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I think it's worth rescuing them.


As a reward for rescuing my third I got 200 ADAM, a Plasmid that makes big daddies my bodyguard (which I haven't seen for sale anywhere) and some expensive rounds for my pistol and machine gun. Not to mention the moral gratification.

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I think it's worth rescuing them.


As a reward for rescuing my third I got 200 ADAM, a Plasmid that makes big daddies my bodyguard (which I haven't seen for sale anywhere) and some expensive rounds for my pistol and machine gun. Not to mention the moral gratification.


Yeah... im just a monster.. i cant help but get the Adam from the little sisters!



Oh and Stef, how comes you only have your Gameplay copy? i thought that it would fit thro your letter box? and the Game one wouldnt?

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Guest Stefkov

The game one is a massive box isn't it? The gameplay one is just the size of a normal case which was in that foam packet thing, not a box.


I was just looking at the achievements for the game (who cares) and there's one for harvesting or rescuing all the little sisters and another for not harvesting any of them. Now, can you rescue them without harvesting and get the latter. Because it doesn't say to not rescue them, just to not harvest them.

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The game one is a massive box isn't it? The gameplay one is just the size of a normal case which was in that foam packet thing, not a box.


I was just looking at the achievements for the game (who cares) and there's one for harvesting or rescuing all the little sisters and another for not harvesting any of them. Now, can you rescue them without harvesting and get the latter. Because it doesn't say to not rescue them, just to not harvest them.


I think it basically means to finish the game without getting adam from the little sister, ie not killing the big daddies. In so doing making the game VERY difficult, apparently.

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Gameplay fecked-up my order and now they have entirely sold-out. No apology or nothing, preordered March 2007 as well. Very dissappointed in them, espicially as someone could have ordered literally a day ago and got it. It wasn't my mistake. :indeed:


Also i would never of knew if i didn't ring up. tut tut. :nono:


In a lighter note, my local GAME have put away a collectors edition one for me (as they only got a few in).


So everything turned out ok, thankfully! :D

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I got it today as well for PC. Didn't expect to get it with a tin case, which was a cool surprise. Despite some frequent crashing issues I got to the medical pavillion. I'm going to go through this exploring as much as possible. The part with the freezer and the dental office really freaked me out. That guy just standing behind you that whole time was a bit unnerving. :p It's a great game.

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I'm not going to read any of the posts, because I'm avoiding almost any spoilers, just like I'm completely avoiding the Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy threads.


I pre-ordered mine like a week ago (!) I'm happy I still managed to do so. I've asked like a month ago about the CE in a store, but they didn't have any details on it.. So no pre-orders possible. A week ago I checked the official Bioshock forums find out about any pre-orders, and I was shocked to learn various sites were accepting pre-orders.. So I pre-orderd mine immediately from a Dutch online shop. Still no word from the store though, I wonder if they'll even be available there? Again, glad I ordered mine already. Too bad about the tin case though, I saw mentioned above.. I don't like tin cases. I just got the mail that my copy has been shipped. Whoei!


Too bad I have to wait a year before I have a computer that can run this game though :roll:. Luckily for some things I have almost endless patience. This is my most anticipated game, even more than Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy.

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Guest Stefkov

Stuck it in. The game's quite good. Teleknesis is pretty sweet, I think I might have screwed up a part. Who knew ice can be melted by fire eh? There was one bit I think I just walked past with ice there. I might go back, might not.

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Jesus! Playing the game at night, in the dark, with surround sound, on a big TV is damn fucking creepy/scary/jumpy/whatever you prefer. Either way it's fucking awesome!!!


Even with all the weirdness there's still a LOT of humor in the game, which makes it the first game i know of to evoke this kind of reaction from me.

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Oh how good fate can be! I was on my way to work earlier today, worried that the post van wouldn't get to my house in time before my Mom left for work, when what do I see? The post van! I legged it over, called him through his window and asked him if he had my package. He handed it over, I rushed back home to drop it off, then went to work. I was only 1 minute late too. How lucky! :grin: However, the tip of my Big Daddy's drill has broken off, although methinks super glue shall fix that! ^^


As for the game itself, it's spectacular! I've just got the key from the medical pavilion (no I'm NOT going into detail about that awesome section, I'm not spoiling it for anyone) and I'm loving the atmosphere and pace of the game. I haven't come across any Big Daddy's to fight yet though...

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Damn. I'm all bioshocked out for today, I got pretty far I think, definitely at least half way through. I'm looking for pieces of the EMP bomb.


Big daddies are easier and less variable than I was hoping. Now whenever I see one it's a case of taking out the electo shock and pumping a couple of shells or grenades in there. I love seeing the rescue cutscene. :)

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As for the game itself, it's spectacular! I've just got the key from the medical pavilion (no I'm NOT going into detail about that awesome section, I'm not spoiling it for anyone) and I'm loving the atmosphere and pace of the game. I haven't come across any Big Daddy's to fight yet though...


You're very close to one. ;)

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And fuckin hell is this game hard! One of the hardest first person shooters ive ever played, you literally get slaughtered 80% of the time


Yeah, but those Vita Chambers make it pretty easy, especially since bosses stay on the same health after you respawn. All you need to do is hack the health stations and they'll die soon enough, even if you buy the farm loads of times

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Guest Jordan

Letty tried to play the demo on my 360 last night, she couldn't even get to the first splicer bit, when it gets chased off by the remote gun thing that Atlas has.


Heheh, its not that she was bad, she was just too scared! Looks like i'll be playing it when i eventually get the full version.

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Guest Stefkov

I hadnt died until my first encounter with a Big Daddy. Shotgun deals some good damage against them.

I don't see any of them for ages, then 3 of them come nearly at once. Crazy.


Hmm didn't know there was a video, if you leave it for a while on the menu screen there's a video...

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