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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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Guest Jordan

Hmm, that would suggest something is messing with the signal or its just dropping because its not pinging back every so often.


Try changing the channel it uses on the router settings ( in IE/FireFox).

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Some of these damned time trials are impossible to unlock the ghost on. SNES Ghost Valley and Waluigi Stadium inparticular


Any tips?


I've been downloading the ghost data of the world records for each track and using their tatics. Normally that unlocks them since all the world records smash the expert time trials.

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I've been downloading the ghost data of the world records for each track and using their tatics. Normally that unlocks them since all the world records smash the expert time trials.

Still, doing that i'm always slower somehow


Managed to do them...whys it always the SNES ones that are annoying to do


Well, just got GCN Waluigi Stadium to do now...wish me luck lol


And done


Got me a new Mii outfit :p Now I have got everythin in this game and continue to be awesome online haha...got a ranking of over 8500 now :)

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Got me a new Mii outfit :p Now I have got everythin in this game and continue to be awesome online haha...got a ranking of over 8500 now :)


wow! The most I've had is around 7400 but I had a terrible string of loses this morning and its down to 6800 now...=/

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Played online last night and went from the high 6000's (68XX) and ended up down in the lower 5000! Had some shit games! I definitly think the score is based on the rankings of others...managed to get it back up to 6200 so now to get back towards 7000...

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! I definitly think the score is based on the rankings of others...


I am also pretty sure that is how the rankings points work.


One other thing I noticed , at the end of the race totalling all the pluses and minuses will equal 0 , so in effect , it seems that the points you gain/lose are taken from/given to your opponents. Which may add to the rankings of others theory.


Personally , I seem to peak at around 6900 on a good day , still haven't cracked the 7000 mark and am now back around 6600.

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I got up to about 8,800 at one point but the penalties for losing at that point become too much to keep it up there. I'm hovering around the 8,500 mark now and to be honest I can't see myself straying too far from there in the future.

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Still, doing that i'm always slower somehow


Managed to do them...whys it always the SNES ones that are annoying to do


Well, just got GCN Waluigi Stadium to do now...wish me luck lol


And done


Got me a new Mii outfit :p Now I have got everythin in this game and continue to be awesome online haha...got a ranking of over 8500 now :)


The second Mii outfit was a bit of a disappointment to me. I expected a slightly more spectacular reward for beating 32 ghosts.


I spent a good amount of time trying to unlock the staff ghost on Sherbert Land. It wasn't until I got a time of 1:21:xxx (more than six seconds faster than the ghost) when I realized I had already unlocked him and was racing the expert ghost...


A different colour or logo would've been a nice addition to seperate the expert ghosts from the regular ghosts.

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You can do everything with the Cube controllers, its just that the button layout isn't exactly best suited to it. I thought I'd use the Cube pad the most but actually the difficulty of using it with only two hands mean that the Wii Remote is a much better option. You pretty much need to use the buttons, shoulder buttons, left anologue still and the d-pad all at the same time.

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Most reviewers who have said you cant do all the things are referring to stunts. You have to use the D-pad to use it...it's easy though, just a quick flick of the thumb away from the control stick


I always play with the Cube Controller...rarely miss a stunt and always win...it isn't hard to get to it

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I spent a good amount of time trying to unlock the staff ghost on Sherbert Land. It wasn't until I got a time of 1:21:xxx (more than six seconds faster than the ghost) when I realized I had already unlocked him and was racing the expert ghost...


A different colour or logo would've been a nice addition to seperate the expert ghosts from the regular ghosts.


I agree with this, is there actually anyway to know if the ghost is a normal or expert one. I lose track of the ones I have beaten.

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I agree too about the expert and normal staff ghosts. What I am going to do is get a list of the expert times for each course and tick off the ones that I have done. I think I am on around 25 or 26. Not sure what character or course is best though for the DS-like Mario Dasher Kart (but I really like the Kart :))

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grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.., needed to round one lousy corner and i would have won all courses in the 150cc.. but oh no.. red shell.. green shell.. and to round it off blue shell even though i was in third position at the time.. f*** you nintendo.. F*** you very much

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Yeah Aalborg that is the joy of Mario Kart 150CC. I always get screwed out of the 150CC Mirror Leaf and Lighning Cup and then I'll have gold on every cup. I've only got silver on both. I'll get them eventually then it's the joy of gettin the star performance. I'll be happy with 1 star on mirror but I'm not too botherd about dry bowser. I only ever go Luigi or my Mii


My score hovers around 7500 but a few bad races or being punished for being 4th or 5th on WFC and before I know it it's 6800 or there abouts. I'm 7200 odds at the moment after havin a terrible run of luck.

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I have finally managed to get the gold in everything , and have one starred (at least) both the 50cc and 100cc. Gradually working through the 150cc but don't know if I have the patience , although I am missing a medium kart for my Mii so I assume it is hidden away locked somewhere within those.


Finally managed to crack the 7000 rank last night , hitting 7200 after quite a good run - I should have quit then , because I then hit a bad run and ended up back at 6800. It seems that the online side of things can get a bit streaky like this.

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I'm not going to bother with the singleplayer. Completed 50 and 100 cc plus some in 150 with at least one star. Have unlocked what I want.


Managed to reach 8000 yesterday, but it didn't take long before some N-E members screwed me over 400 points.

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I have now unlocked all expert 32 staff ghosts :) and I have actually unlocked Mii outfit B before A! :heh:


Does anyone know which corresponding colour gives the nicest voice? I first had blue as it was my original colour, then switched to red to make it look like I had Mario's dungarees but both colours did not have a very voice.

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Red? Yellow? Black?


Pah! Weak! Be a true man! Suck in that chest! Grow a beard! Laugh with dirty jokes! Watch football in yer underpants! Convince others that Sean Connery is the Bond ever!


Choose... purple! Just like me. And be as man as a man can be. Now make a manly roar! Harrr! :wink:

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