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Stupid Things That Make You Angry


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People who drive at 40mph or less in a 60mph zone. These are usually tourists who drive slowly to admire the beautiful welsh countryside.


People who break the speed limit in a 30mph zone. Not only is it illegal and dangerous, but it makes my driving seem slow, to the people behind me or onlookers!

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It's more to do with the fact that the people are saying that the doctors and nurses involved had nothing to do with the person's recovery: it was all god's plan/work.


Agreed. It annoyed me once when a friend of mine said that the people that were saved from a sinking ship were saved by an act of God. I said, so why didn't he save them all then? And was the ship originally sinking an act of God? Or does he just deal in the good stuff?


Either there isn't a God or he just isn't all that at saving people...

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Yes, yes i would, also, show us pictures of her, we'll she if she's a SSILF.


Manchester United and their fans.


Gary Neville.


Those 2 things make me very angry.




Liverpool and their fans.





Two can play that game, son. ;)

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Seeing as we are talking about hating certain football fans:


Birmingham City fans, and their stupidity. Plus Steve Bruce's potato face.


West Ham United fans, going on about how West Ham won the 1966 World Cup just because Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and another player were West Ham players at the time. Plus they don't seem to realise their kit colours are not claret & blue (same goes to Scunthorpe United, it's only Burnley and Villa who have proper claret & blue kits.).


Okay, off football now:


People who look at smokers in disgust, think they are vermin, and keep telling smokers it's bad for them, they know it's bad for them, but for goodness sake these people should realise how fucking hard it is for some people to actually give up smoking. If you are one of these people, then it shows you know sod all about what it is like to be a smoker, so shut the fuck up!

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People who look at smokers in disgust, think they are vermin, and keep telling smokers it's bad for them, they know it's bad for them, but for goodness sake these people should realise how fucking hard it is for some people to actually give up smoking. If you are one of these people, then it shows you know sod all about what it is like to be a smoker, so shut the fuck up!

I don't do that.. Well I don't think I have done for about 10 years, but I do ask that they don't blow it in my direction, as I kinda have asthma. Doesn't seem that severe, but I don't wanna smell that shit regardless.


Since smoking has been mentioned...


Smokers who use cig's as a pussy's way of calming down etc. Grow some fucking balls and cope like a man.

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I don't do that.. Well I don't think I have done for about 10 years, but I do ask that they don't blow it in my direction, as I kinda have asthma. Doesn't seem that severe, but I don't wanna smell that shit regardless.


You're okay, as long as you sound polite, but it's the rude people I can't tolerate;


Rude sod (most likely an uptight woman): "Put that out now! Don't you know it's bad for you?"


Smoker: "Being punched in the face is bad for you, would you like a punch in the face?"

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-I hate it when a song that I hate is stuck in my head.


-Certain news programs, when they spend more time promoting a new show or reporting futile news than they do reporting a serious accident or crime. Fortunately, I've seen it happening less times recently.


-Also, the attention football gets in my country. I must be one of the very rare portuguese people that doesn't care much about football.


-The fact that certain portuguese channels (SIC, TVI) decide to air great shows after 1:00 AM.

Seriously, this happens with CSI and House. It happened with X-Files too at one point. Fortunately, TVI is airing Heroes in a decent schedule.


-A friend of mine that usually starts singing out loud in the middle of a test. He never seems to realise he's bothering everyone else until someone tells him to shut up.


-And, above else, flies. I HATE flies.

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-I hate it when a song that I hate is stuck in my head.


-The fact that certain portuguese channels (SIC, TVI) decide to air great shows after 1:00 AM.

Seriously, this happens with CSI and House. It happened with X-Files too at one point. Fortunately, TVI is airing Heroes in a decent schedule.


-A friend of mine that usually starts singing out loud in the middle of a test. He never seems to realise he's bothering everyone else until someone tells him to shut up.


-And, above else, flies. I HATE flies.


Surprisingly, that's pretty much the things I hate. Except:

-I only hate it when a *bad* song is stuck in my head.

-Finnish TV channels do that too. And uhh... with the same programs. CSI:Miami is always on at midnight, as is X-Files.

-I have a friend who does the same. And it wouldn't matter if he was a good singer and/or the songs he sings are good. But no >.>

-And flies. Ew. Ergh. And mosquitoes. Which we have a lot of in Finland.


And in addition:


-People who do stuff they don't want to do and wouldn't have to do, and then whining about it. In short, stupid people.

-People who whine about having to go to school *too* loudly. Although I don't need to face that anymore after I got out of high school.


-The PAL Area, aka Europe, getting movies and games a year (sometimes true) late.

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You're okay, as long as you sound polite, but it's the rude people I can't tolerate;


Rude sod (most likely an uptight woman): "Put that out now! Don't you know it's bad for you?"


Smoker: "Being punched in the face is bad for you, would you like a punch in the face?"

I don't use the "It's gonna kill you" speech, but I lay it out flat. I don't mind if they smoke, just keep it away from me.

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-People who smoke without regard to who's around is a pain. I was in a restaurant recently where the manager stepped "out" for her smoke break, or rather just opening the door while standing in the restaurant.


-This exact phrase that I hear all too often: "I have a great idea! You should cut your hair without telling anyone so you can surprise them!" No, that's not a great idea, and you are not the first person to suggest it. Which leads me to...


-People preoccupied with how other people look. Why does it matter? Who cares if that kid's socks don't match his shirt? Apparently some people do.


-Extreme feminists--the ones who seem to believe that now women deserve the chance to reign over men to pay back for all those centuries of injustices.


-When people are too spineless to confront others about issues they may have, yet complain about their acts. If the guy doesn't even know you despise it when he hugs you, you seriously can't blame him. He's done nothing wrong if you pretend it's fine.

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Extremem feminists piss me off, the ones Jope talked about that think they should rule men for their "injustice". I'm sorry, was it today's men that stopped you from voting? Or doing any of those things? No, feck off.



Ok, things that have been annoying me more and more lately as i keep noticing them:


Your, you're YOU ARE for fuck's sake, not Your a bit daft m8. It's You're a bit daft m8!

Then there's Here, hear and that, but no one really does that as much.

Then there's bmy biggest gripe.


"I've been looking at car's lately"

No, the apostrophe does not belong there, it annoys me more when people put it in where it doesn't belong, rather than when it is simply left out completely, it's just frikkin' irritating, GET IT RIGHT!

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Yes, most feminists claim to be liberal, while they go on their hate campaign against men and promote their unfair laws. They're full of shit basically.


Extremem feminists piss me off, the ones Jope talked about that think they should rule men for their "injustice". I'm sorry, was it today's men that stopped you from voting? Or doing any of those things? No, feck off.



Actually, it wasn't only women who were stopped from voting, men weren't allowed too. Only owners of land could vote, and they could have been women too. Men were only given the right to vote after EARNING it after WW1. Women were HANDED the right to vote after 10 years of men earning it.

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