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Classic controller hate


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That's stupid. The Classic Controller is awesome and the right analog is the one part of the controller that never gets used. Even so, even if your fingers touch, what's the problem with that anyway?

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I think its a good point well made. Its made me think if i really want one. Maybe a 3rd part will make the ulimate controller


So in the 1 game out of 100 that uses BOTH analog sticks at the same time, you'd think twice about buying one because your fingers might touch? :indeed:

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Well, it's good to be corrected I suppose. But my lack of knowledge wasn't in th area of the capability of the GameCube controller, more in the compatability - i.e. would it work?


Now that I know it does, I doubt very much that I'll be spending money on a classic console. 'Real' retro gaming doesn't appeal to me much (having already played most of the games I'm interested in), so no classic controller really needed. And the N64 game's I'd consider buying I already own on the N64, so I'm not too fussed about it, really.

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Wii Remote = NES, some MD


Classic = SNES, some MD


Cube = Some SNES, N64.


Hehe...yeah, i was putting it simply. Without inc the Wiimote, probably cos I don't really play NES games, they're overpriced.


But anyway, he does have a point; maybe we should call for a Classic Controller II.

Though you rarely use both at the same time, unless you're pressing Stick> & <C :wtf: Boosting right on Starfox is all I can think of :heh:

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holding the Wiimote sideways for NES games still feels wierd because of the B trigger placement and the tiny d-pad. This makes the Classic controller crucial for most every VC game.


Then you must have ginormous hands. B doesn't get in the way AT ALL if you're holding ir right; in fact, it can actually be used as a 4th button.

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When I grow up, I want to be him. He's such a nerd lol! Raises a good point though, who the hell plays with the tips of thumbs?? That's just plain weird. Personally I haven't bought a CC, because they seem like a total rip of money, only thing that I hear they're good for is SNES games cos Nintendo are a bunch of f*cking cocks who say the GC pad can be used for all games but don't bother to fucking remap any buttons of even give us the option so in a games such as smw or dkc, running and jumping isn't really an option, unless you hold the controller like a spaz or have spazzhands.

Myself, as I said, have bought a CC controller so I can't comment. Seems less likely that I'll buy one now. I want it to either go down to like £5, or for there to be a wired version. Expect me to waste my batteries when I don't need to?? No thanks.

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I love the classic controller. I wont look at this other review cos it will taint my experience. It is the best way to play SNES games and it is essential for games like Super Probotector which you just CANT play on a Gamecube controller.


Maybe that's because Nintendo are a bunch of frickin idiots?! The point should be that the gc pad CAN be used to play snes games. Not that because of their laziness/money grabbing/plain stupidity they came up with a solution to a problem they made.

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I just watched it again, and I'm more convinced than ever he puts his thumbs on it the wrong way.


If you look under your thumb, there's the half way mark on it which allows you to bend it and it looks like a crease, he puts just past that part on the stick. If you did that with the PS2 pad, the same would happen. If you did that with any pad which has it's sticks set up like that, the same would happen.


Again, I haven't even touched one of these things yet, but it really looks like he's holding it wrongly.

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So in the 1 game out of 100 that uses BOTH analog sticks at the same time, you'd think twice about buying one because your fingers might touch? :indeed:


but when we get pro-evolutuion online, you will be the making excuses !


true at the moment most VC games are N64 with one analogue stick and the wii games just want to waggle

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Hm, I donno about others, but I like my Classic Controller. It's perfect for SNES games, that's what i mainly used it for. Though, it's also the ONLY workable option for us, because of the button mapping for the Cube controller.


For NES, TG16 and MD is actually use the Wiimote. Im fine with that. Haven't downloaded a N64 game yet, I wonder how it will feel.


Truth be told, the Classic Controller is a mash of 20 years of gaming. To accomodate all those different controllers into one needed compromises to start with. And quite frankly, it didnt had to give a whole lot in to make it a worthy purchase.

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How many games on any of the consoles use both analogues at the same time? The FPS'? as far as I remember you only need to use C up and down in those. To quote the "haters" - "I want my three minutes back".

