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Has there ever been a point in your life?


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I'm working during the day, studying a degree at night. Suffering a lot from arthritis. On stupid amounts of medications - actually a mild form of chemo - which makes my body completely exhausted.


Its not improving and my specialist wants to put me on something different, which makes me feel like i'm running around in circles. My purpose right now is trying not to crack under all the pressure.



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I think when I had to move back from America I was utterly distraught. I was upset enough to actually be sick. Then after I got back I realised that everything I'd been clinging to wasn't as great as I had thought, and got over it pretty quickly :D Right now there's something going on in my life which is both negative and positive, which I'm going to have to make a decision about sooner or later ^^; - but I wouldn't call it a point of depression. I'm actually quite happy, because I think where I live for Uni in my second year is going to be excellent!

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Reading some of this thread, it seems I have been lucky not to encounter anything to really bring me down. Even having said that, I'm a bit bouncy in that if I get superdown(which i have a few times, over stupid angsty stuff when I was younger) I usually am not for long, though I'll often sort of get to a point where the issue is still there, but I look at what good stuff I've got going too. Either that, or move up to a slightly less serious but kind of mopey stage. As I said though, it's all been over stupid stuff, stuff which doesn't really matter to the real world.

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God, I've had so many low points in my life, being thrown out by my parents in the middle of a blizzard, deliberately overdosing on heroin on my birthday, being victimized by the police, no wonder I have so many good things happen to me nowadays. Karma really does work.

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I remember vividly this one time in Halo, seriously it was last night and I'm sure other forum memebers will back me up, when we had a Big Team Match with a bunch of there American kinds that kept saying some crap about the Queen ruling the country and just would not shut the f*ck up....Its times like that I consider if life is actually worth living!



Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system....

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