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Did GTA 3 have helicopters or motorbikes?


no the first 3d installment "only" had cars.. and as i remember a smalle plane that you couldnt fly.. well not further than the wright brothers anyway


Im nearing 100 hours.. still not finished with the main story as I keep getting sidetracked by stealing cars and exploring..

I dated that fucked up nurse and once I had my way with her I blew her up by dropping a grenade in the car and running.. I have seldom laughed that much.. in the following "cutscene" she dumped me.. surprise!!


I have unlocked the ability to buy weapons from jacob and the next thing im going for is the carbombs from Patrick.. im just so tired of all those stupid calls about bowling etc. And you usually have to pick them up as far as possible from your current position

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These I did in GTA3 and I loved it back then. It just had that different feeling to it, less like when I ran over a person I was actually running over someone so I could just enjoy evading the police.

In GTA4 I just can't be bothered going back to it now. It was such a hyped game for me, I couldn't wait to actually own a gta game and do what I did on 3. But the cars controls are meant to be more realistic and other stuff in the game puts me off going back and doing what I want to do.

I guess I should try, but I can't be bothered turning on any of my consoles recently.


Rockstar believe GTA4 has to realistic game than than the others. :blank:


GTA4 has no:


Crazy missions





Samurai swords

Gatling gun






Car customization


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The lack of gangs and business are the biggest thing for me....Definitly think they both would fit really well...When I was playing the early stages of the game I naturally assumed that the taxi firm would be a means to creating a business and acquiring more and different missions.


I'm 32% in, so assuming neither of these are going to come in to the game now over half way through.

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a good post from a user at another board.


I first played GTA4 on the merits of its great story and interesting characters, including Niko. The problem is that half-way, somewhere after the big bank heist with Packie, the whole atmosphere and play trend the game establishes at first, becomes rather hollow and plain. From that point on, all Niko is really doing, is killing for money. In my opinion, that does not fit his initial character at all, nor into what he evolved as a result of his experiences in the game.


Another problem is the amount of killing you do. For a realistic story, it's just too insane how much killing there is. Niko's physical reaction to damage is also weird, for he does not fall on the ground or wander injured when he takes bullets, unlike every other NPC in the game. At first, it's not very noticeable, but after many fights, it detracts heavily from the experience. The Euphoria animation aspects are definitely noticeable, but what I do not like is how the player has to interact with the environment. I thought it was amazing, now I kinda wished Niko would automatically jump over fences if I was running towards one. The only time the Euphoria engine shows its greatness is when you're drunk or when you're hit by a car.


I generally don't mind the way the game is right now, but what bothered me the most was that half-way the game, the story just takes a free-fall and the emotion and character drive you emphasise with is gone. It's as if the initial story was to pull you through the game, until it provides enough free-choice content for you to do at any time during the rest of the game.


They tried to create a serious and realistic GTA on its face-value, but with old-fashioned traits from the previous games. They succeeded in the prior, but failed in the latter. The city they developed was made as a medium for an active storyline, but it's not designed for randomly fucking around with the technology it boosts. It's way too much of a set-piece for a story, in contrast of being a sandbox playground. When half-way in the game, the story starts being down-played heavily, there are at first no real cues or hints of this being the case. It feels a lot like a disappointment or waiting for something awesome to happen. But in the end, nothing really important or amazing happens. Second, the free-choice content is very poor for a GTA game. I don't like the free activities. I like the comedy performances, but they're not going to be entertaining forever.


I think they just over-promised on the story and had to cut short or realized that they weren't really making a GTA game. By cutting it short, they kinda fucked up their premise half-way the game. Maybe they should have realized that their goal was too ambitious. Personally, I'd think the best course of action for this game, would have been to give each island section it's own particular play properties. So for example, the eastern islands are meant for the story development, while the western islands are for having random fun.


I still have great fun with this game, but the defects, global and local, are kinda obvious at times.

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Yeah I agree with that post myself. Don't get me wrong, I still love this game, and nobody really seems to mention multiplayer when talking about screwing around randomly, but it's something that people should look in to a bit more if you haven't done already.

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Yeah I agree with that post myself. Don't get me wrong, I still love this game, and nobody really seems to mention multiplayer when talking about screwing around randomly, but it's something that people should look in to a bit more if you haven't done already.


Have they fixed the servers yet?


Edit: No. They haven't.

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yeah, I did 3 leaf clover the other night, about the 4th time I was getting knarked off at the no-checkpoints. Then I did it with body armour and realised there are health packs in the "cellars", piece o' cake. Checkpoints are a must if missions are long (or far away!). R*= Fooools.


