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Football Season 2007/2008


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im kinda concerned with the amount of players dying during matches in past 5-6 years. i personally think football has become too demanding and some players cant keep up.


foe, the sevilla player, the benfica player that died in the CL game,


thats like 2 players a year dying. wasnt like that in the 90s


It's not because football is too demanding, it's because they have this rare condition.

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I heard. My dad siad he's had 4 penalties against Green. Not one of them has gone in.


Also Chelsea, Kalou was offside. Shame, Newcastle played as well as school kids could just whacking the ball up as much as they can.


Whats that? West Ham are, frankly, shite - but beat you? Oh yes!


[insert a comment on Newcastle United players]


Half the West Ham squad are 06-07 Newcastle players. GET

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Guest Stefkov
Whats that? West Ham are, frankly, shite - but beat you? Oh yes!


[insert a comment on Newcastle United players]


Half the West Ham squad are 06-07 Newcastle players. GET

I'm not trying to bring up the scores. I accept the defeat, but the way Newcastle played it reminded me of when I was in Primary School.

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I'm not trying to bring up the scores. I accept the defeat, but the way Newcastle played it reminded me of when I was in Primary School.


Jumpers for goalposts? Secretly rubbing the ball in shite and getting your mate to header it?


Anyway, I think the fact that we can hold Chelsea to 2-1 and their second goal was CLEARLY OFFSIDE is a good sign for our players. They have the ability just not the strength as a team yet.

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I'm not trying to bring up the scores. I accept the defeat, but the way Newcastle played it reminded me of when I was in Primary School.


Sorry, we should have tried to played really open and attacking football away at Chelsea and got tonked 6-0 like good little non-top-fourers rather than playing the way we did (playing well, for what it's worth) and nearly getting a point.


Were you at the match or did you watch a stream?

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Whats that? West Ham are, frankly, shite - but beat you? Oh yes!


[insert a comment on Newcastle United players]


Half the West Ham squad are 06-07 Newcastle players. GET


What's that? A Newcastle fan accusing West Ham of being shit?


To be honest, looking at the Newcastle team, you're probably the biggest load of underachievers in the league. Fair play, Tottenham are not having the greatest of seasons, but they're at least moving upwards. With Newcastle, it's the same season after season, going nowhere. I can't for the life of me understand how a team that consists of Shay Given (who is a rock, imo), Duff, Solano, Emre, Viduka, Smith and Owen (and others) can do so poorly. You did well in the Chelsea game, but be honest, over the course of the season, you haven't been great.


I don't think it's any good looking at your manager for blame either. It's the same every season. Why don't your players stand up for themselves and take responsibility for things going wrong on the pitch?

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To be honest, looking at the Newcastle team, you're probably the biggest load of underachievers in the league. Fair play, Tottenham are not having the greatest of seasons, but they're at least moving upwards. With Newcastle, it's the same season after season, going nowhere. I can't for the life of me understand how a team that consists of Shay Given (who is a rock, imo), Duff, Solano, Emre, Viduka, Smith and Owen (and others) can do so poorly. You did well in the Chelsea game, but be honest, over the course of the season, you haven't been great.


Good point. Don't shoot me as I'm a Sunderland fan but I've been shocked by the toon. I have to say getting rid of Solano and Parker was just stupid (if unavoidable). (And their quality wasn't really replaced) And I even thought Sibierski was a good buy yet he went. I think Big Sam needs more time though.


However, Alladyce is like a modern coach and he gets someone like Barton/Smith in!? Barton/Smith seemed to thrive under the "old style" of management (shouting/speeches/getting stuck in etc) and I really think this just shows that some players still need to become aware of Sams methods. I do feel they need a kick up the arse. A bollocking. Sam needs to play hardball more. Be like Keane perhaps ;)


They were robbed yesterday though.

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Guest Stefkov
Sorry, we should have tried to played really open and attacking football away at Chelsea and got tonked 6-0 like good little non-top-fourers rather than playing the way we did (playing well, for what it's worth) and nearly getting a point.


Were you at the match or did you watch a stream?

Watched it on a German channel, hoping for the United match but it showed the Chelsea Newcastle match.

You did well to keep Chelsea down and only luckily getting the second goal, he was clearly offside and I would have liked Newcastle to draw. But seeing every kick get hoofed up the pitch it looked like a team wanting to get rid of it out of their half without any proper football played.

I'm sorry I just like taking the piss out of Rob/Chuck on Live when Newcastle do bad so don't take notice of me.

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united won 1-0 but tevez in injured, probably out for 4 weeks from what it looked like after the game when he was being carried. generally united played quite poor and not sharp as expected.


chelsea done really well for them selvs and arsenal not collapsing? hmmm....

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united won 1-0 but tevez in injured, probably out for 4 weeks from what it looked like after the game when he was being carried. generally united played quite poor and not sharp as expected.


chelsea done really well for them selvs and arsenal not collapsing? hmmm....


Teves looked alright to me, he was being carried but didn't look to be in pain, had a huge smile in fact.

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Beat Charlton away from home, given our awful recent record would never have predicted that.


But given Charltons recent form and having been at the Hull game and seeing how poor they were I would have predicted a Colchester win.

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Watched the Villa-Spurs match on SS1. We were good in the first half, Mellberg's goal came from a silly cock-up by Dawson; left him unmarked.

Spurs were better in the second-half; A lot more threatening, always looked as though they would score. Equaliser clinched by Defoe, as expected.


Fed up of the match, I left and logged on here. Ended up missing Laursen's winner. Bugger! :shakehead


Still, 2-1. Winners! Fucking winners! :grin:

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Good win for United, it was very important we win today, especially after our last disappointment..I mean, game. :heh:


I also watched Villa play Spurs. Bluddy hell, Spurs can't defend for shit. Right before Villa's second goal, Andy Gray said "that's a mismatch right there" as O'Hara was trying to mark Laursen.


5 seconds later, the ball was in the back of the net. I couldn't do anything but laugh, Gray was completely right, it was awful defending.

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What's that? A Newcastle fan accusing West Ham of being shit?


To be honest, looking at the Newcastle team, you're probably the biggest load of underachievers in the league. Fair play, Tottenham are not having the greatest of seasons, but they're at least moving upwards. With Newcastle, it's the same season after season, going nowhere. I can't for the life of me understand how a team that consists of Shay Given (who is a rock, imo), Duff, Solano, Emre, Viduka, Smith and Owen (and others) can do so poorly. You did well in the Chelsea game, but be honest, over the course of the season, you haven't been great.


I don't think it's any good looking at your manager for blame either. It's the same every season. Why don't your players stand up for themselves and take responsibility for things going wrong on the pitch?


Me and stef have got a thing going on. Solano moved to West Ham with Parker and Dyer. I think owners have thought why cant we finish just behind and Man U and smash Barcalona like '96 like we did with Kevin Keegan. It must be the manager if when he left we are bottom half of the table.

If we bring in players like Alan Sherear and Asprilla and do well, why cant we bring in players like Martins and Owen and do it as equally or better.

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