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The Classic Controller is awesome. Please could someone tell me how many games actually require you to use one analogue stick, let alone two? Don't worry about it. It's better to play the games (i.e Mega Drive/SNES era and before) how they were originally intended: with a D-Pad and not an analogue stick. The D-Pad is wonderful, and is the same as on the DS Lite and Wiimote. I've found no problems with my thumbs rubbing whilst experimenting anyway. The controller is brilliant for all retro games, the only cons are the 30 metres of wire attached to the Wiimote that Nintendo must have designed with the intention of making us climb mountains, the lack of its own wireless, no rumble and that dust is really visible on it.

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I use the classic controller for many VC games except the N64 and NES games, for which i use the GC pad and Wiimote for these games and i have no problems with using the classic controller. And i've yet to find a game that uses both sticks on the classic pad.

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Hm, I donno about others, but I like my Classic Controller. It's perfect for SNES games, that's what i mainly used it for. Though, it's also the ONLY workable option for us, because of the button mapping for the Cube controller.


For NES, TG16 and MD is actually use the Wiimote. Im fine with that. Haven't downloaded a N64 game yet, I wonder how it will feel.


Truth be told, the Classic Controller is a mash of 20 years of gaming. To accomodate all those different controllers into one needed compromises to start with. And quite frankly, it didnt had to give a whole lot in to make it a worthy purchase.


The GC pad does everything the other pads can do, and in some cases better. The only thing it can't do is play SNES games well, make VC buttons custom mappable and it's solved. The classic controller can't even play GC games can it?! So much for a super all in one pad. It's just a joke. Also, here's a post I made on some other forums somewhere, it's kind of long though.

Give us remappable buttons on the VC!


This is something that has gotten on my wick from day one. I'm sure everyone remembers when we were told that the GC pad would be able to be used with every VC title, which is to an extent true.

However, who here has purchased some old school SNES brilliance, such as DKC or SMW, only to find that realistically, it's near impossible to play comfortably with the GC pad? Nice way to lie again Nintendo.

Some of you may be thinking about telling me to go out and buy myself a 'classic' controller instead. But I have a question- Why should I? I am expected to go out and spend £15 on a controller, so that I can play the games I'm already parying £3.50-£7 for(from what I hear, the gc and wii controllers are good for everything but snes games anyway) AND on top of that, I also have to waste my batteries running the 'classic' controller through my wiimote! There isn't even a wired alternative! Stupid if you ask me.

What else were we told about the wii in the stages leading upto its release? Oh yeah, easily updateable! This means if Nintendo think of any nifty new features, the wii could easily be updated to incorporate them eh? There has been a few updates already, but not *really* anything of note, and from what I hear a few of those were also sneaky little updates to help protect Nintendo's already massive profits.

I say, why not make use of this feature and give us some fresh stuff like added things for our Miis? The mii channel was something big hyped about the wii, and really after the first few weeks it seems a bit pants! Breathe some life into it with fresh new things!

That isn't my main point though, my main point is to use this handy update feature to add the simplest of things. Add a section with an option for customizable mapping on the VC titles! How hard can it really be? I'm sure the wii plays old games through use of some form of hardware emulation, so changing the inputs should be easy and therefore make it easy to remap buttons for VC titles, meaning we could change the defaults of the GC pad(correspond to old buttons exactly, namewise- y is y, x is x etc) and play these wonderful games with ease! Of course, I bet Nintendo never will, they want to grab us for all we're worth, hooking us with their lies and empty promises, then taking our money and running a mile! This isn't the Nintendo I knew growing up as a kid.

Other examples of such would be the numerous first party titles which were 'launch window' titles. How long is a launch window? It's been nearly 6 months now since the Wii's release, don't try and tell me we're still in the 'launch window'. I wish Nintendo would sort it out, at this rate they're gonna end up just the same as Sony of Microsoft in their money pinching ways.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you all think.

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Sweet Jesus, your hands DO touch when you move the sticks inwardly.


How ever will we live? Life as we know it will never be the same.



In all seriousness, I applaud the guy for having the time to actually demonstrate to us in video form why the design is flawed. He seemed a bit lost, however, after talking about the stick.


"uh yeah....the Zee button..well it sucks."


Where do you find gamers like this?

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But the thing is, it's damn near perfect. I don't understand how people think the design is flawed. I notice that a lot of people that are complaining here don't own one or haven't used one.


Well, it is flawed. The sticks are too close together. However, you'll probably never even use both sticks, let alone push them both so that your thumbs reach the centre of the pad. I have no idea what games you would play that would cause such a motion to exist...


So, it's flawed, but then you'll problem never even encounter a situation where you would need to do that.

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