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Skies of Arcadia Official Thread


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There's no shortage of people singing this game's praises, so my post is probably a bit redundant here.


But this game is that good that I would consider it an injustice not to come on here and tell you that it's the best RPG on the Gamecube hands down and second only to Chronotrigger for all-time best RPG.


If you're into darker games, you might not get into it - although Ramirez scared the pants off me. This is a game that cheers me up every time I think of it; it's effortless exuberance and enthusiastic characters sweeps you along on a magical story that is truly varied and epic. There are bits I have never seen in an RPG before. It demands your attention from Minute 1 and grabs hold of you like a starving monkey until the 70-odd hours are up.


Buy it however you can. Now!

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There's no shortage of people singing this game's praises, so my post is probably a bit redundant here.


But this game is that good that I would consider it an injustice not to come on here and tell you that it's the best RPG on the Gamecube hands down and second only to Chronotrigger for all-time best RPG.


If you're into darker games, you might not get into it - although Ramirez scared the pants off me. This is a game that cheers me up every time I think of it; it's effortless exuberance and enthusiastic characters sweeps you along on a magical story that is truly varied and epic. There are bits I have never seen in an RPG before. It demands your attention from Minute 1 and grabs hold of you like a starving monkey until the 70-odd hours are up.


Buy it however you can. Now!



What he said ^^

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..I'm really looking forward to it.. and have never really properly experienced an RPG like this before..


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is like an introduction to the genre for me.. and I love it (thank you, magicbuttons :smile:) ..When I get back to university next week I'll be getting really stuck into it.. stuff uni work :heh:


..Skies of Arcadia should be arriving some time next week, but since I will be away at university I won't see it until next weekend.. but the more you guys talk about it, the more I want it.. :hehe:

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Before Skies of Arcadia i'd never properly experienced a true 3D RPG either, and it now remains my favourite ever. I think the way people say your first big RPG will be your favourite is perhaps true (to an extent).


I agree, and seeing as (I'm pretty sure that) Final Fantasy VII was the first ever proper 3D RPG, it is why many people look on it with so much love. However, that's not to take any from the magnificence of Final Fantasy VII, plot-wise, even today it beats many other RPGs.


Stocka, you should really play a 3D Final Fantasy game at some point. I remember you saying that you had never played one. :(

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Stocka, you should really play a 3D Final Fantasy game at some point. I remember you saying that you had never played one. :(

Funny you should say that, one of my friends who is a massive final fantasy fan wants me to get into them so much, but like I said "i don't have a ps2" + "i'd have to play them all through from I-XII, because i'm awkward like that." I'm very tempted to get a ps2 and get them all but also part of me would rather not. If I was to get them i'd get a ps3 instead but then i really don't need one..

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I just saw the thread title... and had to come post something. This was probably the game that got me into RPGs. I bought it almost 6 years ago, for the Dreamcast... and it remains one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

Damn this game is good. It was good on the DC and it remains good on the GC(although I never played it on the cube).

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  • 1 month later...
Before Skies of Arcadia i'd never properly experienced a true 3D RPG either, and it now remains my favourite ever. I think the way people say your first big RPG will be your favourite is perhaps true (to an extent).


Couldn't agree more. Golden Sun on GBA was the first real RPG I played and if it could ever be downloaded on the Wii VC I would buy in an instant.


I've started buying all the old GC games I either never bought or had to pawn for cash and want back. Just recently bought Baten Kaitos and am thinking of gettin this again and Tales of Symphonia.


There is one part (you all know which) where this goes from being a very good game to being a classic masterpeice which no other PRG I have played comes close to.

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Before Skies of Arcadia i'd never properly experienced a true 3D RPG either, and it now remains my favourite ever. I think the way people say your first big RPG will be your favourite is perhaps true (to an extent).


Jup - Skies of Arcadia was second in the line in my play, but I had the Golden Sun experience and I wanted something similar. And Skies just gave me the orgasm of the month. Back in the day, off course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite the fact that many people here seem to have trouble finding this game, I have somehow managed to grab a copy but have committed the crime of not playing it yet. How did it get this far? Many years ago, a port of skies was announced for the PS2. Given the fact that I'm a huge RPG fan and anything from the dreamcast simply *had* to be awesome, I couldn't wait to get this game. Hence, I was majorly pissed off when the port was finally cancelled. Enter last year, when I found out there actually *had* been a port of skies, but only for the Cube. Since I wanted to buy a wii, and I was still pissed of about not having been able to play it on PS2 all those years ago, I got this game (a brand new copy) when I actually saw it lying in a store. The situation has changed, however, from the one all those years ago. For years I've pretty much been playing nothing else but RPG's, and since I finished FF7 (my first big RPG and which I still consider to be the greatest game of all time) for the second time about five months ago, I decided to take it a little easy for a while. I've been pretty much fasting since then when it comes to RPG's, waiting for that one gem to arrive that will be able to impress me again as FF7 once did. So here I have skies lying around in my room, and my question would now be: is this game worth it to break the fasting?


