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The incidental dialogue intertwined right through the experience which gives even more life to this world (sample offering from a particularly impolite police officer we’ve stopped in front of simply to eyeball: "I’m a cop… and you’re a dickhead").



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New Screenshot.



New Multplayer Info


The multiplayer mode

Two out of a total of seven modes implemented, we have already played: Death Match and mafia Work. The other Modie Rockstar Games will soon unveil. All are either man against man as well as team against his team played, with up to eight teams and a maximum of 16 players are allowed per ticket. We would be happy to Nikolaos as Roma or Brucie into Deathmatch.


As a character was just us but an unknown type, in which we look at something or gender could rasp-that's it. Of course, in the final game's a lot more people and clothes. In our sample game was the map on the left bottom edge of the picture with all kinds of (optional abschaltbaren) tipped symbols. We saw where the next rocket launcher or the next Uzi, can packs and Health Protection west Locate course, and see where team members and opponents right now. Impressive, that Liberty City in multiplayer mode none of its fascination loses.


The city is almost the same as in the revitalized Story mode, and also graphically, there is no difference. However, when we Deathmatch the slightly sluggish Steurerung negative than even earlier in the story mode. Here, rock star with the realistic approach to our Geschamck exaggerated. No matter: fun, we had the game anyway, lawn and camping.




Even more varied was our "Mafia Work". Here, each player and each team via cell phone while the same job. Who does this first, gets the coal. There is, for a missions with multiple target objects, if we, for example, a certain car brand steal. And there are orders, in which all players on the same target fall. Once we should, for example, a cop raffgierigen to eliminate most possible unauffälige kind. So we immediately to the marked destination dashed to the unsuspecting policemen there with you.


The eingentlich thought he would get a further bribes .... While we are looking for a bridge, we try our pursuers with a few maneuvers to deception. The succeeds, and we discover a random ramp placed on the bridge. With start-up race we drüber and then jump out of the car. During our time out of the car to free themselves, the Cop in the car under. On most missions, it makes sense, all Teammitgleider to load into the car. Thus, the destination of a quickly jump out and cling to the goods, while the other with the engine running in the car waiting, and then immediately davonrasen can before the passenger even close his door again.


Time is money in GTA IV Thanks attitude of many opportunities you can match a multi-player ideally suited to your needs. So it allowed the police, transport, or passers-Friendly Fire on or off, the time of day and the weather and select the arms supply. Friends of the manicured gloating must specify that it is not only with the team members maintained, but that anyone with any talk. And of course, one need not necessarily on the entire map.

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Guest Stefkov

I just got an HMV email and as well as 1000 points you get £130 worth of vouchers for hmv.

If this is true I'm not sure I really care about their delivery, more free stuff pls.

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Florida Supreme Court Sanctions Jack Thompson


The Florida Supreme Court will no longer accept anything directly from controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson. If Thompson wants to file with the Court, he’s going to need to hire another lawyer to do it on his behalf.


That’s the ruling handed down by the Court late this morning.


As GamePolitics reported last month, the Florida Supreme Court issued a show cause order demanding that Thompson explain why the sanction shouldn’t be issued. Clearly, Thompson’s multiple responses did nothing to change the collective mind of the Justices.


The order issued by the Court may be found here, and the following passages are quoted from it:


After submitting inappropriate and pornographic materials to this Court, Thompson was specifically warned that should he continue to submit inappropriate filings, this Court would consider imposing a sanction limiting Thompson’s ability to submit further filings…


Since that order, Thompson has filed numerous additional filings which led this Court to issue an order directing Thompson to show cause why we should not limit his filings… We now sanction Thompson…


Thompson engaged, to the point of abuse… in a relentless and frivolous pursuit for vindication of his claim that he is being victimized by The Florida Bar…


Thompson’s multiple responses are rambling, argumentative, and contemptuous… What we cannot tolerate, however, is Thompson’s continued inability to maintain a minimum standard of decorum and respect for the judicial system to which all litigants, and especially attorneys, must adhere…


A thorough review of Thompson’s filings lead to one conclusion. He has abused the processes of the Court… Accordingly… the Clerk of this Court is hereby instructed to reject for filing any future pleadings, petitions, motions, documents, or other filings submitted by John Bruce Thompson, unless signed by a member in good standing of The Florida Bar other than himself.


…Further, if Thompson submits a filing in violation of this order, he may be subjected to contempt proceedings or other appropriate sanctions.


For his part, Thompson has sent out an e-mail describing the Supreme Court’s order as both “good news” and “idiotic.”


GP: Just to be clear, this sanction imposed by the Florida Supreme Court is a separate issue from Thompson’s Bar Trial which we have been reporting on in a series of articles this week. No decision has been rendered by the referee in the Bar Trial as of yet.


UPDATE: Thompson writes in to say that he mailed today’s motion prior to the Florida Supreme Court’s order and that, in any event, he is entitled to make an oral argument on the matter.


My faith in justice and human decency has just been restored a little.

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Any news on when we will see some footage of gameplay? Just over a month to go and nothing. Makes me sad :(


the fourth ( and final ) trailer gets released on the 27th this month,although I guess that won't have any gameplay since the last three didnt. If the past GTA games are anything to go by, we won't be seeing any gameplay footage until release.



Also, 500 special ecition 360 elites have been made:





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that's comically bad. it's clear the designer had no idea whatsoever about how he was going to use the GTA art so they just painted the box art on the side


it's a bit tragic really.


Yeah they should of used a different image. personally I think they should of had just the 'IV' logo





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Some more multiplayer and main game details:


  • Maximum player limits on some multiplayer modes were finally disclosed:
  • Deathmatch + Team Deathmatch: 16 players
  • GTA Race: 16 players
  • Mafiya Work: 8 players
  • Team Mafiya Work: 16 players (in up to 8 separate teams of 2 players)
  • Cops n' Crooks: 16 players (in two teams of up to 8 players each)
  • Hangman's Noose: 4 players
  • Free roam: 16 players
  • The game appears to use the Eastern European/Russian spelling of Mafia - "Mafiya"
  • The magazine maintains like many others that the differences between the PS3 and XB360 versions of the game are undetectable "with the naked eye"
  • Multiplayer games are accessed from the in-game cell phone in a similar manner to that of Burnout Paradise's quick launch menu
  • The host can control the time of day that the match takes place
  • The host also controls the location of the match by choosing from a predefined set of levels in Liberty City
  • Levels sampled by editors included Colony Island, Francis International Airport and Broker
  • Police intervention can be turned on or off by the host prior to starting a game
  • Multiplayer character customization is very detailed - you can change what the character is wearing right down to their choice of eyewear and accessories
  • The more you play the game the more flexibility you have in customizing your character, meaning that it's easy to tell how experienced a player is just by looking at how zany their character is
  • The magazine claims that the character and the game camera are "quite clumsy to control sometimes"
  • The magazine's editors claim that the attention to detail stretches all the way to the pedestrians, who now have a "sense of purpose" in the game world
  • Weapons are said to be much more difficult to acquire than in previous games
  • Simple shopping at Ammunation won't fulfill all of your needs. You must make friends with dodgy dealers who can get their hands on some shady weaponry in order to succeed in single player
  • Cops now have a line of sight, meaning that if you're doing something nasty a little way behind their back, they won't react like they would in previous titles. This is offset by a greater number of cops patrolling the city, thanks in part to the power of the new generation consoles
  • Pay n' Spray is said to no longer wipe out your wanted level. Whether there are any respray garages in the game remains to be seen

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