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I have a scar on my right knee from when I tripped onto a stony driveway and left a very big cut when I was 4. All it needed was washing then two large plasters over it for a few weeks, et voila, I have a scar. Although it's either fading away or being hidden from all the leg hairs.


I also have another scar above my right eye, from a stupid incident when I was 10, caused my shitehawk of a brother, that one has also been hidden away by hair.

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I have a scar on my chest which i got when i lost control of my bike and hit a post head on. I front flipped over the post and scraped all my left side on the sharp pointy bit. Good thing i was at some speed or i would have landed on it.

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I have one on my elbow from when I was skating when I was about 10. I was going down a path which had some newly cut bushes at the side and when I looked behind me to check where my friend was one of the branches caught me and cut as I went along. I had a crowd of people looking at it at school the next day :p

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Scar from a (sorry for spelling) hurnea :S when I was born something like 8 weeks prematurely. That annoys me. Erm one small scare above my right eyebrow where I jumped for a football on the playground and a kid pulled my leg back so I smashed my face straight into the floor sideways and corner of my glasses jabbed straight into head :S

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Scar from a (sorry for spelling) hurnea :S when I was born something like 8 weeks prematurely. That annoys me. Erm one small scare above my right eyebrow where I jumped for a football on the playground and a kid pulled my leg back so I smashed my face straight into the floor sideways and corner of my glasses jabbed straight into head :S


Let me guess is the scar above a place you really wouldn't want a scar?

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I'll post mine on my leg another time.

And it's a proper scar, none of some of the scratch & slight burn crap some people spout about, this is where a lil chunk was taken out of my leg after falling out of a tree; I was quite the lil adventurer as a kid, shame I'm completely different now.


It's on my leg, and feels all weird due to it losing its skinness, there'snot hair on it etc etc. It'll never 'fade', it's a proper scar:heh:

Though it's obviously not as sevear (sp?) as a lot of peoples. Will post soon.



I also have streachmark scars on my upper legs, fugly. They hardly count as real scars though:)

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I have one on my foot, right in the centre of it, and I've had that for a few years. It looks a bit like I've been crucified or something. :heh:


And, I've got one on my chest. Some prick pushed me into some school railings this one year at a playscheme, and the top of it was quite spikey. Got me right on the ribcage, hurt like hell. It's not very clear now, but I can still make it out.

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Yeah I would post mine but again I had a hernia op when I was like 4. For some reason I still remember the nurse.


I've got tons of small scars beacuse I used to pick all my scabs. I've got about 3 on my left knee and 1 on my right. Not to mention my arms...

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Yeah I would post mine but again I had a hernia op when I was like 4. For some reason I still remember the nurse.


I've got tons of small scars beacuse I used to pick all my scabs. I've got about 3 on my left knee and 1 on my right. Not to mention my arms...



is that hows it spelt? I'm guessing from your post earlier yours isn't picturable. I could, but I'd feel fat ;[ :heh: Erm I remeber my nurse (ginger lady with curly hair) because I knew her daughter. Also I got a blue power ranger toy for the operation :)


Does yours like stand out? Because people always go... dude what the hell happened?!?!

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