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*Important* Last Night


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So? I asked a question to retro-lover about a post he made. Politely. I agree I should have PM'ed him, that's my fault, but there was nothing wrong with my original post.




Mountain out of a molehill? When everyone's telling you to fuck off and taking the piss out of you, how did you expect me to react? After a while I saw the immaturity present in the thread so decided to laugh it off.




I didn't post any bestiality/hentai etc porn. I didn't break any forum rules. I asked a simple question to retro and then defended myself when everyone stated to have a go at me.









1. You started a topic directed at another member, malicious or not, it wasn't right.


2. I wasn't referring to that, I mean the fact that you made a topic about Retro using the word gay about a thread.


3. See number 1.


4. Git.

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Oh please. Putting the blame for people posting hentai/bestiality/gay/straight porn on here down to me?????????? What are you guys on??????


Yes I started the topic. All retro had to do was reply to my polite post with an a simple asnwer, case closed, the topic would have died.


You where indirectly responsible, you should have just PM'd him and ignored the posts in the thread, or just not brought it up at all.


You are not to blame for everything, as you seem to think, and you of all people should no this as you have not been banned.


At least accept partial, even indirect, responsibility (you already have, in fact, you said that you should have just PM'd him), and be thankful to the mod's that you haven't been banned. I believe Flinky likes chocolates. ;)

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I'm actually quite flattered, it surprises me that a few people care about my (and Caris's) leaving.

@ Conzer16, jsut so you know, i'd lvoe to keep talknig after this, i tried to add you on msn but you didn't appear on my list.. if you want to add me that's cool, but it's cool if you don't wanna add me.

@McMad, same to you, me and you are in a similar position here, i added you, and you're in my contacts list, i don't know if i ahve the wrong addy, or if you just need to accept it, but i added you.

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1. You started a topic directed at another member, malicious or not, it wasn't right.


2. I wasn't referring to that, I mean the fact that you made a topic about Retro using the word gay about a thread.


3. See number 1.


4. Git.


1. Correct me if I'm wrong this is a discussion board, as I said I should have PM'ed him. Sorry about that. 'it wasn't right'... talk about making a mountain out of a molehill?


2. So? It offended me, simple as that. It's a topic 'I' feel strongly about, it's not for you to decide when I'm going over the top.


4. Nah.

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I doubt this thread was created in order for you lot to carry on arguing about last night, why don't you just drop it or move onto PM if you really need to.


I don't know what happened and especially why everyone has decided they have to leave now. I think the division between this forum and EF or the other one is ridiculous, post in both, pick one, but there's no need to make some rivalry out of it. I'm surprised the 3rd Children has gone as obviously he was a big contributer but fair enough if he deserved it.

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The post asking you a question in a polite and civilised manner about something I was wondering about?


The thing is, it was clear what Retro-lover meant, so asking "Did you use the word "gay" to mean "bad"?" in a polite way seemed to come across in a mocking way. Which I think caused the initial arguments, and reto-lover's sarcastic reply.

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Retro and Motion, stop the bickering. I'm looking into what went on last night, so there's no need to just..bicker some more or anything. Just leave it.


Retro, I think you're a good member. Alright, yesterday might have been funny for some of you, but it obviously wasn't funny for everyone, as Eenuh and The Fish have pointed out. If you do leave, then I respect your choice and I respect you for coming out with it, and not leaving out of spite. But, obviously, you've contributed alot to this place, so it would also be sweet if you didn't leave.



Just quoting this in case anybody missed it.


Cox: Whats this about the other consoles board?

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You where indirectly responsible, you should have just PM'd him and ignored the posts in the thread, or just not brought it up at all.


You are not to blame for everything, as you seem to think, and you of all people should no this as you have not been banned.


At least accept partial, even indirect, responsibility (you already have, in fact, you said that you should have just PM'd him), and be thankful to the mod's that you haven't been banned. I believe Flinky likes chocolates. ;)



Fair enough. Partially indirectly responsable and only because I was the one who's name appeared at the top of the thread. But when people start attacking me with no reason in a thread, I'm not about to ignore their posts.

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The thing is, it was clear what Retro-lover meant, so asking "Did you use the word "gay" to mean "bad"?" in a polite way seemed to come across in a mocking way. Which I think caused the initial arguments, and reto-lover's sarcastic reply.


That's a good point, I knew what the most likely response was going to be but I was still curious as to what he had to say. It's a topic I feel very strongly about, that's all.

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Whats with the fucking melodrama? Calm the fuck down, people that got banned deserved to get banned for posting what they did, you're not gonna get closure on this by blaming another member for the banning of members when it was the fault of those members for being so fucking retarded in the first place.

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@McMad, same to you, me and you are in a similar position here, i added you, and you're in my contacts list, i don't know if i ahve the wrong addy, or if you just need to accept it, but i added you.


Cool I'll accept you tomorrow, I'm not in the MSN mood tonight though. :heh:

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So in short: Motion shouldn't have called Retro a **** and should have PMed rather than make a thread.

Everyone else shouldn't of posted everything they did.

Am I missing something?


Nope, that just about sum's it up.

Apart from that those who got banned deserved it.

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So in short: Motion shouldn't have called Retro a **** and should have PMed rather than make a thread.

Everyone else shouldn't of posted everything they did.

Am I missing something?




Just something I misread in the OP :)


Basically, it did all stem from Motion's thread. It's not entirely one person's fault, so the blame should not be all be heaped on him, or entirely on Caris or The3rdchildren, etc. But, clearly people did overstep the mark.


Motion: No more arguments, or I will start deleting your posts from this thread.

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So in short: Motion shouldn't have called Retro a **** and should have PMed rather than make a thread.

Everyone else shouldn't of posted everything they did.

Am I missing something?




Just something I misread in the OP :)


In short:


- I should have PM'ed retro. I accept that, but if he'd just anwered my question and Caris hadn't jumped in telling me to fuck off it would have died rather than escalating into:


- Personl abuse from various members to the level that appeared last night. that shouldn't have happened.

- Posting those disgusting pictures shouldn't have happened. There was at least 5 pages of them.

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In short:


- I should have PM'ed retro. I accept that, but if he'd just anwered my question and Caris hadn't jumped in telling me to fuck off it would have died rather than escalating into:


- Personl abuse from various members to the level that appeared last night. that shouldn't have happened.

- Posting those disgusting pictures shouldn't have happened. There was at least 5 pages of them.


Just go away, seriously you have done enough damage to this forum.


Edit: It's likely i will leave and i will be over at EuroFusion from time to time.

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Fierce, fine no more arguments. I find it hugely unfair that you seem to be placing an equal blame on me to 3rd, dabookerman, retro etc... I didn't do anything wrong, with the exception that instead of asking a civil question to retro on the board, I should have PM'ed him. It's unfair to suggest that I was responsable for those bannings/9 pages of filth.

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