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I'm going back tommorow, I havn't started any revision yet. Does anybody know if you get study leave for Standard Grades?


Apparently not, but I think thats bullshit. Gonna stay off anyway - I have to get these illustrations done :D



I am sort of looking forwards to going back, as I know the sudden panic is going to motivate me to actually do some revision. Or at least I hope..

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On your birthday! Unlucky.

Phew, looking at my timetable my last one is 10 days befor my birthday..

You went holy cross didnt you? If I remember right. What did you think of the general studies questions?

(totally irrelevant if I'm just dumb and you didnt go there)


Yeah, Holy Cross massif!


Well, put it this way: they're bullshit. I got an A (just about) by writing bollocks. I barely answered the questions, but as long as you can write in sentances, using English and vaguely keeping in line with the question then you should do alright. I have a mate who wrote his history revision notes in his exam. result? B.


But do try to do well, afterall, an extra A might get you a few more squids in terms of busaries in uni. Also, do you have an older brother? Who also went to HX?

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..I don't know what I want to do with my life and I am seriously considering seeing out this year of university (second year computing student) and bringing it to an end as I just haven't really enjoyed much about it since I started in 2005.


My major problem is that I just don't know what I want to do.. where I want to go..


Year 3 of my course is a work placement which, really, should have been sorted out by now but I haven't even looked for anywhere yet.. I don't want to commit myself to it if my heart's just not in it.


..hmph.. what to do :hmm: I hate this.

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Guest Stefkov
Yeah, Holy Cross massif!


Well, put it this way: they're bullshit. I got an A (just about) by writing bollocks. I barely answered the questions, but as long as you can write in sentances, using English and vaguely keeping in line with the question then you should do alright. I have a mate who wrote his history revision notes in his exam. result? B.


But do try to do well, afterall, an extra A might get you a few more squids in terms of busaries in uni. Also, do you have an older brother? Who also went to HX?

Yeah, my brother went HC. He goes Man Met now.

Good to hear the general studies is like my English GCES's.

I remember in my mock a question was write about someone you admire.

I wrote about Shigeru Miyamoto...got an A.

I'm good at writing crap I think, and milking off one thing so ..good to hear.


(haha history notes)

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Guest Stefkov
I think I might have known your brother Stef, never spoke to him though :heh:

haha, his name was Mike, peeople nicknames him kov, as my ukrainian friends do for me because it was easier for them and Mike was unoriginal (plus I know another guy called Stef so it seperates us)

It's quite funny that you knew him though..


Dyson..I mean Henry you crazy...

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I'm going back tommorow, I havn't started any revision yet. Does anybody know if you get study leave for Standard Grades?


Depends on the school. We have an odd policy, it's kind of like "we don't give study leave, but you can stay off if you think it's ok."


I am sort of looking forwards to going back, as I know the sudden panic is going to motivate me to actually do some revision. Or at least I hope..


Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. I am really looking forward to school and I want to be under pressure, so I have lots of exciting revision to do. That'll be great!

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My school decides who will be prefects tomorrow and I applied.


The worst thing is that if you applied you have to sit right at the front during the whole school assembly and then the people who are read out get to go up to the stage and get their nice new tie, so then at the end, everyone knows the people left sitting at the front are those that wanted it and didn't get it. Embarrassing.

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Depends on the school. We have an odd policy, it's kind of like "we don't give study leave, but you can stay off if you think it's ok."


I'm not sure what are school does however 7 out of 8 of my exams are in the first two weeks then Accouting and Finance has a 3 week gap. The good thing is I havn't had to revise for it yet but 3 weeks! It's going to be so boring.

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Here are two example questions from the science and maths paper:




That is piss-easy, although I am doing AS-level Maths...


On the whole, I'm quite looking forward to it (I'm not saying I prefer term time to holidays, though...). As I'm only doing subjects I want to, the worst thing about going back is having to get up early.

On the plus side, I get to see my friends who are borders or live in places that are difficult to get to via public transport.

As it's the summer term, football on the field is now an option at break and lunch time! I have a method of pissing off all the people who think they are really good, and are glory seekers. When I receive a pass out wide (I play roughly in left-back), I wait for these cocky bastards to come all the way out to me, and then pass it. It's a good tactic, as it pisses them off and gets them out of play.

