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Favourite TV Show Moments Collection (spoilers)


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As inspired by the Favourite Videogame Moments thread currently collecting replies in the retro board, I've decided to create this beast you are now reading. Basically the gist is the same; select your favoured television series instances and write/describe them here. I'd appreciate everyone knowing there will be spoilers everywhere in this thread, so people ought to be aware of that before scrolling down beyond this point.


Any shows are welcome. Anime, cartoons, drama. Let's see just what kind of people we are by our favourite television show moments. I do urge people to describe their bizarre anime shows in a little more depth than would be required for people talking about something like Friends.



I don't have time to post mine right now, but I'll let you know to expect an abundance of X-Files, 24 and anime nonsense to show up. Post away!

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Was thinking today the "I got off the plane" moment is so sweet, a moment on friends where they don't ruin drama with dumb jokes.


Random moments from several programs (cause I do love TV)



Darth Willow - the whole three episodes

"Things fall apart. They fall apart so hard. You can't ever put them back the way they were. You know, it takes time. You can't just ... have coffee and expect- There's just so much to work through. Trust has to be built again, on both sides ... You have to learn if ... if we're even the same people we were, if you can fit in each other's lives. It's a long... important process, and ... can we just skip it? Can-can you just be kissing me now?" Such a sweet moment, gotta love Tara and Willow.

The exposition scene in Hush, its like spot the masturbation entendré.

Innocence, just the whole damn episode. Also The Body, the whole damn episode.

Buffy's speech in Chosen.



Spike's rooftop parody in Into the Dark

The death of Fred, so upsetting and tender.

Cordy with long hair in S1, just looks so much better.

Willow's appearance in S4, such a breath of fun air.


Veronica Mars

"Wanna know how I lost my virginity. So do I." That line really stood out for me.

Veronica being told Keith isn't her father by Abel and the way she breaks down in her car.

Aaron being stabbed in "An Echolls Family Christmas", watched it earlier and it almost bought me to tears, could be cause im all crazy emotional right now.

The fact there are brothers called Dick and Beaver, and Charisma Carpenter plays their mom.

Keith telling Veronica that he is 100% without a doubt her dad (paternity test results prove it).

The whole damn last episode.


Sex and the City

The finale.

Samantha's "As long as I can kneel and breathe through my nose" or whatever it was rant.

Steve and Miranda getting back together in "The One."

When Aiden suggests he and carry elope infront while they're in front of a fountain, such a beautifully shot scene.

Where Carrie finds the post it from Burger, the way they shot her smacking the vase down is also beautiful.

On-location shots in New York, just reminds me of the holiday.



The season opener, but I think its more to do with its artistic beauty then its narrative one.

Sun's flashbacks.

"You all everybody!"


Desperate Housewives

All the Breeisms - "Rex cries when he ejaculates." The "Im not a fan [of the penis]" speech and "What am I supposed to say? My husband likes his nipples clamped, yippie?"



The episode "Sliding Frasiers", so its a rip of Sliding Doors but I enjoy it.

Niles tells Daphne he has fancied her for seven years.

The dance in "Moon Dance".

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I felt no warmth in the last ep of Friends, the whole last 3 series were utter tat. I do however love the bit when Ross says Rachel's name instead of... um... that other woman.


This latest episode of Neighbours was magical.


My fav TV moment ever that left me smiling forever was when Nadia came out the Big Brother house...

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24 spoilers a-plenty in this post.

  • When Jack storms the compound where Teri and Kim are being held.
  • When Palmer and Jack meet face to face for the first time.
  • When Jack kills Victor Drazen and unloads bullet after bullet into his body.
  • When Jack finds out his wife has been killed.
  • The interrogation of Nina - first time Jack has spoken to her since Teri's death.
  • Jack shouting "TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS!!!11one!1" over and over.
  • When Mason sacrifices his life to explode the nuclear bomb.
  • When Palmer looks out the window on Air Force One to see the nuclear explosion in the distance.
  • Season 2 finale in the Colosseum; Jack RUNNING UP A WALL and breaking a guy's neck.
  • Jack playing Russian Roulette with Ramone Salazar and that cop.
  • Jack killing Chappelle.
  • Jack cutting off Chase's hand with an axe.
  • Jack breaking down and crying in his car.
  • Tony suddenly appearing in Season 4 and saving Jack and Audrey.
  • Chloe getting a rifle and shooting that guy in the car.
  • Audrey's ex-husband dying due to Jack; Audrey going mental.
  • Air Force One going kaboom.
  • Palmer's re-appearance in Season 4.
  • Season 4 finale; Jack "dying". Walking along the railroad into the sunset.

Loads more, but that's all I can think of right now.


