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Alone in the Dark for Wii


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It seems there will be an Alone in the Dark game for Wii. Confirmed here:


http://www.areagames.de/areagames/article/13455/AreaGames-Interview-Alone-in-the-Dark-englisch.aspx (at the bottom of the article)


(note: It is a german games website, but this article is their own translation. It's not a dodgy Babelfish/Google translation.)


Should be interesting to see how it turns out.

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I kinda enjoyed the one on the PS1 where you played as Edward Carnby. It's good to see games such as this being made for the Wii. In all honesty, I feel if Nintendo had made a console with similar power to PS3 & XBox and hadn;t taken a new direction with the controls, we would not be seeing this, or Manhunt 2.. and there certainly wouldn't be a Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as, well, there'd be no new controls to incorporate so what would be the point :heh: ..and Nintendo probably wouldn't be succeeding- we'd likely have another GC on our hands.


With each new game being announced, my feeling grows stronger that Nintendo has definitely taken the right direction with the Wii and I hope that it will succeed as more and more games are announced. Sorry I have gone off topic, but when I think of all the games that are still yet to be announced for Wii (F-Zero, Starfox, 1080, Wave Race.. and other new games) it's great and I can't wait to see how controls are implemented for each genre.


But anyway, good to see another game announcement for the Wii!

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I kinda enjoyed the one on the PS1 where you played as Edward Carnby. It's good to see games such as this being made for the Wii. In all honesty, I feel if Nintendo had made a console with similar power to PS3 & XBox and hadn;t taken a new direction with the controls, we would not be seeing this, or Manhunt 2.. and there certainly wouldn't be a Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as, well, there'd be no new controls to incorporate so what would be the point :heh: ..and Nintendo probably wouldn't be succeeding- we'd likely have another GC on our hands.


With each new game being announced, my feeling grows stronger that Nintendo has definitely taken the right direction with the Wii and I hope that it will succeed as more and more games are announced. Sorry I have gone off topic, but when I think of all the games that are still yet to be announced for Wii (F-Zero, Starfox, 1080, Wave Race.. and other new games) it's great and I can't wait to see how controls are implemented for each genre.


But anyway, good to see another game announcement for the Wii!


Hmm, passionate, somewhat. Yeah, we need more horror titles. How is this series compaired to Resi? Better or worse?

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How is this series compaired to Resi? Better or worse?

The latest is apparently going to be something of a RE4-style reinvention. Indeed by the sounds of it it'll have a similar over-the-shoulder perspective and be more action based. In an early interview it was mentioned that the team are trying to capture the spirit of a TV series, so the game will be split up in to 'episodes' with each having it's own finale or cliffhanger.


I'm thinking this game will probably be better on the 360 or PS3 — if there wasn't a PS2 version I doubt we'd be seeing it on the Wii. Still, if the developers do go above and beyond a simple PS2 port then my purchasing platform might be swayed.

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All of the AiTD games have been varying degrees of good. Oh and you've always played as Edward Carnby, it's just that he's re-imagined in every game.


The first three are arguably the most interesting, because they employed a much more bizarre approach to its horror elements. For instance in 2 you dressed up as Santa Claus to trick some zombie kids into not gobbling you up, only to smash them silly with a frying pan.


Sounds silly maybe, and it was definitely done with a great sense of humour, but it was also oddly unsettling. Clown style creepy you know.


1 was heavily influenced by Lovecraft, which made that stand out as the most "seriously" scary of the lot. Many of Lovecraft's most often used descriptions of strange worlds and entities are in some way used in portraying the "enemies" in that game.


The setting in 3 was a western style ghost town, and I didn't play much of this because I couldn't get the sound to work. I've heard good things about it though.


It should be noted that all three are set in the mid '20s and that the overall style is much more in line with the stories Lovecraft wrote.


AiTD4, dubbed "The New Nightmare" (ew!) came out much later and sported a more modernized and mainstream look. That said, it was still rooted in the themes of lovecraft, alternate dimensions and the ocult. Set in modern day, Carnby is still a private eye that goes to "Shadow Island" (ew again!) to investigate the disappearance of.. a friend of his if I remember rightly.


The bizarre charm of the other games was completely discarded in order to appeal to a broader audience, but the game was still pretty good. Scary as fuck aswell.


AiTD was the first game to use the game mechanics and camera angles that Resident Evil pretty much nicked and got famous for, so it's very much the original survival horror title as we know them today. I'm a huge fan of the series myself, and I really hope that the latest game makes a mark. It may never return to its original vision and therefore never set itself apart in the way that caught my eye initially, but it's still a broader world and game series than RE in that it can keep re-inventing itself, its characters and its dark foes.


