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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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News about Mikami.


Mikami has his own company now called "Straight Story" and has contract with Capcom, working with Seeds and is making game with Suda.

I'd like to see his next projects, yet I somewhat doubt he is making a game with Suda already. considering what Suda said yesterday:


With the recent turmoil at Capcom over the whole Clover fiasco and the formation of Seeds, I figure I'll ask if we can expect/hope for another collaboration with Shinji Mikami. "We've been talking about making another game like Killer7, so we're not sure when that's going to be", he says. "But something will happen in the future, we really want to make it happen".
Source: http://kotaku.com/gaming/go307/chattin-with-goichi-suda-about-punks-killer7--no-more-heroes-248774.php


Just doesn't seem immediate plans to do it, Suda is also planning to do a game with Kojima et all. might happen down the line, but not now. (I think)

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Do you think it's going to be toned down quite a lot then? It all seems very cheery on the main-page.


I think Capcom are aiming it more at the 25-35 year olds....Instead of the teens? Maybe?


I'm excited about this game, and have no-idea why. I've already completed it and loved every minute and now i may buy it again....The things games do, to ya! :D

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^ killer kirby that Rurouni Kenshin animation is awesome.


This idea sounds kind of novel to me. Why pitch this game at 'the family'? Your grandad and your seven year old daughter ain't gonna giggle at the exploding body parts and giant-bug-heads. And the controls seem a bit dodgy too, well, I'm still interested because I wanted to play the PS2 extras, here's hoping they do it well. It has at least be an improvement over the GC's aiming to tempt me into buying it, since I loved that system anyway.

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^ killer kirby that Rurouni Kenshin animation is awesome.


This idea sounds kind of novel to me. Why pitch this game at 'the family'? Your grandad and your seven year old daughter ain't gonna giggle at the exploding body parts and giant-bug-heads. And the controls seem a bit dodgy too, well, I'm still interested because I wanted to play the PS2 extras, here's hoping they do it well. It has at least be an improvement over the GC's aiming to tempt me into buying it, since I loved that system anyway.


First of all thankyou for saying that you like my sig shorty ^_^


Second I agree with shorty, what capcom are showing aren't exactly what I had hoped for, IMO they should have it in a dark room with a group of people around the ages of 21-30. Having it in a bright room and having 2 people smiling like they are playing a childrens game just doesn't look right, it might have looked good for other games but this game should always look dark not bright.

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It better not be fake widescreen! Grrrr it annoys why companies use fake widescreen (i'm looking at you EA, which you MoH crappiness).


Anyway, i can't wait to play this game. I lost count of how many times i completed the GC version.

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Why has the tasty laseraim been replaced with a booring crosshair?


I think that the weapons that in reality would have laseraim (The pistols, the grenadelauncher and the TMP) should have that, while the ones that in reality wouldn't (shotguns, Red9, the sniperrifles, chicago typewriter and the revolver) should have ironsights.


I hope that this version will contain SOME graphical improvements... like being run in full screen.

Another thing I'd wish would be some more weapons and bonus scenarios.

One thing that really bugged me out was that there was no real assaultrifle. OK, we got the TMP, but it was way to weak, and we had the Chicago typewriter, but it was a secret unlockable with infinite ammo (which completelly removed the challenge from the game, if I might add).

My hope is an M16 or AK47-ish thing.


Allso I'd like to see the Desert eagle Leon had in the early version of the game:


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Resident Evil® 4 is one of the highest rated games on Game Rankings.com and Metacritic.com, garnering dozens of awards and nominations for its amazing game play and incredible re-invention of the “survival-horror” genre. This celebrated game now comes to the Wii with added Wii Remote and Nunchuck™ support, allowing players to immerse themselves in the game as never before. With RE4 Wii Edition, Capcom is offering new and more immersive sense of control to players, while keeping all of the game’s incredible game systems intact. As Leon Kennedy, players will explore a town overrun by cultists, mutants and mind-controlled villagers, using the Wii Remote to aim, fire, slash and avoid oncoming adversaries with intuitive motions and movements. RE4 Wii Edition will also contain the additional content included in the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system version of the game.

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