In fact, just put the entire show in the "Best TV Moments" list.

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This latest episode of Neighbours was magical.



you get neighbours over there ha thats so funny what episode are you up to.


mine would have to be the whole dave chappelle show Season 2 it was so funny especially the Charlie Murphy true hollywood story with Rick James i was in stiches it was so funny and i also liked Paul Mooney ask a black dude part in it.

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The entirety of the X-Files mythology episodes are brilliant, as are a great deal of the one-shot monster of the week ones. There are far too many to name, but anything Mulder/Alien specific was usually award-winning television material.


I don't think I can think of any other 24 moments other than those listed above. There's when Jack breaks Tony's leg, and the revelation of Tony's drinking problem. Jesus, such a brilliant series.


I also greatly enjoyed the more serious moments of Futurama. Episodes like Luck of the Fryrish and Jurassic Bark really hit you in places the funny didn't go close to. Speaking of comedies with serious/touching moments Only Fools and Horses was full of them. As well as providing endless laughs, it's also very touching in a number of scenes. When Rodney breaks down in the lift, when Del's son is born. Like X-Files and 24, I don't think I could pick specific scenes... it would rather be better to simply recommend the entire series to anyone with a taste for good television.


Since I mentioned anime, it was to specifically list a number of great anime moments here in no particular order, from the series' I like best. I'll break them down into show categories, so you won't have a mish-mash of thoughts.


DragonBall Z:

-Vegeta's speech before Freezer finishes him off.

-Krillin is killed by Freezer, prompting SonGoku to become a Super Saiyan for the first time.

-Trunks appears and defeats Freezer and his Father to some very cool background music.

-Vegeta reflecting on his abilities after learning he still isn't strong enough to defeat the Artificial Humans.

-SonGohan going Super Saiyan 2 to some excellently haunting music.

-SonGoku's final farewell.

-Trunks vs Goten at the martial arts tournament.

-Krillin going on a suicide attack against Majin Buu to try and help everyone escape.

-Every episode with the really nice artwork in the Buu saga.



-Eva-01's first sortie against Sachiel.

-The scene where Asuka slaps Kensuke, Touji and Shinji.

-Any early scene featuring the more playful Kaji.

-The final scene of the episode "Fourth Children" where Touji is reflecting on being chosen, and he throws the basketball into the hoop before "to be continued" hits the black screen and it cuts into the really atmospheric rendition of Fly me to the Moon.

-The battle between the Eva-03 and Eva-01. Grotesque.

-The entire Zeruel episode, with amazing animation, great fights and the disturbing cliffhanger where Eva-01 berserkers and consumes the Super Solenoid engine of the Angel.

-Kaji's shooting and subsequent phone message to Misato.

-Rei's suicide to defeat Armisael, the subsequent revelations about her.

-Kaworu's appearance and the music as Eva-01 and Eva-02 battle as they descend toward terminal Dogma.

-The End of Evangelion. Enough said.


Time to play some Xmen, I'll post the rest later.

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mine would have to be the whole dave chappelle show Season 2 it was so funny especially the Charlie Murphy true hollywood story with Rick James i was in stiches it was so funny and i also liked Paul Mooney ask a black dude part in it.





Sorry couldnt help myself. That whole sketch is funny as hell as is the Prince skit he does.

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Two which I've just thought of are:


Alan Partridge piercing his foot on a spike and the fireplace presentation that follows.



(I got my series two DVD back today, two years on.)

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Northern ireland beating England in the footie, i'll forever remember Healy's awesome goal :D


Yep you did well. See you in Germany!


Edit: And just listening to the theme tune, the opening credits of The Sopranos are brilliant, my fave of any TV show.

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buffy episode - once more with feeling....one heck of a funny episode


Should try singing the line "It could be witches. Some evil witches. Which is rediculous cause witches are wicca good, love the earth and i'll be over here" in tune, its hard. But t'is a fun episode, one you can watch over and over again and then do you A-level coursework on and get 100%. See everyone, Buffy good.

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Yep you did well. See you in Germany!


Edit: And just listening to the theme tune, the opening credits of The Sopranos are brilliant, my fave of any TV show.


Typical english response. at least N Ireland dont play the worst football ever seen, that title is reserved for the english.

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the cliffhanger at the end of Spooks series 1, and the episode with the virus was ace.


Scrubs! Apart from THEWHOLEFLIPPINGTHING i'd say.. everything else.


Futurama - The ep where they go to the wasp planet, the last ep of series 4 with the music thing, the ep with the boxes and the parallel universes, the ep where bender gets a downgrade...


... Yeah that'll do. Great thread, weneedrepsectpoints.

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