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  Shorty said:
(what do you press to check score during an online game?)


Down on the d-pad.


The online is really great. But can be pretty crap if the settings are messy.


EDIT: Improvements anyone? I was thinking that a bullet-time for when you're driving, without going into the cinematic camera mode.


Stats so far:


Game Progress: 21.34%

Missions passed: 28

Missions failed: 12

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  Dan Dare said:
s0, 360 game: tonight? bout 8:30? oui? oui?


itching to give cops and robbers a proper go.


yeh defo, cops n robbers is well good. So long as you dont get dicks shooting ur own teams cars (rob :))


GTA IV smashes day one sales record

ChartTrack data shows game is now UK’s fastest-selling title in 24 hour period


Data obtained by MCV from official UK industry monitor ChartTrack shows that Rockstar’s GTA IV has become the fastest selling game ever in a 24 hour period.


The figures – based on EPoS sales data and estimated retail transactions – show that total online and High Street sales for the game hit 609,000 in one day.

That beats the previous record of 501,000 set by another Rockstar title, GTA: San Andreas, on Friday, 29th October, 2004.


Xbox 360 narrowly nudged out PS3 in the ‘battle of the consoles’.

335,000 copies were sold on Microsoft’s machine – 55 per cent of sales and a new record for the console, beating Halo 3’s first-day sales of 266,000 units on Wednesday, September 26th, 2007.


GTA IV sold 274,000 copies on PS3 yesterday – 45 per cent of all sales and another format record breaking performance.

PS3’s previous biggest day-one seller was Sony's Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, which released on Friday, March 28th with 80,000 sales.


“We’ll get into the whole week one debate next Tuesday, but it’s been a very good 24 hours for both Sony and Microsoft,” ChartTrack director Dorian Bloch told MCV.


“It’s looking very, very promising for Rockstar in terms of full week sales. If they don’t even sell one more unit, it’s still an astounding week one performance. Barring a catastrophe, with lorries bringing stock into stores going AWOL, we can only see that sales number going up and up.


“The Bank Holiday weekend should be a particularly fruitful period – but it will be interesting to see how long the stock lasts as people rush to stores.”


Picked up this yesterday though I was quite lucky to get it as I forgot to pre-book it :o


Just 5 hours in so far and I'm loving it, a big improvement on SA. The driving took a while to get used to but pretty good at it now even if it does feel like you're driving a boat.


I can't get over just how good the story is in this game, really top-notch stuff from Rockstar. A bit disappointed about the visuals though, even though they look great I hate how the shimmering effect used on far-away objects, though I must say the city looks beautiful when its raining.


Now am able to call a cab anytime one is near. Also discovered that you only need to hold down Y if a cab is stationary and don't have to whistle, very realistic to what New Yorkers do.

Guest Stefkov



Republic Space Rangers.


Cannot believe there's basically an episode of a cartoon on the TV...lmfao.


So far, there's no way this is better than Zelda OOT (check out gamerankings.com/metacritic). Also gamerankings really needs to put games that're almost identical on both platforms (so not the Orange Box, but GTA for sure) as multiplatform, not put one after the other version.


But I've only played for a couple of hours, I remain open minded...

  Domo Kun said:
So far, there's no way this is better than Zelda OOT (check out gamerankings.com/metacritic). Also gamerankings really needs to put games that're almost identical on both platforms (so not the Orange Box, but GTA for sure) as multiplatform, not put one after the other version.


Totally 100% agree, its really annoying.


Ok....just stopped playing it for tonight..


It looks freaking gorgeous, I just don't like how bland some of the streets look, I'd like to see some rich areas (is there any?)


I find driving a little tricky, but other than that I'm getting the hang on shooting and everything.


But at the moment, it just seems like I'm going anywhere, and really don't know where I am/going. Still adjusting to how big it all is!


I'm happy ^_^


Oh and also, if anyone hasn't added me on live yet, my gamertag is: MooTooYooToo


Would like to have a few games with you guys :D


Well been playing this for a few hours tonight. Still only about 8% done or something, been mucking around so much as theres lots to do....So far for me it still feels like every other GTA game, just far more beautiful and far more to do. One thing I was impressed with was being given the choice whether or not to kill Ivan...I suddenly felt myself feeling remorse for his life....even though if in previous games I would have just shot him without a second thought...I can only hope that decision has repercussions later on in the story...


Been to the Cabaret Club a few times...hope there are better clubs later in the game some of the performances have been lame as...although the cowboy one was kinda cool, showed off the ragdoll animations etc...


Had my first deathmatches today...tis ok a bit manic I need to get used to the aiming controls more I reckon. Plus the game was set to first to $10,000 was taking ages so ended up quiting...Do you get to keep the money made in a game if you quit? or do you lose it?

Guest Stefkov

So how do you even get to the online part? I press Start and there's no option to host a game. I'm pressing all the buttons.

Unless its completely obvious I hate how the game doesn't have a main menu.

I'm an idiot, the phone. Still a main menu, like Crackdown's would have been nice.

  Stefkov said:
So how do you even get to the online part? I press Start and there's no option to host a game. I'm pressing all the buttons.

Unless its completely obvious I hate how the game doesn't have a main menu.

I'm an idiot, the phone. Still a main menu, like Crackdown's would have been nice.


Yes the phone!




Does it come up on the phone if someone invites you? As a text or something? Or do you have to check it...

  flameboy said:
Yes the phone!




Does it come up on the phone if someone invites you? As a text or something? Or do you have to check it...


When you sent me a invite before it came up on screen saying i had recieved a multiplayer invite. When i went on my phone and checked on the invite bit online it had ur name there showing it was u who had invited me.

  Mike1988uk said:
When you sent me a invite before it came up on screen saying i had recieved a multiplayer invite. When i went on my phone and checked on the invite bit online it had ur name there showing it was u who had invited me.


Ah right...how long did you stay in that game for? I got bored and $10,000 would have taken so long...

  flameboy said:
Ah right...how long did you stay in that game for? I got bored and $10,000 would have taken so long...


I left pretty soon after u. Only played the game for bout an hour at the time i think, when u sent the invite i thought why not. Entered it and was like wtf! lol. Did not know what the hell i was doing. Soon learnt i had to kill other ppl though... I was wondering if there was some kinda limit or anythin 2 it and yes that would of taken forever! When i died by a cop or somethin it took $100 off!

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