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That just seems ridiculous. If you're with someone who's bi, you have actually beat twice as many competitors. But I guess logic doesn't always apply when talking about sexuality. :-/


Just cause your bi it does mean you fancy MORE people, just more of a different mix of people...


You could be bi and have incredibly high standards!

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Just cause your bi it does mean you fancy MORE people, just more of a different mix of people...


You could be bi and have incredibly high standards!

Of course. There are many other variables, but I was just looking at the basic math. Preferences and standards are always present no matter what your sexuality is, and they vary greatly from person to person, so for the purpose of this little logical demonstration, we can safely leave them out of the equation.


Perhaps people are afraid of losing their special someone to a person of the opposite gender? Perhaps that's a harder hit for your pride than if you lost to someone of your own gender? I dunno.

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Of course. There are many other variables, but I was just looking at the basic math. Preferences and standards are always present no matter what your sexuality is, and they vary greatly from person to person, so for the purpose of this little logical demonstration, we can safely leave them out of the equation.


Perhaps people are afraid of losing their special someone to a person of the opposite gender? Perhaps that's a harder hit for your pride than if you lost to someone of your own gender? I dunno.


Its not as cut and dry as that, sexuality is not a conscious decision.


I would consider myself to not be somewhat bi, if I fancied a woman it would be instinct and not cause I worry that I'll never find a suitable man or felt the need for broader range.


p.s math and sex are as further away from each other as possible. Logic doesn't really come into desire/lust/love

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Its not as cut and dry as that, sexuality is not a conscious decision.


I would consider myself to not be somewhat bi, if I fancied a woman it would be instinct and not cause I worry that I'll never find a suitable man or felt the need for broader range.


p.s math and sex are as further away from each other as possible. Logic doesn't really come into desire/lust/love

Of course. I know all that. The point still stands whether or not it's a conscious decision, I'd say. The potential subject group is twice as large.


But of course, it's all just supposition. As you say, logic hasn't got anything to do with love. :)

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Well there's definitely a lot of science behind attraction, though of course it's not the be all and end all of everything. Evolution means that those strategies that propagate genes most efficiently are the most successful, but (assuming a more primitive society) men and women invest vastly different amounts in each (successful) sexual encouter - for a man, it's just a few sperm, whereas for a woman it's 9 months plus childcare, which calls for an awful lot of resources. Hence for men the best strategy is just to sleep with as many women as possible, but for women, it's much better to select desirable genes in their mate as they'll end up investing so much time and so many resources in any resulting offspring. This leads to men being ardent and women being choosy. Of course, if you transfer this to gay people, it means that on average gay men are more promiscuous (twice as much ardency). Of course, gay people don't transfer their genes anyway (excluding various modern methods), which leads to many more complexities for evolutionary science...


As for general attraction, there're probably some factors to do with promoting as much heterozygosity (mixing of different variants of genes) as possible, as this prevents pairings of faulty genes which can lead to disease (as you can get with incest), so it's possible that people are more attracted to those with different genetic complements to their own. There have been experiments to do with this - one I remember involved guys rating the smell of t-shirts that different women had slept in overnight, and they tended to prefer the t-shirt of the woman most genetically different to themselves. There have also been studies to do with face structure - if I recall correctly, heterosexual couples tended either to be of each respective extreme or both somewhere in the middle.


There're also various hormonal things that go on when you start to like someone that cause you to forget about their negative facets, although I can't remember the details of the studies for this one. And of course, while some aspects of attraction come under the realm of science, there are many more that do not.

Edited by Supergrunch
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Well, from personal opinion, I find guys easier to "get" with. So that makes it more biased to one side...

I hope you don't mind me asking, but have you dated girls?



I think you fall for a person and not a ''sexuality''. But if someone's personality is massively affected by their sexuality, then that could affect whether or not you fall for them in the first place.

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...logic hasn't got anything to do with love. :)


If love was logical then it might as well not exist, love is one of the most illogical things in existence and that's what makes it so brilliant because though we curse it when we aren't under its spell; when we are affected by it... our perception of the world around us is temporarilly altered in a positive way and it's a wonderful feeling.


It's just a shame that it doesn't always seem to last...

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That just seems ridiculous. If you're with someone who's bi, you have actually beaten twice as many competitors! But I guess logic doesn't always apply when talking about sexuality. :-/


You also have twice as many opportunities to cheat on the person you're with with someone else.

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If love was logical then it might as well not exist, love is one of the most illogical things in existence and that's what makes it so brilliant because though we curse it when we aren't under its spell; when we are affected by it... our perception of the world around us is temporarilly altered in a positive way and it's a wonderful feeling.


It's just a shame that it doesn't always seem to last...

Indeed, love is the most powerful feeling there is. It can make you feel like you can conquer the world, and it can make you feel like killing yourself. Like all powerful weapons, it should only be used for good. :)


You also have twice as many opportunities to cheat on the person you're with with someone else.

Well, no, your partner would have twice as many chances of cheating on you. But I assume that's what you meant. :) Still, that's quite a pessimistic view on things, don't you think? :heh:

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p.s math and sex are as further away from each other as possible. Logic doesn't really come into desire/lust/love


gotta say, i dissagree.


we all like to think we are unpredictable and illogical when it comes to love, but all that means is that the attraction isnt always obvious on to the bystanders, or even the atracted.


see, a major part of sexual attraction is some one whos genes compliment our own, just because we cant see why some one is attracted on a physical/mental level dosent mean a genetic reason isnt clear as day.


though then again, im not exactly some guru of love, if i was id not be here babbeling my bassic grasps of science.

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