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Insane things you want to do before you die?

The Lillster

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threesome with hot female twins


join a band and play in front of a big crowd


goto a wrestlemania (hopefully me and bro will be going to WM25 in 2009)


see micheal jackson live




drive a ferrari


goto japan


goto new york (going in december so this one is nearly done)


goto disneyland (childhood thing)

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Feed a stray cat into an ATM.

Play on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury (never ever ever going to happen)

Beat Susie Dent at Scrabble

Write and direct a massive historical blockbuster epic.


None of which are particularly 'insane' but merely very very ambitious (except the cat one, which is insane).

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Headline Glastonbury with my band =D

Travel the world - would love to go to Africa, South America or New York at the moment

Bungee Jumping

Para-gliding (or whatever it's called)


Just for a really crazy one -

Get rich and build the castle out of Super Mario 64 :D

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Have sex while skydiving. :D


LOL, I was gonna try and come up with something crazy, but that wins. I want to do that now.


-Compete in a boxing match.

-Have a threesome (i so know who I'd pick).

-Learn the guitar and make a dragonforce tribute band.



Why limit yourself to a threesome? Why not round up a shit load of hookers, and nail 'em all at once?

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didn't you say there was an indoor track you went to.



lol sorry mate, it's my bad english.


Basicly what I was trying to say is that I have recently become interested in Go Karting. But because I am a complete noob at the sport I went onto youtube to see if I could learn something, by watching Go Karting videos.


And what I found, was a video of this Madman racing around the streets in a very fast Go Kart.


This then gave me the idea for this thread.

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Guest Stefkov
Also, when I die, I'd like to have a jar of toenail clippings of various ages, from throughout my life.

That's not insane, that's just plain wrong.


I'd like to create a new religion, centred around one object. Claim this as a sending from God and proclaim myself that I am the new semi-god who has come down to pass judgment. Then I'll create a global pandemic saying my object posses infinite power and I'll see how long I last.

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That's not insane, that's just plain wrong.


I'd like to create a new religion, centred around one object. Claim this as a sending from God and proclaim myself that I am the new semi-god who has come down to pass judgment. Then I'll create a global pandemic saying my object posses infinite power and I'll see how long I last.


Someones been watching too much Death Note. :heh:

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