If there's a Wii version though, I hope to god it's a brand new game. AiTD5 apparently streams Central Park in its entirety, and it's very much a graphics driven game. I'd very much like to see a Wii game that embraces what the series once were and does something with that, otherwise it'll just be an inevitably inferior port.

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Great post, SimonM7.


All of the AiTD games have been varying degrees of good. Oh and you've always played as Edward Carnby, it's just that he's re-imagined in every game.


I never knew this. Didn't you have a choice in the first game of playing Edward or playing a woman? I forget her name.


The setting in 3 was a western style ghost town, and I didn't play much of this because I couldn't get the sound to work. I've heard good things about it though.


Exactly the same reason why I didn't get into it much. Playing a horror game without sound is definitely missing half the experience.


AiTD4, dubbed "The New Nightmare" (ew!) came out much later and sported a more modernized and mainstream look.


I couldn't get into this game much. It started out very well, but I got a bit bored of it. It does have some nice production values, so I may go back to it later.


These two quotes from the article sound interesting:


So our Edward Carnby in the new game is the same guy from the very first Alone in the Dark in the 1920’s . . . One of the most important things the player has to discover in the game is how the he’s made it to 2007 without ageing.


Presumably by time travel, but I suppose it's all related to the mystery of Central Park.


We modelled Central Park using satellite data, so it’s rendered to about 50cm accuracy.


It would be a fantastic game for people who live in New York and who are familiar with Central Park (imagine playing a horror game modelled on your nearest park).

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If anyone is interested in playing the 1st game, it's availiable on abandonware site. I would provide a link on here to it but I'm not sure if it would get me in trouble. The laws of abanonware being a bit sketchy and all, although the site I visit seems to be pretty much above board.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Atari have confirmed the game;




Nintendo News | Atari Reveals 9 for Wii & DS


Following the revelation of possible Wii and DS ports of Alone in the Dark 5, Atari has confirmed both, as well as seven other titles. First up, check out the list of Nintendo DS games that have confirmed release dates:


Alone in the Dark 5: Near Death - November 2007

Tabaluga 2 - September 2007

Lucky Luke: Go West! - November 2007

Asterix Olympic Games - January 2008

Cooking [ an enterprise simulation ] - February 2008

Fashion Academy - February 2008


There are also Wii versions of Alone in the Dark (as mentioned earlier), Asterix Olympic Games and Fashion Academy on the way.

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So the 360/PS3 Alone In The Dark must be out November as well....cool!


It's great the Wii isn't getting left out, it's going from strength to strength, espicially if you live in USA or Japan.

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  • 10 months later...

Bumpage. AITD was given an extensive preview on Bravo's Gamer.tv (repeated Saturday) earlier. The Xbox 360 version was obviously shown, with no mention of Wii-ified controls, but it did at least confirm a Wii version in the Format ticker, no mention of PS3 as i recall...

Must admit, it looks extremely promising. Very much inspired by RE4.

Are there images/videos of the Wii version...




to answer my own question. Wii Version - apparently...



Posted by Planet Nintendo, whoever they are, as Wii gameplay footage at youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUlASj8grqk

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Sadly, that video isn't for the Wii version. Here are some screenshots from the Wii version, just blown up to a higher resolution:








More here: http://www.ene3.com/archives/020905.html


And don't forget the Collector's Edition!:




Contains: (Taken from this page: http://wiiz.fr/article.php?a=16693, which also states the game will be released in Europe 30th May)


The Game

15cm figurine of Carnby

60 page art-book

Soundtrack CD

Making of the game DVD

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  • 1 month later...

Looking pretty sweet indeed.


One thing that had me bugged though: no dynamic fire in the Wii version. From what I understood, you will be able to let things catch fire from moving those things into already present fire, but you cannot set things on fire, for example by using a deodorant/lighter combo. Moreover, no moving a burning chair carefully from left to right, as seen in the, what he calls, "versions next-gens." Bit bugger, but hell if I care if the core gameplay and atmosphere are still present. Which appears to be so.

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The game looks interesting, but 2 things bugged me in that video:


1) The fact that this developer, like most of the others, groups Wii and PS2 together as equivalent machines. Stop it already!


2) The "FPS" controls appear to suck. Bounding box too big, cursor too loose. Just take a look at MP3, you fucks, it's been out for over 8 months, it's not that hard.

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