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....is dead. Marvel killed him off with a snipers bullet this month.


it seems strange when a major character like him dies, although often they get resurrected by some misguided writer down the line. Even the mighty Joss Whedon is guilty of it.


this could be permanent though. It's such a massive end that it would seem particularly bad form to bring him back somehow.


anyone else see this in the news then?

for superman? they bought him back eventually. took a while admittedly...


Captain America. Stan Lee stopped them after WWII propaganda ended didn't he?


It's purely for the sales. This sort of thing is usually a sign that particular character isn't selling too well. Now they can make an absolute bomb out of his "final" comic, the upcoming movie and then in 2-3 years: "Oh fiddledy-fucking dee... Captain America is ALIVE! Whod have thunk it, huh?"


See also: Crossovers.


He was a character invented in the 40s to boost patriotism during WW2. issue 1 featured him punching Hitler on the cover. Not sure how his character fits in with this age of Neocon imperialism and the soul-crushing steam roller of corporate of America.


Cap is awesome. They've been whining about this over at the Namco Tales Series forum, going on about "how could this be reported in the news?!" bullshit.


Yet when something about Harry Potter comes up, you can't shut them up about it.


Captain America was pretty crappy, he should have Owned Tony Stark in The Cival war instead of being a Pansey and Surrenduring, Stark is a tosser, and I red the Comic of it yesterday, not a bad issue, and the Sniper got him, it wasn't the thing that killed him off though, that was...soemthing else, won't say what though =p

Guest Stefkov

Read this in the newspaper on Friday. Pretty shit way to die tbh.

Someone should of killed him a long time ago.

"Someone should HAVE killed him a long time ago"


Yeah, I hate him simply because he symbolises the reason many people hate America.


He was a good character in the Ultimate Avengers movies, thats pretty much the only experience i have of Cap'


Shame he's dead but he'll be back. In a few years someone will time travel back and kill the sniper first


Shame he's dead but he'll be back. In a few years someone will time travel back and kill the sniper first


It won't be anything that simple, things are much more convoluted in the world of Marvel comics. Alternate reality Bucky will fall through a wormhole and travel through time and dimensions to end up marrying the snipers mother and give the sniper a good upbringing so he never becomes a sniper.

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