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North Korea, what do you think?


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Footage of public executions, corpses lying in the streets and worse has been smuggled out from an incredibly brave guy. I thought "dear" Kim John yim's (sp?) regime was bad but this is practically medievil.


What kind of action should be taken? I'm disgusted!

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If America were to go in (which they wont as they would gain nothing unlike Iraq where they would gain oil) it would spark a world war i think.

China would get involved, and then America's allies, and so on.


Yea its balls whats going on in North Korea but only way to stop it would be the people of North Korea to revolt

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The situation in North Korea is truly saddening. It makes me feel guilty for ever taking our freedom as a liberal democracy for granted. What's all the more frustrating is that the rest of the world seem powerless to put an end to this evil.

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Kim Jong Il. Eventually I reckon America will peek their noses into the situation and create another Iraq War/Vietnam.


They wont North Korea has a massive army and those nuclear weapons theyve been making well they have a long enough range to hit washington.

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What a coincidence, I have to write a research paper on North Korea and its Nuclear Developments. Just today I checked out some books and I haven't really read into the subject yet, but from the very little I have read the media is very selective as to what to tell us about North Korea. For example, an internal CIA study referred to as Hunter acknowledged the achievemnts of this regime: "compassionate care for children in general and war orphans in particular, 'radical change' in the position of women; genuinely free housing, free health care, and preventive medicine; and infant mortality and life expectancy rates comparable to the most advanced countries until the recent famine."


As to the nukes, I've yet to look into it but it's a widely accepted fact that they've one or two nuclear weapons among several other types of warfare.

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The US isn't going to do anything about NK other than provide aid (period).


Vietnam was about beating the commies.


Iraq is about oil.


North Korea has nothing of value. In a word it's a shithole. The economy is in such a state that the government refuses to reveal any economic data to hide the extent of the poverty of its people. Many North Koreans struggle to feed themselves and many end up dying from hunger. Anyone who openly opposes the government or civilians caught illegally migrating to China get locked up in camps and are subjected to torture and science experiments.


The place is very 1984, with propaganda making Kim Jong Il out to be some kind of super hero (recently they released a statement that the 'Dear Leader' had scord 16 holes in one during a round of golf). and as far as i know N. Korea doesnt have any nukes, they just use the threat of developing a nuclear weapons program to score aid from other countries - ie this September N Korea agreed to scrap its nuke program in return for fuel and food aid.



http://www.korea-dpr.com/ - for a laugh...

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Matters involving north korea become more complicated when nuclear weapons are involved, the only countrys who would be willing to get involved would be the u.s and the UK, but with Iraq still needing collition help to regulate the socoiety and try and re-build it, no milatry actions can be taken any time soon, with newuclear weapons a side, a country like north korea wouldn't be to much of a threat , and despite the shouting antics of anti war protestors, something does need to happen. The fact remains that they will not allow for normall western politics to effect thier country, they cn't be trusted and are not only a danger to other countrys, but there treatment of there own people, which is utterly disgusting it perhaps is what brands them out as such a key threat to global peace. Not much in terms of information is ever released, but there are often disturbing reports of the miss treatment and near brain washing of a population which live in constant conditions of fear. Militry action isn't allways a solution, and should allways be a last resort, but it the situation doesn't seem to have any easy answers.


One would hope after reading resent reports that thier my be hope in stopping the nuclear threat, which they deny and insist is only for energy production, a deal was made with the us, agreeing no militry action would be concedered if they stop the nuclear development. Great news surley, even if it was all true and cast ion, For us maybe, no threat of nuclear weapns, so why should we care, but there is still a poplulation living in near poverty and constant fear, which seem to be forgotton while we try and ocver our own backs.

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The United States will never attack North Korea - even though the equipment of US soldiers is quite good it would be a war with heavy casulties on both sides. North Korea has more soldiers ready to fight than the USA and I doubt the Bush administration would survive a "Draft". I think so far North Korea has a steady army of about one million soldiers - children go to boot camps in their summer holidays and I think their tanks, airplanes are some pretty decent ones supplied by Russia. It would be suicide...and thats why North Korea can mostly do what they like to do.

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The United States will never attack North Korea - even though the equipment of US soldiers is quite good it would be a war with heavy casulties on both sides. North Korea has more soldiers ready to fight than the USA and I doubt the Bush administration would survive a "Draft". I think so far North Korea has a steady army of about one million soldiers - children go to boot camps in their summer holidays and I think their tanks, airplanes are some pretty decent ones supplied by Russia. It would be suicide...and thats why North Korea can mostly do what they like to do.


The north kerean army would stand no chance, the navy and air force of the allied forces vastly out numbers theres, if they can't move there trops they stand no chance, we have cruize misles that can be fired from our misile boats, our technology is vastly superior, they don't have any long range rockets which limits the ability to attack back almost completly, the would be crippled before a single allied man setts foot on there soil.

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The north kerean army would stand no chance, the navy and air force of the allied forces vastly out numbers theres, if they can't move there trops they stand no chance, we have cruize misles that can be fired from our misile boats, our technology is vastly superior, they don't have any long range rockets which limits the ability to attack back almost completly, the would be crippled before a single allied man setts foot on there soil.


They should put you in charge in Iraq.

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