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I'm not sure what are school does however 7 out of 8 of my exams are in the first two weeks then Accouting and Finance has a 3 week gap. The good thing is I havn't had to revise for it yet but 3 weeks! It's going to be so boring.


I have 4 on my first week, none on my second, two on my third and then Accounts on the fourth (along with German, urgh!)


I suck so much at Accounts due to a lack of a teacher. When our old Accounts teacher left I had just finished Unit 3 (Not For Profit Organisations) and now I've forgotten everything we have ever done. I just get so confused with so many different final accounts. And how a balance sheet could be financed by so many things! However, though Accounts is my weakest subject I've not done any revision for it, I'm going to wait until I've finished my first four exams on the first week.

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My school decides who will be prefects tomorrow and I applied.


The worst thing is that if you applied you have to sit right at the front during the whole school assembly and then the people who are read out get to go up to the stage and get their nice new tie, so then at the end, everyone knows the people left sitting at the front are those that wanted it and didn't get it. Embarrassing.

Well, good luck, but don't be too annoyed if you don't get it. Although I applied, my school thought I hadn't, so I didn't end up being a prefect. (mind you, even if they thought I'd applied, I still wouldn't have got the position) I was a bit put out at first, but as time went on, I gradually realised that, at my school at least, there are only disadvantages to being a prefect. You have to do everybody's dirty work, and universities don't appear to give a damn what you are.

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Guest Stefkov
My school decides who will be prefects tomorrow and I applied.


The worst thing is that if you applied you have to sit right at the front during the whole school assembly and then the people who are read out get to go up to the stage and get their nice new tie, so then at the end, everyone knows the people left sitting at the front are those that wanted it and didn't get it. Embarrassing.

Is that the head prefects or just normal prefects? Thats pretty embarrasing. I just hated going up onto stage at any time.


For us We had the gold tie and green tie prefects. The gold ties were like kead prefects.

I was put in for that, we had to write an application (wtf) and then we had to have an interview with the headmaster dude. I didnt get it but would have been good if I did. I remember he was talking to all of us who were put into it and he wasnt impressed some people spelt his name wrong. I laughed to myself.

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Got a week left before I return to Uni. And I've failed my holiday plan. I intended as I always do to get my uni work done in the first week so the rest of the time is free.


Well, I've half coded my Java game. Essentially I need to conquer this one piece of code that isn't working then i should be able to finish swiftly. Then I've got to type up the report, gah.


Next is Systems Modelling, need a group member to send me his work so I can do the next part, he hasn't finished yet. Hopefully I won't get screwed over.


Then there is networking, got a few questions for an assignment to do, which would be no problem, in fact I was going to start this now. But Breo (our virtual resource thingy where assignment topsheets, lecture slides and other documents get uploaded to) is down. GREAT! I also need to type up my practical work and print it off to form a log book for my exam.


Throw, going out, Arsenal match and work into the mix and I've now got a busy week. Not looking forward to going back to be honest.

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I can't be asked to go back.


Oh, well i wont try asking then...



I have three exams before the weekend, then tickets to go see Muse at Wembley on the saturday, then three more exams on the monday tuesday wednesday. Going to be a fun week for me!

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Is that the head prefects or just normal prefects? Thats pretty embarrasing. I just hated going up onto stage at any time.


For us We had the gold tie and green tie prefects. The gold ties were like kead prefects.

I was put in for that, we had to write an application (wtf) and then we had to have an interview with the headmaster dude. I didnt get it but would have been good if I did. I remember he was talking to all of us who were put into it and he wasnt impressed some people spelt his name wrong. I laughed to myself.


It's just for normal prefects : / Though we just had to write a letter of application, thankfully no interview. The perks of being a perfect at my school are pretty meagre to say the least, you get:


1) The privilege of being allowed to wear a blue or pink shirt instead of the standard white - making you just look stupid.


2) You can go outside of school in your frees - everyone does that anyway.


There used to be a exclusive prefect common room in which there was a TV hooked up with a Genesis and an N64 - but they closed that down this year *grumble grumble*

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At my school all the teachers are saying that the year 11's arn't getting study leave this year which also applies to the whole country i think. However no-one has said anything officially like in assembly and such, or on the internet. So i don't know whats happening about the study leave in England, it should be on the 11th May which hopefully will still be 'leaving on'.

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