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Donkey Kong Country Series

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(Eurogamer review) The same could be said of the original Donkey Kong Country, that beneath the impressively animated graphics lay a slightly vanilla platforming experience, with all the expected genre tropes duly ticked off without ever breaking new ground.


Wow...what an utterly rubbish assessment.

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Captain Falcon

I just saw that on GoNintendo myself H-o-T.


The similarity is uncanny and I'm having difficulty believing it was accidental.


But then wasn't all of of DKC2s soundtrack done by David Wise whereas as most of DKC3, including that song, was done by Eveline Fischer?


And good to see you're using every opportunity to sneak the Stickerbrush Symphony love in :wink:

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Here's a great combo of songs that GoNintendo have spotlighted.



Listening to that inspired me to watch a few more DKC music vids, including this classic tune.



the first one is really bad.. it starts off well but it's clearly off key..


anyway: I never noticed this thread before.. I cannot believe darksnowman didn;t create it.. for shame :P


although to be fair I've not created a metroid one yet

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the first one is really bad.. it starts off well but it's clearly off key..


anyway: I never noticed this thread before.. I cannot believe darksnowman didn;t create it.. for shame :P


although to be fair I've not created a metroid one yet


Lol! :blush:


H-o-T probably took it upon himself to make it to try and contain all the DKC chatter in one place. While thats obviously good, I still clearly try and mention the series in as many of my posts as possible in as many different threads as possible. :heh:



If you make a Metroid thread I'll lock it. :wink:

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That music turned Bramble Blast from what should've been a ridiculously frustrating experience, to "I don't care i never want to leave this level with its relaxing music anyway"


If you are interested in some remixes of this excellent series you can PM me or just check http://www.ocremix.org

They have absolutely astonishing sequences and remixes of gamemusic!:yay::bowdown:

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Awww right.


*sings* Let's talk about DKC, let's talk about You and Me, let's talk about all the kremlings, all the sights and the Family...And so on..


Been playing DKC1 all over again. MAN I LOVE THE MAP SCREENS!! There's something sexual about them. The treetop levels are Star Wars love letters too. *drools* I love how they evolved the map screens from 1-3 with 3 being like the old school RPG's !

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While thats obviously good, I still clearly try and mention the series in as many of my posts as possible in as many different threads as possible. :heh:


Really? I hadn't noticed at all. AT ALL. ;)


I must get back to playing DKC2 at some point. I need to keep playing these hardcore classics to remind me how easy gaming is these days...

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Awww right.


*sings* Let's talk about DKC, let's talk about You and Me, let's talk about all the kremlings, all the sights and the Family...And so on..


Been playing DKC1 all over again. MAN I LOVE THE MAP SCREENS!! There's something sexual about them. The treetop levels are Star Wars love letters too. *drools* I love how they evolved the map screens from 1-3 with 3 being like the old school RPG's !


Let's talk about DKC... I gotta stop singing that to myself now!


The map screens are indeed amazing. Did you play the GBA ports? They brutalised the maps. :(


Really? I hadn't noticed at all. AT ALL. ;)


I must get back to playing DKC2 at some point. I need to keep playing these hardcore classics to remind me how easy gaming is these days...


Lol, sounding like Cranky there. :heh:


Which one do you think is the most difficult? DKC 2 is pretty deadly to get 102% in and its relatively easy to get 103% in DKC 3... however, when you are going for that 105% in DKC 3, thats when it comes into its own.

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Let's talk about DKC... I gotta stop singing that to myself now!


The map screens are indeed amazing. Did you play the GBA ports? They brutalised the maps. :(


Of course.*faints* The maps were...yeah. Insane. :angry:


Which one do you think is the most difficult? DKC 2 is pretty deadly to get 102% in and its relatively easy to get 103% in DKC 3... however, when you are going for that 105% in DKC 3, thats when it comes into its own.


Hmmm, if your not aware of the bonus level within the bonus level in DKC1 then getting 101% is impossible. I remember meeting the banana bird on DKC3 chasing K ROOL around the map as well as sommat involving Cranky doing Karate?!


I nailed everything on every DKC game. Epic times.

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Hmmm, if your not aware of the bonus level within the bonus level in DKC1 then getting 101% is impossible. I remember meeting the banana bird on DKC3 chasing K ROOL around the map as well as sommat involving Cranky doing Karate?!


I nailed everything on every DKC game. Epic times.


The last bonus for me on DKC was the one on Tanked up Trouble. Took me ages to find that one! ...Cranky doing karate was the GBA port of DKC 3...

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Yup, on the Snes Cranky is at Swanky's Sideshow. On the GBA Swanky has that new (Sonic 2) game which freed up Cranky for the dojo. To get the full 105% on the Snes you have to complete the game with the TUFST (or TUFFR? Can't think of the other spelling for that cheat right now...) entered in.


Ring any bells? :heh:

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Lol, sounding like Cranky there. :heh:


That wasn't the idea, but it definitely came out that way!


Which one do you think is the most difficult? DKC 2 is pretty deadly to get 102% in and its relatively easy to get 103% in DKC 3... however, when you are going for that 105% in DKC 3, thats when it comes into its own.


I've played DKC and DKC2 and I think DKC2 is more difficult.


I'd settle very happily for 100%. Presumably you have to be some godlike being to get over that.

Edited by Patch
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