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Spong "Confirms" NiGHTS For Wii


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Entirely new game, not a VC update of the Saturn version.


First off, please don't shoot the messenger. We are merely reporting what we have read/are hearing. Secondly, we are not entirely sure of Spong's credibility, as their reliability differs from time to time.


Spong are reporting that a new NiGHTS title is on the way to the Wii. When they say new, they do not mean a Virtual Console reincarnation of the Sega Saturn classic.


Apparantly they've been chasing up contacts and they can "100%" confirm that it is on the way...


We'll bring you more information on this as it comes in.


Taken from the main site : http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10266


From here: http://news.spong.com/article/12086?cb=890


As far as I can see, we were the first gaming site, other than spong itself and MCV to get this up. :)


True, or falso?


Edit: Also, show some FT$$)£(£ Support for the Mainsite. We're trying hard now, but we need you guys to post comments and stuff, no matter how small to encourage us further.

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I think spong just look at which rumors are sparking the most interest and then "claim" its been proven by one of their "insiders" so that their website gets hits


thats why sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they are right

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I think spong just look at which rumors are sparking the most interest and then "claim" its been proven by one of their "insiders" so that their website gets hits


thats why sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they are right


So true.


Shame Spong don't probably know enough contacts to get exclusive game anouncements.

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As I've said in the main post, can someone post proof of some of SPOnG's apparent fuck ups? I really don't think they deserve the reputation they have. Everyone seems to jump on the hating SPOnG bandwagon but nobody really seems to know why. I never see any examples to back up the claims.

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Again, can anyone back up these claims?

I believe they were the ones who originally created that big megaton rumour thing years back............and since then it's affected them.


It's obviously NiGHTS. SPOnG are just trying to be the first to break the news.

Pretty much.

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Spong never seem to be able to back up any of their claims. Why should we?


Lol. SPOnG never back up their claims because if they ever let on who the people are that are leaking information in various companies then those people would be instantly fired!


It just irritates me the way everyone jumps on the hating SPOnG bandwagon yet noone ever backs up their claims with a single link to a SPOnG article that was drastically wrong.


Livelihoods don't rest on you or anyone else providing a link to accessible information.

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sp0nge at one time claimed to be friends of Iwata. lol


sp0nge take rumors that re occur and then claim they have been confirmed in order to get an exclusive.

With this one, ONM have had that hint of a new game which from the hints looks like a rebirth of Saturn Classic Nights, this has been rumored for a very long so sp0nge took the rumour and the hint and claim they have got an exclusive. They did the same thing last year with the DS lite. Rumours happened for several days, sp0nge claim they have an exclusive confirmation.


sp0nge are not the biggest, most popular video game website on the net. How would they be able to get exclusive info or be friends with Iwata over sites like CVG, IGN and gamespot?

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As far as I'm aware the whole 'CONFIRMED!' thing was born of the website's wont to earmark every piece of rumour or speculation as exclusive information. They are very much a rumour blog like Kotaku, and whilst both of those are on the money sometimes, it always pays to be wary of "unnamed insiders".

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I don't really trust spong but it seems they were a lot wore a few years ago.

After all they were right about Gameboy Micro being announced I seem to recall. Sure that doesn't mean they don't spit out crap anymore but at least it looks like they got some insiders.

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