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I love the style, and I love point & click (& twist & shake?) adventures.. This is a must-buy for me.

I recently bought the Myst collection.. Too bad I can't progress because of a glitch.. But yeah, I need some adventuring. And that monkey is fantastic!


I have watched the GC 2007 Trailer and some Gameplay Footage on GameTrailers this morning and, I have to say, this game has probably found it's way onto my shopping list. It looks great! If the Wii remote is responsive to all the required actions, this is gonna be awesome :yay:


Holy cow. I just watched the GT preview of this and it looks amazing! I especially loved the puzzle where you use the Wii-mote to put pieces of a puzzle together :) Lots of potential imo; i really hope it sells well. It's games like this that the Wii is made for.

  • 2 weeks later...

Puzzles that can take weeks to solve?? I mean, it's not that I don't like a challenge, but frustration WILL kick in if you don't clear a part of the game in weeks...


Still, I'm keeping an eye on this game.

  ShadowV7 said:
I've been keepying my eye on this.I think it's time to watch some footage of it.


I'm watching as little footage as I can of it; I don't want a single puzzle.spoiled.

  Gizmo said:
I'm watching as little footage as I can of it; I don't want a single puzzle.spoiled.


God i know exactly what you mean! It's going to be like the thrill of solving a zelda puzzle...times 1000!


Easily on my xmas list alongside Mario Galaxy, GHIII and Metroid.


Yeah. While I love Zelda, the best bits are the dastardly puzzles. The trekking through Hyrule Field, etc disperses them alot.


Zack and Wiki looks like it will be one massive dungeon, with room after room of nothing but genious puzzles.

  Gizmo said:
I'm watching as little footage as I can of it; I don't want a single puzzle.spoiled.


Same for me. As I really like this kind of game, have heard all the praise it receives and seen satisfying screens in term of artstyle, it's guaranteed i'll buy it. And I really don't want to be spoiled on this kind of game.


Yep, the fun here is not knowing how to do the puzzles. So one little bit of video may spoil something.


Looks great though doesn't it? :smile:


I think i'm gonna start my own 'Buy Zack and Wiki' campaign if it undersells in its first week. Set up a Wii-stall with the game in my local shopping center and just FORCE em to play it :D

  Goron_3 said:
I think i'm gonna start my own 'Buy Zack and Wiki' campaign if it undersells in its first week. Set up a Wii-stall with the game in my local shopping center and just FORCE em to play it :D


It won't undersell in USA, thats my opinion anyway. Not sure about Europe though, it definately needs a bit of a push here.

  Owen said:
It won't undersell in USA, thats my opinion anyway. Not sure about Europe though, it definately needs a bit of a push here.


Think ur right there dude. Point and clicks havent been overtly popular here in some time. Think people will likely look at this and say that its a kiddy game, just like Wind Waker


Actually, Europe is just about the only place where point 'n' clicks still sell. That's why so many European developers make adventure games (many of which never get sold outside of the EU or even get an English translation).


I agree though, this game needs all the promotion it can get. I'll be doing my best to make sure people looking for Xmas gifts pick it up, as long as it's actually good then I'm happy to recommend it to customers.

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