(sorry for the long post, and yes, this is my first post on this forum)

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..don't starve yourself any longer.. you've wasted enough time coming on here to make that post when you could be slipping the Skies disc into your Wii, watch the discs whirr for a few seconds on the screen, remembering you need to go find your GC memory card (you do have one.. right? :shakehead)


Play/Eat it now. And if you don't have a memory card, play it all in one go. Then in the early hours of sunday morning when you finish it, tell us about your feast.

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Ok, I'm convinced. I'm first going to finish zelda:TP (which I consider to be an adventure, not an RPG, so it was alright for me to play it) and after that I'll start with skies. At the eighth dungeon right now, which actually took me around 88 hours. I want to get at least 100 hours out of the game, which shouldn't take much more than a week or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I am stuck in Ixa Taxa and cannot find the golden statue at all.

All the guides say it is near the king's hut, but i cannot find it.

Someone tell me the exact location PLEASE


Its on top of one of those mountains, next to the Hut. Follow the direction of the finger to find whatemacallet (forgotten the name).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally finished the main quest yesterday, or the day before. But there's still plenty of stuff to do. Jeez, that last set of battles, allthought not really hard, calls for some endurance.. But epic it was. Actually, that fight with lord Zyvilin (?) Bane, just before the big battle, was quite a bit harder. I was totally unprepared too, there wasn't a savespot in the near vicinity, and I didn't know I was going to encounter him.. Good thing I defeated him first time around then I guess, but it may have been the hardest battle for me up to that point (I was at a point, where only Drachma was alive, with very little HP, I really don't know how and why I still recovered :D).


Anyway, still plenty stuff to do, but there are some other games waiting to be finished (or even getting started on), so I think Piastol has to wait for a while (allthough I wish I could get her and Belleza in my party instead of Fina and Aika :P).


I guess now I can go to the beginning of this thread though, and read all the spoilers..

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Good going Smeagol! What kept you?!


You must have been well levelled up by the end, cos I found it gruelling from both a difficulty point of view and endurance - it took me a whole day to get through the final set of battles! But wasnt it worth it?! And, I did die once and had to redo it all hardy-harr-harr.


Lord Bane was a right pain, you're right to say that.


I really liked the end sequence/ credits. Super game.

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Good going Smeagol! What kept you?!


You must have been well levelled up by the end, cos I found it gruelling from both a difficulty point of view and endurance - it took me a whole day to get through the final set of battles! But wasnt it worth it?! And, I did die once and had to redo it all hardy-harr-harr.


Lord Bane was a right pain, you're right to say that.


I really liked the end sequence/ credits. Super game.

What kept me? Ha.. Zelda TP.. Some Fire Emblem (also still not finished), some Magical Vacation (also not finished).. And some other still. Damn, I always intended to play 1 game at a time, but I always used to have 1 new game at a time :D. Now I'm trying to catch up on Cube games (and DS games to some extent), so I have plenty stuff to do.. I think I'll make finishing Fire Emblem my priority, then Magical Vacation, so I can properly start Resident Evil 4 en Final Fantasy 3. Oh and finish Phoenix Wright 1! But I got stuck at that one..


Anyway, I don't know what is considered a high level in this game. I normally like to grind, but I was glad I could finally avoid the random encounters while sailing in the end (by sailing in upper or deep sky). My Vyse was level 53 or 52, Aika & Fina were 52 or 51 I think, Drachma, which I had at the moment of the final battle, was level 40. I forgot what level Enrique and Gilder were, obviously something in between.


It was enough to make the final battles a breeze (also, for the ship battle, I had a stock of around 70 complete kits..). I kept dragging it out though, I didn't simply want to beat him, but I wanted to completely obliterate him, but he was too anoying for that (constantly eliminating my positive status changes).


It's the bounties in the game, that are hard though. After finishing tthe game, I checked out the Ice lands, and encountered ehh.. That guy with his lucky cat. He completely wasted me, I was trying my usual routine (first turn Fina's eternal blessing, then all next turns Aika's delta shield and Vyse's skull shield, the others will raise spirit, untill I can cast blue rogues). But his 2 sidekicks proved too much om my first (and only for now) try.


Oh and, my playtime is around 60 hours at the moment, dunno the exact number.

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