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Beautiful countries:no 1


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Inspired by the natural beauty of the world, I've decided to narrow them down. The first one is, obviously, New Zealand. A country rich in beauty and wealth, NZ was so pretty, British explorers couldn't believe it when they found it. Pity there were already settlers, eh?


New Zealand generally consists of 2 major islands and lots of small ones.


Even though their position, flag and accent may be similar to that of Oz, NZlanders are proud of their seperate identity, and many consider the term 'Anzac' to be racist.

New Zealnd has a poulation of 4 million people, which is small, considering it's about the size of the British Isles, or, more precisely, Japan. It's temperature is the same of that here in the UK for the south island, but for those who love a bit of sand, sea and shopping (like me!), the sub- tropical north more than fufills our needs. The biggest city of NZ is Auckland, the old capital, and the current capital is Wellington. Two thirds of the poulation live on the north island, with a third in the Auckland region. This means you can literally go from north to south without a soul in sight.


Enough of facts, though, time for piccies!



New Zealand



NZ flag



Sub tropical beach



Auckland- 'tis big



Beautiful country, near Dunedin


OK, this thread is to discuss:


Have you been to NZ?

Did you like it?

Have you got any piccies you can post?

Do you want to go?


(Please don't lock, this took me ages)


Wrong board, I'd appreciate it Diametrix if you could move this to General Chit chat, but please, don't lock it. Many thanks.

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....Sorry stuwii This is NOW the best thread ever:)


Has the wii really become this boring to talk about that we resort to talking about the.....'outside' world?


Oh well i choose Portugal because the people were really nice compared to the awful french and spanish(No offence to any if they are here(I don't think so anyway)

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Definitely agreeing! Although I've never been to New Zealand, it's definitely on my list of places to travel to! I have a friend going to New Zealand as an exchange student for half a year (and another half in the US). I considered going myself, but I found out that I wouldn't be able to actually *learn* anything much in the schools, since Finland is ahead most countries (and way ahead of US). I'll just have to plain old take a plane there one of these years. I really enjoy trekking, and New Zealand would be an awesome place to do that in.

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Yeah, I definitely want to go to NZ some day. Such a beautiful country (from what I´ve seen anyway) and having lots of sheeps is always a positive thing :). That and Iceland are the two countries I´d want to visit the most (and looks like I´m not alone).


From countries I´ve been, Norway is propably the most beautiful one. Some really breathtaking sceneries there.

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I would like to add Slovenia to this list. something like 53% forest cover, has all the valleys and such of austria, very beutiful country, by far the nicest of the bunch I visited last summer. I'll edit some pictures in here later when I don't have to rush off.









As you can tell I'm a big fan of greenery.

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Holy wow! Weekloy updates..


Anyway, Shanghai:




Anywhere with big buildings, unusual buildings, night lights that make the city shine etc. I fucking lvoe buildings, spent an hour on Wikipedia, because i looked at the Burj dubai again, see how it was going, found the Wikipedia skyscraper page, and then ended up with cities, brdiges, toers, buildings, etc.

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I'm going to New Zealand in October, my mum was brought up over there and most people I know acknowledge my obsession with the place and people. I don't think any Kiwi would consider the term "ANZAC" racist, as it refers to the combined armed forces of the two countries (or a delicious biscuit) who share a proud military heritage, and not a homogenous trans-tasman character perceived by most non Aussies/Kiwis. In fact, The worst thing you can call a Kiwi is an Aussie.

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