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While jogging around the park opposite my house I saw a guy and his girlfriend borderline eating each others face off on a bench. There must have been at least 6 children within clear eyesight of them. Found the whole situation rather inappropriate. As someone in a minority couple I do find that I do have to be careful to not offend/aggravate certain people. There seems to be more looks simply because of my boyfriend being of mixed race, even disapproval from the gay community, a community that itself should know the effects of being marginalized.

Say what? Racism in the gay community? Well, that's gotta be the most ironic thing I've heard in a while!


I don't mind PDA much, really. Of course it can get out of hand, and you sometimes think: "Wouldn't it just be best for everyone if you guys found a hotel room somewhere ...?" But it's not something that bothers me personally, really. Well, except the waves of jealousy, but that's just me being a grumpy single. :heh:

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It's fine, to a point.


There were two lesbian girls in my 6th form at school who basically sat in the middle of the common room (which everyone sat round the edge of) and made out all day. It was really fucking obnoxious, attention seeking behavior they only did to somehow 'prove' how out they were, and how much they could stick it to The Man.



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It's fine, to a point.


There were two lesbian girls in my 6th form at school who basically sat in the middle of the common room (which everyone sat round the edge of) and made out all day. It was really fucking obnoxious, attention seeking behavior they only did to somehow 'prove' how out they were, and how much they could stick it to The Man.




Were you thinking this while filming it? :p

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Peoples' views on sexuality are so oft iditotically reductive, and it makes me angry.


"He should buy me drinks, because he's topping me."


Kindly fuck off, and come back when you've liberated yourself from your shit mentality. Stop trying to force a bijection between homosexual relationships and the "standard" relationship, where doing so only causes constraints on the way you act as a human being. What bearing does the role you play in sexual intercourse have on the purchase of drinks? None. People should buy their own fucking drinks, or buy someone else a drink if they're feeling kind.


Stop prescribing to this historical construct whereby the one getting penetrated sexually must be inferior and dependent. Feminists have been fighting for years to change society's flawed views on gender roles; you don't have to be a woman to appreciate their work. Go buy your own fucking drink.


I hate Shit People. Especially Gay Shit People.

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Peoples' views on sexuality are so oft iditotically reductive, and it makes me angry.


"He should buy me drinks, because he's topping me."


Kindly fuck off, and come back when you've liberated yourself from your shit mentality. Stop trying to force a bijection between homosexual relationships and the "standard" relationship, where doing so only causes constraints on the way you act as a human being. What bearing does the role you play in sexual intercourse have on the purchase of drinks? None. People should buy their own fucking drinks, or buy someone else a drink if they're feeling kind.


Stop prescribing to this historical construct whereby the one getting penetrated sexually must be inferior and dependent. Feminists have been fighting for years to change society's flawed views on gender roles; you don't have to be a woman to appreciate their work. Go buy your own fucking drink.


I hate Shit People. Especially Gay Shit People.


Sorry to hear that Chair, just some qualification for those not used to the slang.


The roles Chair is referring to are "Top" (the penetrative partner role in a sexual act) and "Bottom" (a partner who adopts the receptive role in a sexual act). It can also be referred to as Active/Passive - although a bottom is not necessarily inactive, or less active than the top.


It would be stupid to assume that the Bottom is in someway more feminine. The act of bottoming is enjoyable due to the innate structure of the body, normally. It is not some situation where one guy is the women and the other a man; last time I looked both my boyfriend and I are both male.

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Peoples' views on sexuality are so oft iditotically reductive, and it makes me angry.


"He should buy me drinks, because he's topping me."


Kindly fuck off, and come back when you've liberated yourself from your shit mentality. Stop trying to force a bijection between homosexual relationships and the "standard" relationship, where doing so only causes constraints on the way you act as a human being. What bearing does the role you play in sexual intercourse have on the purchase of drinks? None. People should buy their own fucking drinks, or buy someone else a drink if they're feeling kind.


Stop prescribing to this historical construct whereby the one getting penetrated sexually must be inferior and dependent. Feminists have been fighting for years to change society's flawed views on gender roles; you don't have to be a woman to appreciate their work. Go buy your own fucking drink.


I hate Shit People. Especially Gay Shit People.

I like your post, very enlightening.



Anyway I was at my graduation party,this guys in my year offers to buy me a drink, plastered as I was I didn't think why, just "free drinks!!!". Anyway little did I know he started putting his arm around me and asking about my career prospects. So I briskly run away when he leans in for a kiss.


"Shit, now my class is gonna think I'm gay, better find a bird to score"


Anyway I find a hot one, we kiss for like half an hour right in front of the stage. Then go outside for a little "Do you have a condom?", "Shit, crap, I'm sorry no" *Actions that don't require condoms*


Gives me her number and leaves. Next day, everyone thinks I'm gay regardless ¬¬. At least school is over and I'll never see them again, except exams.

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I like your post, very enlightening.



Anyway I was at my graduation party,this guys in my year offers to buy me a drink, plastered as I was I didn't think why, just "free drinks!!!". Anyway little did I know he started putting his arm around me and asking about my career prospects. So I briskly run away when he leans in for a kiss.


