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Final Fantasy


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Never played a Final Fantasy game. In fact, the only one I've seen quite a bit of is XII, as my girlfriend received a PAL copy three weeks ago to review for her magazine. That was the first one she'd played, too, and was impressed. I thought it looked pretty good too, but a bit too combat heavy.

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I've played FF1 and FF2 (the new versions made for Gameboy Advance) they were fun, but i got stuck at the end :( and haven't played since.


Then theres Final Fantasy Tactics advance.. AWESOME! most (whats the word when you can't stop playing it?) game ever :P sorry, but its so awesome, especially since it has 300 missions to complete!!!


Then theres Crystal Chronicles... what was the point of that.... i found there was no real story :S just having to get stronger and stronger and going to same old places just to fill your latern to keep the town going.. pointless.


Final Fantasy X and X-2, great games... it changed my life :P X-2 was ok, but just a bit lacking of the FFX it sequeled to. However X was perfect in my eyes! Bring on FFXII!!!!! are you all getting the game?


Also i didn't like movies because spirits within had absolutely nothing to do with FF and spirits within wasn't a great thriller because i haven't played FF7.


Final Fantasy games>life! :yay:

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Can anyone perhaps help me? I´m trying to remember and old FF game i used to play but i can´t remember which.

The game starts that an asteroid falls to the ground near you and you meat 2 persons, a girl and some that´s lost his memory.

And you traveled on water using a boat dragged by some huge sea creature.


Only remember it being a FF game because it has a chocobo in it


Thats FFV your talking about. Just about to be released PAL for GBA or you could head to nearly any Game and get a US version.

Apparently an almost perfect port. I would agree if it wasn't for a little lag while travelling on the map.



I really should play one of the 2D Final Fantasies, but I don't want to spend so much on re-done GBA games, they'll probably be on the Virtual Console in a year.


Is Final Fantasy III on the DS worth getting though?


Final fantasy III is a pretty good RPG. It may not be the best Final Fantasy but as RPG's come its up there. Especially on the DS with its lack of RPg goodness. I've said RPG too much.


Plus I don't think they will be released on VC just yet. Not while they are making £30 a game.

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im a HUGE final fantasy fan, its my favourite video game series. but theres something about 12 thats putting me off... i just remember getting SO excited just before the release of all the previous games but ive kinda lost my buz for this one. haha i think i was excited xmas 2005/6 when it was originally expected.


and mario's mentor. i love you. coheed <3

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did you mean to say VI twice? sorry if im just being ignorant to your joke :S :P


No, IV is an amazing final fantasy but it just fell short of being my favourite, the story, the twists and the gameplay is just brilliant. One of my favourite all time games.

I really should play one of the 2D Final Fantasies, but I don't want to spend so much on re-done GBA games, they'll probably be on the Virtual Console in a year.


Is Final Fantasy III on the DS worth getting though?


The redone versions are very much worth getting, Mariosmentor pretty much hit the target when he said they probably wont release on VC for quite a while, as they are earning alot off the GBA titles.

The only redone versions i'd say that arent worth the money is Dawn of Souls, as FFI and FFII arent very good games at all, but the extra content does make them alot more interesting.


Final Fantasy III is worth getting I'd say, I havent played far in but I like what i've seen, but the battle system is very dated. No ATB, just your typical old turn based RPG. Which may be a hit or a miss, depends on your preference.

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I have played and finished FF games VI, VII, VIII, X, X-2 and all of them were great games. I loved FF VIII to bits and regard it as one of my top 10 games that I have played.


I have tried numerous time to play IX but I always end up stopping. The last save I have for that is pretty much near the end but I just cant be bothere to do the stupid Chocobo Forest sidequest!

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Guest Stefkov

I've been playin FFX for a couple of hours now, and all it seems to be is watching a movie, running a coupel of seconds, fighting with 3 different sets of enemies, killing them in about 5 seconds. Hearing that same tone over again (which I like) and then watching more of a movie.

I hope the rest of the game/the other games arent in this style.

Don't get me wrong Its stunning what I've played, for my first ever FF rpg, however its not..great.

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I've been playin FFX for a couple of hours now, and all it seems to be is watching a movie, running a coupel of seconds, fighting with 3 different sets of enemies, killing them in about 5 seconds. Hearing that same tone over again (which I like) and then watching more of a movie.

I hope the rest of the game/the other games arent in this style.

Don't get me wrong Its stunning what I've played, for my first ever FF rpg, however its not..great.


If I didn't have such a problem with VIII I'd say X was my worst Final Fantasy, I even thought X-2 was better.


X really was like a movie at times, a long, un-interesting movie.

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I've been playin FFX for a couple of hours now, and all it seems to be is watching a movie, running a coupel of seconds, fighting with 3 different sets of enemies, killing them in about 5 seconds. Hearing that same tone over again (which I like) and then watching more of a movie.

I hope the rest of the game/the other games arent in this style.

Don't get me wrong Its stunning what I've played, for my first ever FF rpg, however its not..great.


FF games are very story driven and you will see ALOT of movies while playing them but most of them are outstanding. I especially love the main theme music in FFX.


Also Auron FTW!!



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FF games are very story driven and you will see ALOT of movies while playing them but most of them are outstanding. I especially love the main theme music in FFX.


Also Auron FTW!!




Maybe so but I also felt that FFX was a bit too much story driven. To the point that any sort of freedom was impaired.

You go about 70% through the game before your actually able to go anywhere without the game holding your hand leading you where you had to go next.

Come to think of it. FFX is more like one 60hr long path heading straight to Zanarkand.


Exploration was something I loved in FF and it lacked in FFX.

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Maybe so but I also felt that FFX was a bit too much story driven. To the point that any sort of freedom was impaired.

You go about 70% through the game before your actually able to go anywhere without the game holding your hand leading you where you had to go next.

Come to think of it. FFX is more like one 60hr long path heading straight to Zanarkand.


Exploration was something I loved in FF and it lacked in FFX.


I totally agree with you. FFX wasnt free at all, even FFX-2 gave you choices of what to do and where to go. Not being able to walk around the map was a sorely missed option. Also Tidus was an annoying main character.

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Also Tidus was an annoying main character.


Apparently Vaan is just as annoying...


It seems like Final Fantasy leads only work when they're moody bastards (the exception being Zidane), apparently the lead in XIII is meant to be a female version of Cloud.

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Apparently Vaan is just as annoying...


It seems like Final Fantasy leads only work when they're moody bastards (the exception being Zidane), apparently the lead in XIII is meant to be a female version of Cloud.


Vaan is ridiculous.

I don't know what he is supposed to be.

So many occasions he does things that make me cringe, bumbling idiot things.

Surrounded by characters that are either wise/noble/street smart he stands out as the clown of the party which doesn't go down in my books.

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I'd really like to get into modern Final Fantasy games. I loved the snes era games and FFVII/IX but haven't played past there. I've even thought briefly about buying a PS2 a couple of times with that as a key factor in the concept, but they're still too expensive :(

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You know...with the removal of Turn-Based and Random Battle elements (things I totally hate about most RPG games), FF12 is looking quite interesting...


Oh? What are they doing with it then? I'd have thought those are two things FF games are pretty famous for, but I know someone like you who hates RPGs because of their turn based elements, and that some can be too linear.

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