (which have the potential to be fun) and I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting.


On anything but a graphical standpoint the game is without any doubt a strong evolution of Mario Kart. People are seeing the visuals and getting a bad idea in their head of the entire gameplay experience because calling the game "shovelware" on any other basis makes absolutely no sense.

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Guest Stefkov
Mirror Mode probably :heh:


Only other mode we get after 150, would of been good for 200 but doubt we'll get that.

Unless there's a hidden hidden mode then that'd be a mirror mode option. Like it always is. In every Mario Kart game.

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Hard to tell yet but i don't think its possible that an MK game can be bad. (imo) Love 'em. Wii market could change everything however.


Could the graphics be bad because they are really old pictures but just labelled new because the videos look better.


Honestly I though double dash was very poor. I thought they tried to make a game that looked different enough so hardcores would want another version and simplified enough (giving some the opportunity to just through items) that casuals could play.


However the outcome was the the differences didn't balance the fact that it compromised some key mechanics (i.e. speed and control; it was all a bit heavy and basic). Furthermore you don't have to simplify mario kart, is A to go forward and that's it.


However the DS version was brilliant, greatly so.


Have you read the damn features of the game? The ones that make it sound like it has everything that made the DS game great but with more additions and refinements to the formula and the balancing of powersliding?


How can you make comments like that seriously. All the news portrays it as a racer they've spent a LOT of effort refining, I mean:


- Bikes, new way to play, different methods of boosting with strengths and weaknesses against karts. Will add more variety to the game, especially with 100cc mode being exclusively bikes only and 150cc a mix of both, to stop it from just being a "chore" to do all the engine classes.


- Powersliding, now your boost increases the longer you slide for, with no boost accumulated through the usual left and right motion. A change that could bother hardcore players yes, but an essential balancing act on the gameplay to remove "snaking" and keep all the types who whine endlessly about it happy.


- Online, much more fleshed out than DS with tons more options, a craploads of statistics on its very own channel, 12 player online with every track (I believe) and also battle mode.


- Mission mode, though slightly downplayed this mode returns from DS, for its first entry in a console game, to offer diversity again to the singleplayer gameplay, once again including boss fights.


Then of course on top of that you have the new items, tracks, characters, other gameplay changes such as tricks (which have the potential to be fun) and I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting.


On anything but a graphical standpoint the game is without any doubt a strong evolution of Mario Kart. People are seeing the visuals and getting a bad idea in their head of the entire gameplay experience because calling the game "shovelware" on any other basis makes absolutely no sense.


You see you gave me four options there, the first reeked gimik, sceond one told me the mechanics were being simplified (not a snaker, but why not the option?), third one is long overdue with individual friend codes (i'm still bitter about the loss of the universal code), and the final one I like. Very much so in fact, loved it in the DS version, but not enough.


Then you have these tricks. I mean, what the hell does Mario Kart need with tricks? It doesn't. Gimic. It all just seems a bit cheap. And I repeat the fact that I don't care about the graphics.


You want to know my ideal Mario Kart game? (crowd: yeah we'd love to Ryan!") that's what i thought. Maybe 20 characters, 40-50 tracks, some retro. A level editor (where the fuck is this?), same option as Smash Bros where you get a new level every day. The ability to jump. A slider that increases/decreases the influences of items. Co-op in grand pre. Team races, team battles all online. Multiple Kart/character combinations. Voice chat. That ability to disable snaking online. Finally, speed.


Some ideas.

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The fact it was of a retro track (and one of the least visually exciting ones at that, i.e. Ghost Valley) doesn't really help matters either.


Thats more like it! :yay:


I honestly think the screenshot shown earlier was a rough build!


Also James McGeachie, the earlier screenshot did looked 'rushed' i won't lie because i'm a Nintendo fan and say it's lovely looking if it isn't. Thankfully Redshell has come back with a screenshot that i wanted to see, and now it looks polished, bold and typical Nintendo, thats what i want!


Also, when i said 'rushed' i never meant the actual game-modes etc...just the graphics of that screenshot. Theres no doubt in my mind it'll be packed full of cool modes, MK always is!

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Atleast Mario Kart will be fun without people basically abusing boost drifting.


Yay, i can play it online again without some dumbass snaking 'cos he iz coolz liek dat.

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Erm, is there a current list of known characters?



Baby Mario

Baby Luigi

Baby Peach



Donkey Kong

Dry Bones

Koopa Troopa











The rumour list that was a few pages back (and was right about the items) said that Hammer Bros and Dixie Kong will be there, and that there will be a lot of characters. At least one new (as in totally new) character and one "mega comeback"


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I'm beginning to get more excited about this now, although I'm still not sure I like the visual style. I'd much prefer to see a Wii version of F-Zero, though. I played on F-Zero GX last night for the first time in a while. Easily my favourite race ever.

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Baby Mario

Baby Luigi

Baby Peach



Donkey Kong

Dry Bones

Koopa Troopa











The rumour list that was a few pages back (and was right about the items) said that Hammer Bros and Dixie Kong will be there, and that there will be a lot of characters. At least one new (as in totally new) character and one "mega comeback"


Cheers matey.


Certainly an impressive list already!

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My guess is DK jr. He's only ever been in Super Mario Kart.


Hmmm.... yeah that would be awesome. I would love to see him. But isn't DK Jr actually Donkey Kong...? I'm sure that's right. It's not Diddy, thats for sure.


EDIT: Looked it up on Wikipedia - so Rare said that Donkey Kong Jr was DK but younger when asked for clarification after DK Country, but in the in-game dialogue Cranky refers to DK as his grandson...which would make him the son of DK Junior.


So basically it's completely messed up. Now you know *cheesy smile*

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Hmmm.... yeah that would be awesome. I would love to see him. But isn't DK Jr actually Donkey Kong...? I'm sure that's right. It's not Diddy, thats for sure.


EDIT: Looked it up on Wikipedia - so Rare said that Donkey Kong Jr was DK but younger when asked for clarification after DK Country, but in the in-game dialogue Cranky refers to DK as his grandson...which would make him the son of DK Junior.


So basically it's completely messed up. Now you know *cheesy smile*


You got the right answer eventually :D

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