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Help Girl Problems!!


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So you dont think it would cause any problems between us at all then?


(if not then yay lol)


Only thing to find out is to talk to her about it. You're not gonna find your answer here (most guys will just say to go for it anyway, horny bastards).

Talk to her and tell her how you feel about her and all this. Say you're afraid you'll lose her as a friend.

It's all up to you really... I say don't do it, but that's just me.

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So you dont think it would cause any problems between us at all then?


(if not then yay lol)


i will give you a piece of advise. once school is over and you move on to college most of the people you were close too at school you wont see again.


Trust me i thought i would be friends with my mates and did a similar thing as you (not going to prom and having a party). to be honest in a year when you hardly see her anymore you will think "i could have had her and blew it (or not as the case may be)"


There is a right answer and it is hit that.

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Wait, so you're going to take her down to the local woods, neck a few bottles of White Lightning, smoke a few joints, and shag her behind a bush?




There's nowt like County Durham Classic Intercourse.

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There's nowt like County Durham Classic Intercourse.

Fuck off, you dirty mackem.


If he does like her quite a lot, which I think he implied in his first post, then surely it will be?

Is it just me that can't imagine having 'meaningful' sex in the woods after a drunken party?


Trust me mate, you're going to regret this. Don't do it.

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Fuck off, you dirty mackem.



Is it just me that can't imagine having 'meaningful' sex in the woods after a drunken party?


Trust me mate, you're going to regret this. Don't do it.


I think meaningful will almost always depend on what you're feelings are for that person. To me, sex is all about the intimacy and the connection. If you get that nomatter where you are, whether its planned or a heat of the moment thing, then surely its meaningful?


But, as to whether or not he should do it or not: ultimately, it's your decision, mate. We are only guides, but you will have to 'walk the walk.' You're a very brave man for revealing your insecurities about the whole thing, so well done for not just jumping straight into it.


You seem to like her, and you haven't 'given away' your first time very loosely. The question is, if you did have sex with her, what then? Just mates? Could you deal with that? Put it this way, after having sex with someone you really care a lot about, to just going back to the friendship stage, I think that's pretty hard going.


Ask her out. Treat her like a lady. She ain't shagging practice. After that, if she cares a lot about you too, the sex will come in time, and it will mean a lot more.


Don't feel you HAVE to have sex, because your friends are. Trust me, as you get older, people will respect you more for keeping your trousers on.

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the folly of youth.


fortunatly I wont be able to make the decision, its not something thats likely o happen. if the mood takes you use a condom:hehe: but personal opinion there was nothing wrong with the 40 year old virgin was there?

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I think meaningful will almost always depend on what you're feelings are for that person. To me, sex is all about the intimacy and the connection. If you get that nomatter where you are, whether its planned or a heat of the moment thing, then surely its meaningful?


But, as to whether or not he should do it or not: ultimately, it's your decision, mate. We are only guides, but you will have to 'walk the walk.' You're a very brave man for revealing your insecurities about the whole thing, so well done for not just jumping straight into it.


You seem to like her, and you haven't 'given away' your first time very loosely. The question is, if you did have sex with her, what then? Just mates? Could you deal with that? Put it this way, after having sex with someone you really care a lot about, to just going back to the friendship stage, I think that's pretty hard going.


Ask her out. Treat her like a lady. She ain't shagging practice. After that, if she cares a lot about you too, the sex will come in time, and it will mean a lot more.


Don't feel you HAVE to have sex, because your friends are. Trust me, as you get older, people will respect you more for keeping your trousers on.



Thanks for a great reply. I wouldn't just do something cos' my friends were., epescially something like sex.


I dont know if i want my first time to be "special" but as you said for it kinda would be cos' i've liked her for so long. I guess i'm gonna have to see what happens at the party aint it?

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I think my reply was more or less aimed towards what he wanted. I mean, if he just wants a quick shag, then yeah, she's more or less offering it on a plate. But, if you actually do feel something more for her, then I think this wouldn't be such a great idea. Ahhh, I dunno, most of us suck with females anyway!

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I first slammed a girl when I was 14. I turned out alright.


Just tell her to "Bite the pillow, it's going in DRY!"


Lol! This ^ :laughing:


I'd tap it in if I were you, I used to have morals when I was your age and regret it now!


Also do you stand more of a chance losing her as a friend if you go for it or turn her down?

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Lol! This ^ :laughing:


I'd tap it in if I were you, I used to have morals when I was your age and regret it now!


Also do you stand more of a chance losing her as a friend if you go for it or turn her down?



lol, don't morals just suck?


And the thing u say about the either turning down or not, I hadn't thought of that. damn i really dont know what to do now lol:hmm:

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This is true. We have become blinded by our boners.


True, I'd do her and I don't even know what she looks like...:nono:


Seriously though, if all you're worried about is losing her as a friend if you do it, then just think about how YOU will feel if you do it. At the end of the day it sounds like she's just up for it, and that it wont affect anything between you. So just think about how you'll feel being around her after you've done it. If you can do it and then still be friends after it then go for it.


People shouldn't feel guilty for having sex, it's perfectly natural and as long as you're not messing with peoples feelings (don't sound like thats happening) I see no problem.

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Just to bring some needed pressure into this thread:


IF you have sex with her and mess it up badly or disappoint her it could well mean that she is gonna tell it her friends which could cause problems in future sexual adventures at your school. On the other hand ... sex > no sex hehe.

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