"Shit, now my class is gonna think I'm gay, better find a bird to score"


Anyway I find a hot one, we kiss for like half an hour right in front of the stage. Then go outside for a little "Do you have a condom?", "Shit, crap, I'm sorry no" *Actions that don't require condoms*


Gives me her number and leaves. Next day, everyone thinks I'm gay regardless ¬¬. At least school is over and I'll never see them again, except exams.

That's gotta be the textbook definition of "Oh, come ON!"

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Sorry to hear that Chair, just some qualification for those not used to the slang.


The roles Chair is referring to are "Top" (the penetrative partner role in a sexual act) and "Bottom" (a partner who adopts the receptive role in a sexual act). It can also be referred to as Active/Passive - although a bottom is not necessarily inactive, or less active than the top.


It would be stupid to assume that the Bottom is in someway more feminine. The act of bottoming is enjoyable due to the innate structure of the body, normally. It is not some situation where one guy is the women and the other a man; last time I looked both my boyfriend and I are both male.


I'm glad someone told me what that meant.


I didn't want to ask and feel like an idiot.


I thought it could be in reference to... taking off a top...


But then realising that was silly I thought it was when maybe you cheat on a different sex as a "top-up"?


You kids and your talky talk confuse the fuck out of me.

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I like your post, very enlightening.



Anyway I was at my graduation party,this guys in my year offers to buy me a drink, plastered as I was I didn't think why, just "free drinks!!!". Anyway little did I know he started putting his arm around me and asking about my career prospects. So I briskly run away when he leans in for a kiss.





You sure you don't have a sign on your back or something? Reading this & your story on the awkward moments thread :laughing:

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Kindly fuck off, and come back when you've liberated yourself from your shit mentality.


Go buy your own fucking drink.


I hate Shit People. Especially Gay Shit People.


I love this post in relation to your avatar. A really disgusted woman, but she's so far above it, she'll just suck on her ciggy and deal with it in the medium of haiku.

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Out of curiosity, is it the done thing for gay couples to have one guy who goes on top every time?


Not necessarily but I can't speak for everyone. People tend to have their preferences (Top/Bottom) but their is also what is known as Versatile. A person who enjoys both topping and bottoming, and may alternate between the two in sexual situations. It is also common for people to switch with different partners, such as when a person acts exclusively as a top with one partner and exclusively as a bottom with another. It all really depends on the couple, I won't gross you out with details about my love life so I hope this is ample.

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Not necessarily but I can't speak for everyone. People tend to have their preferences (Top/Bottom) but their is also what is known as Versatile. A person who enjoys both topping and bottoming, and may alternate between the two in sexual situations. It is also common for people to switch with different partners, such as when a person acts exclusively as a top with one partner and exclusively as a bottom with another. It all really depends on the couple, I won't gross you out with details about my love life so I hope this is ample.


I imagine people are assuming top and bottom is just something for anybody who is gay, just to add that top and bottom also applies to every other sexuality. I tend to find people are more defined top/bottom when I speak to those who are into kink, or the scene as it's called.


I hate public displays of affection regardless of who it is, I probably would have asked those two girls to stop, it's almost sickening.

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I had this conversation (quite drunkenly, so wasn't awkward) with my gay parents Ruari and Alex, who were like "We don't really plan it out, it's just a spur of the moment thing, but I [Alex] usually end up bottoming, because I love it", which I thought was kinda cute, until Ruari mouthed "Power bottom" at me, which I'm not sure was a joke...





Posted this in HWYD, but re-posting here, because it's ridiculously apt:



Just got back from the Oxford University Union debate tonight, which was entitled "This house believes that the gay rights movement has undermined family values."


After a near unanimous vote from the audience, it was decided that the opposition, that gay rights haven't undermined family values, was the winner.


Score one for Liberal UK. It was just so heartening to watch the entirity of the room wait to pass through the "Noes" door. It was just like "Yes; when the final count is done, I will be in my hometown."


Joanna Newsom's ghost stood at the side, nodding gentlely, giving a slight smile, content that the Kingfisher finally lies down alongside the Lion.


The best bit was halfway through the proposition speech of this ultra-conservative guy who's the director of pressure group Christian Voice, which basically tells gay people they are evil, a man stands up from the audience:

"Point of information! I am a lecturer with a PHD in Social Antropology, and I can testify that what you are saying is categorically and undeniably false."


I just love, because no matter how hard you twist the same old tired arguments, you can't argue with people who know more than you, and can prove you wrong. It was like Oxford University had the "Flawed Logic Will Not Prevail" trap card on their bench, and chose to flip it at the most appropriate moment.


Just so much yes. Too much yes.


Jokingly, Michael Lucas, owner of gay porno company Lucas Entertainment was speaking for the proposition (his line was that the undermining of family values was a good thing). He had the air and ambiance of a porn star, which cheek bones in the clouds, and a russian accent so thick you couldn't actually tell what he was saying. Sort of attractive, in the sleazy "I'm going to fuck you, and we'll both look great doing it" type way.



Anyway, just on a high, because I'm in love with the hook upon which everyone hangs.

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News as it happens.


So the Greencoat Boy (a pub in London) eh? LGBT Labour planned to host their annual meeting there but upon arrival got refused service and told if they had known it was an LGBT event they wouldn't have allowed them to book. Police have been bought in. Drama unfolding still.


Who says Twitter is good for nothing?

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