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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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..don't get hung up on the graphics.. I looked at a video of Sega Rally on the PS3 the other day on youtube and I was a bit jealous as I love the look of that game.. and I'm a fan of it on Dreamcast..


But yeh.. mario kart is gonna be great and I'm actually coming round to the idea of motorcycles and tricks! The more the game has the better! Great to see the return of the string of bananas too.. a great cause of mayhem!

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Are you seriously starting the graphics vs. fun / PS3 vs. Wii debate again?
No he's not. The point of discussion was whether cartoony graphics couldn't get much better in general, as if MKWii is maxing out cartoony graphics. Ratchet and Clank proves there's a lot to improve.
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No he's not. The point of discussion was whether cartoony graphics couldn't get much better in general, as if MKWii is maxing out cartoony graphics. Ratchet and Clank proves there's a lot to improve.


This was shown to be possible by Mario Galaxy, of course, which is simply the best looking Wii game to date.


But still, what is most important to consider here is the speed at which the game will move. In Rachet and Clank, and Galaxy, you can run around everything, explore slowly and look at details. In MK you go past things so fast there isn't any reason to make things look as good as they do in those other games, you would never see the detail.


And it does come down to the graphics vs fun debate, because would you rather the team making the game spent the next 3-4 months (or however long it will be) making the graphics look amazing and not improving the gameplay, or left the okay graphics (which I'm sure will look better in motion, as with most games - remember some people moaned about Galaxy's graphics until they actually saw them) and concentrated on getting online mode totally right and making this the best MK there could be?


And there's an interesting question - what is everyone's favourite Mario Kart? If that question doesn't divide you I don't know what will!

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This was shown to be possible by Mario Galaxy, of course, which is simply the best looking Wii game to date.
As good as Galaxy looks, it doesn't possibly hold ground against Ratchet and Clank. It's brute force really.
But still, what is most important to consider here is the speed at which the game will move. In Rachet and Clank, and Galaxy, you can run around everything, explore slowly and look at details. In MK you go past things so fast there isn't any reason to make things look as good as they do in those other games, you would never see the detail.
That's really not the point, but you're right to some extent. Bad excuse for low detail, however.
And it does come down to the graphics vs fun debate, because would you rather the team making the game spent the next 3-4 months (or however long it will be) making the graphics look amazing and not improving the gameplay, or left the okay graphics (which I'm sure will look better in motion, as with most games - remember some people moaned about Galaxy's graphics until they actually saw them) and concentrated on getting online mode totally right and making this the best MK there could be?
It's not an OR scenario, it's an AND scenario. R&C games have been top-notch platformers throughout, and it's not looking to be changing - the graphics are awesome and the gameplay will be enjoyable. Nintendo should have even better rescources than the R&C team, so that's not much of an excuse really. It's probably an economics change, or technical sacrifice for online mode (lower detail <=> easier online implementation) but then the people complaining have some right to complain. The graphics look fairly okay though, the vids we've seen look quite good.
And there's an interesting question - what is everyone's favourite Mario Kart? If that question doesn't divide you I don't know what will!
DS no doubt, but I played Double Dash and SMK the most.
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I think Galaxy looks much better than Ratchet, don't care if it's worse technically, it's much more beautiful.

And while, of course that MK Wii's graphics are pretty medium, as long as there are lots of smooth colors, good design and above all, fluidity, I'm OK with it. We're talking about a game with 12 karts going around throwing shit at each other.

I think it's just a philosophy decision, they just make graphics that do their job and carry on with what really matters. It's not an AND scenario to that extent, time and resources spent working on graphics takes time from the rest. And no one who played the game complained about the graphics, which they usually do, so I'm sure they do their job.

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Don't know what's everybody's problem. It looks quite a bit better than Double Dash!! and I don't see how you could wish for GC controller support. Why have you bought a Wii if you want that?


Because I think the Wii remote works for some games and not others. Also, I like to slob around sometimes when I play games.

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Just thought about this release and they have picked a good date. With the next GTA hitting the end of April this will have a few weeks of good sales without having to compete with GTA4. Yes I know alot of people on here dont care much for the GTA series but it does do big numbers, this time especially considering that its launching on 2 consoles.


Anyway great news again about the Mazza Kart date.

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Just thought about this release and they have picked a good date. With the next GTA hitting the end of April this will have a few weeks of good sales without having to compete with GTA4. Yes I know alot of people on here dont care much for the GTA series but it does do big numbers, this time especially considering that its launching on 2 consoles.


Anyway great news again about the Mazza Kart date.


It is great news and i clever date as well. NOE know that GTA fever will hit on April 29th and a good month or so after that! It will be the best GTA yet, cannot wait for both these games! :yay:


Mario Kart online in just over a month or so!

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11 April? I love it : peace:


I definitely was not expecting that.. fantastic news :smile:


My only concern (apart from maybe having a delay or something) is that PES2008 is out just a fortnight before, and I don't want everyone on NE to be forgetting about it and just playing Mario Kart non-stop.. I want tournaments :heh:

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