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Chicken Flu in Europe


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after the H5N1 virus was discovered in Romania it is only a matter of time until it reaches Central Europe. Governments all over are stock pilling drugs to fight against an epidemic and pharma companies make the profit of their life. Even though the disease can't go from human to human it might not take much longer before we have something like the plague in a really populated area.

Once discovered it takes 6 to 9 months for working countermeasures (aka flu shots) to work.


Do you fear that problem or is it only the media which tries to make us think it is that dangerous?

Why do you think that some drugs (Tamiflu for example) went from 7.70€ to 35.50€ for 10 pills?

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Yep, maybe I don't quite understand the magnitude of this flu yet but even though I do regularly watch the news, you can tell though that it is just the media that are hyping things up and scaring those poor unfortunate souls into buy £40 jabs etc.


I don't think it that big a deal and hopefully I'm right. :)

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Unless it mutates and can go from Human to Human, don't worry about it. Nothing will happen.


If it does, then we're fucked basically.

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The thing is it is very deadly at the moment, but hard to catch. If it mutates so it is easier to catch, it is also likely to get less deadly. So its not as bad as it seems at the moment. However, I am sure there are a lot of risk groups who have more to fear, like the elderly and those prone to infection.


I am sure the NHS will do all they can to prevent the pandemic getting out of hand, even if it is inevitable.

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This reminds me of that film Outbreak. We'll be fine as long as we have Dustin Hoffman and Cuba Gooding Jr on the case. On a serious note it could be potentially dangerous but I don't think it should be blown out of proportion the way it is.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i think i can say i'm probably in the safest place up here in the arctic circle. tho should it spread into europe i'll get my mum to post me my gas mask and move to a remote island round here and live in a hut till it all blows over so to speak. :P


at any rate, if you look how fast and far the 1918 flu spread, even with their much slower transport etc. in todays world, the combination of much faster transport (one side of the world to the other in a day) and the incubation period of the disease could mean that the flu gets around faster than the governments can move to quarantine areas & prevent travel. this does of course all depend upon the flu mutating to go from human to human easily as yet it is possible but very very hard, there's only one case. its more a case of when it mutates rather than if as the odds are high that it will. i've seen it compared to SARS on the news and they try to play down the risk by showing how far that got. but they fail to point out that the disease wasn't nearly as serious as they made out, the disease didn't actually do the killing, the immune system did that by going overboard, ended up attacking the body's systems. far as i know more people survived being infected by it than died as a result of contracting it.


its all debatable tho, won't know how it goes until it happens.

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It maybe coming this winter or next with the geese.... i think. And only people with jobs that will keep Economy going will get the flu jabs, oh and over 65's wont get it and maybe kids i dont realy know. But if that is true then im screwed.


Lets all go live with the Eskimos.

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Isn't that the only way humans can catch it?

or if human and bird get into very close proximity, if you know what i mean :wink:

i've stopped eating chicken as a precaution now, but to be honest while avian flu is at the back of my mind it doesn't pose any real danger to us right now.

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Flues (sp?) are more dangerous than people think and new types will keep appearing from time to time, killing thousands. This has been like this for quite some time and it will probably be like this for quite some time. Still, that doesnt mean that we're all doomed, but birds are migrating now,so it might be a problem. Studies indicated that 50000 might die in UK. Oh and I think you dont get the virus by eating chicken.

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Didn't like, 60 people die because of this already in Asia?




Yep, 60 died. And the virus has now also been found in Greece already. Seriously, don't think this is just something like a cold or something that will go over. It -is- dangerous and so it would probably be best to keep following the news about this, I think.

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