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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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I don't think Watson is doing any films after the 5th one... Shame. Although maybe she'll join Radcliffe and appear nude on the West End theatres... We can hope.




I hadn't heard that about Snape before it sounds very interesting and could well be right. Maybe Rowling is trying to throw us off his trail by giving us all the clues about Neville and Harry. It was Dumbledore who told us about the prophecy and obviously he wouldn't know that stuff about Snape...


That was just a rumour, it's been confirmed that she'll be in next two.

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I think I'm going to a midnight thing, but I really don't love it.


I can't remember anything that happened last book, except when Dumbledore and Harry were like in a cave, then Dumbldore died.


Can't remember what horcruxes are.


Oh, didn't the barlady reveal herself as evil in the end? I remember that.


They really don't do much for me. I need this one though.. it's pointless reading the first 6 and not reading the end. I hate people who don't bother reading/seeing the end of a series.



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Can't remember what horcruxes are.


Oh, didn't the barlady reveal herself as evil in the end? I remember that.


Horcruxes are what Voldemort split himself into to give himself eternal life.


The barlady was under that curse which makes her do whatever the person cast it wants her to do. The imperious curse?

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I can remember feck all I might be cracking out the 6th book and seeing the film before I jump in to this one.


Im heading to the midnight launch in Waterstones, did it last time and it was great craic, gonna get there early and all!


Looking forward to it, if only to see what this ending is that only one person has semi guessed. Think thats BS being honest, probably loads have guessed it or its a really crap ending!!!

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Thinking about it, it must be quite hard for the filmmakers to write the scrit when they have no idea what the story will turn out like. Imagine if they decided to cut out some small crappy character, which Rowling then decides is very important.


Cue hundreds of Directors cut versions of each film!

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i can't wait for this book gt it preordered on amazon! last two have been a bit shit compared to others ( a lot of uneeded chapters) cnt remember last book proberly can anyone sum up the major points for us. i rememebr snape killing dumbledore and how it was cause draco was meant to and a bit about horcruxes. what else important happens again?

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i can't wait for this book gt it preordered on amazon! last two have been a bit shit compared to others ( a lot of uneeded chapters) cnt remember last book proberly can anyone sum up the major points for us. i rememebr snape killing dumbledore and how it was cause draco was meant to and a bit about horcruxes. what else important happens again?


Likewise. I remember everything about the first five books, but nothing about the sixth! I have just started re-reading it, and the opening chapter is one of the best chapters in the books methinks. The 6th book was defintley over-hyped, had a great first half, but the second sucked and the ending was rushed.



The only important things really, were the introduction of the Horcuxes and that Snape made an Unbreakable Vow with his sister, ensuring he will protect Draco and, should her son fail in completing his mission for the Dark Lord, he would do it in his stead. The mission was killing Dumbledore, and so all this caused the controvesy of is Snape good or bad, and did he kill Dumbledore just so he could fulfill his own mission for Dumbledore??? Oh and, in the biggest anti-climax ever, Snape revealed he was the Half Blood Prince....

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I'm can't wait either!

Just demolished the 6th book today and I'm going to pre-order the 7th off Amazon (I too have a gift voucher!). I'm just debating whether to get the kid's or adult's version..


Predictions: Hmm.. I still think Snape is good, and had to kill Dumbledore to ensure that Voldemort died - for the greater good, and all that. And I don't reckon Harry will be killed either. After all, the books were originally for children. Anyway - bring on the 21st!

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I´ve been re-reading some of the books in English lately because I´ve mostly read them only in Finnish before. It´s also a nice way to get prepared for the last book. :)

I only liked Snape after having seen the first film.
I really disliked Snape at first too but once you started learning more about his past and motives, the character got a lot more interesting. And yeah, Alan Rickman is a perfect fit for him in the movies.
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I haven't read this thread, I request that supposed spoilers(not personal speculation though) be dealt with very harshly in this thread, and noted in the first post.

As for the book, I'm getting revved for it, reading through the series again for a freshen up and to develop my (numerous) conspiricy theories and general theories. I think Dumbledore IS dead, but both him and sirius will make some form of appearance, after all, Death is but the next great adventure!

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They're dead, end of story.


Apparently not, though as I said I'm averse to spoilers I won't say much(go wiki the book). Rowling has hinted at some things, and that thing about Death being the next great adventure is mentioned by Dumbledore in book 1. Near the end with harry in the hospital wing. Sometimes I get the feeling that man knows, like...everything. I wonder if he has travelled through time, if he can See, or what, everything seems to go his way, he knows what's going on, I think he watches Harry very closely(well, did, before his demise). I was surprised how well his plan to save Sirius in book 3 worked, almost as if he already knew it would sort of thing. It was like he knew everything about that night before that night.


EDIT: I meant apparently not on the End of Story front, not on them being not dead or dead, as it were.

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Apparently not, though as I said I'm averse to spoilers I won't say much(go wiki the book). Rowling has hinted at some things, and that thing about Death being the next great adventure is mentioned by Dumbledore in book 1. Near the end with harry in the hospital wing. Sometimes I get the feeling that man knows, like...everything. I wonder if he has travelled through time, if he can See, or what, everything seems to go his way, he knows what's going on, I think he watches Harry very closely(well, did, before his demise). I was surprised how well his plan to save Sirius in book 3 worked, almost as if he already knew it would sort of thing. It was like he knew everything about that night before that night.


If he was still in control, he wouldn't have begged Snape to kill him. He needs to be in the past tense, so that they can overcome Voldemort. Maybe Sirius will make a comeback, but not Dumbledore.

I am aware of the "rumours" surrounding the book that are listed in wiki.

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Just saw on Newsround that the Radcliffe, Grint and Watson have got their handprints on Hollywood Boulevard.


They've done fuck all! You need proper commitment to get shizzle like that.


agreed, the ginger bloke said "it was such an honnor" and that it was the best feeling ever but he really didn't do anything major to get his name in a block of cement.

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