I also think the third island is poor. Shouldn't they get better? I think the first island was maybe the best...

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I think i may prefer the first island being the best. Maybe its just coz i could pretty much remember my way round the first one but not really for the others...


Indeed, it, *sniff* feels like *sniff* home. I remember when Roman worked the dingy cab office and we were stuck in that seedy dive. Never forget your roots. :p

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Completed the mission where i had to raid a flat and take out a notorious gang leader. Was a little tricky in places, but was alright in the end.


Much prefer the first island to the third. As it looks like it has been rushed in a few ways to get the game out on time.


Edit: Am available for online play tomorrow night (19/6/08), if anyone wants to join in. Be on from 7pm

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, this is fucking crazy.



Finished the game now but apart from the one Bernie gives you, I've not seen a single Infernus (Lambo style super car) in the game. Do they spawn anywhere? is there one hidden away? I managed to blow Bernie's up by driving over a petrol can in some godforsaken industrial dump somewhere after making a get away. Not going to be impressed if I can't get another.

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I havn't touched this for ages...owing mostly to MGS4, wondering if it will join my stack of GTA games not completed...only completed GTA3.


I have not touched this for ages either, my reason is just having loads of good games on all 3 consoles at the mo! lol.


I prob will come back to it at some point but i don't think i have ever completed a GTA game!

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I've been getting back into this lately. It's so vast that I've forgot half of the story already...God knows who some of the phonebook contacts are...


I was hoping custom soundtracks would entice me back (still waiting). But I've just done the 'funeral' mission which was pretty good.

I'm just a bit annoyed that Niko is nothing but a hitman. Seems like every mission is just rinse and repeat for different characters. I hope this changes.


Determined to complete it though. I've always got bored of every GTA title pretty much half way through.

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I've been getting back into this lately. It's so vast that I've forgot half of the story already...God knows who some of the phonebook contacts are...


I was hoping custom soundtracks would entice me back (still waiting). But I've just done the 'funeral' mission which was pretty good.

I'm just a bit annoyed that Niko is nothing but a hitman. Seems like every mission is just rinse and repeat for different characters. I hope this changes.


Determined to complete it though. I've always got bored of every GTA title pretty much half way through.


Yer i think thats my problem, i get bored of it. I have played arond 25 hours on it which is along time but its just gets so samy and i was ending up getting taxi's everywhere coz i couldn't be bothered driving to places. Will defo come back to it at some point though.

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I agree with you Mike.


What I would like to see is the multiplayer merge with the single player - on the fly. It would be great if I could do a mission whilst other people are roaming/fighting in the game. Obviously in-mission things would perhaps have to revert to AI characters roaming the streets (as people would try and ruin your mission at all costs) but then coming out of missions and just having a scenario where the city is like free roam (with cops and pedestrians) would be a but more realistic.


I guess there are LOADS of issues with that but the NPC's sometimes felt lifeless and although different, they seem to do a lot of similar things. (dropping items when you run past, running away or fighting, falling over after a push).


Want, want, want... It just seems for such a 'small' area, there is little to actually do.

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Ok, this is fucking crazy.



Finished the game now but apart from the one Bernie gives you, I've not seen a single Infernus (Lambo style super car) in the game. Do they spawn anywhere? is there one hidden away? I managed to blow Bernie's up by driving over a petrol can in some godforsaken industrial dump somewhere after making a get away. Not going to be impressed if I can't get another.


I think there are 2 ways of making Infernus's spawn;


1) While driving the original others spawn a LOT. Like the entire pavements get lined with them. Just push one with the other and get one to your parking space.


2) Sometimes they spawn around the start of races that Brucie sets up.

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I think there are 2 ways of making Infernus's spawn;


1) While driving the original others spawn a LOT. Like the entire pavements get lined with them. Just push one with the other and get one to your parking space.


2) Sometimes they spawn around the start of races that Brucie sets up.


Think the 3rd way is to drive around a lot on the third island, they sometimes appear and drive past you over there as well. Quite rare to see that though.


Luckely i saved my Infernus at Playboy X's place so its always there as well as my Suberu Impretza. Havn;t been on the game for a little while properly, been online gaming a lot. I have noticed that the wireless adaptor maintains my signal permanently compared to when i had it wired.

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Think the 3rd way is to drive around a lot on the third island, they sometimes appear and drive past you over there as well. Quite rare to see that though.


The Infernus hardly ever spawns without you driving one already. The only way to get it is by Bernie or there is a number that you can ring that will spawn one, however that stops you accessing certain achievements.

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