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Fox News


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Just watched this Fox News Report on how, if caught unawares, the DS is, in fact, a child molestation super device.


It's utter bollocks


but that's what I expect from Fox. I dunno how many of you have seen much of their output, but it's really fuckin bad. Ethically, they're a disgrace to their trade, they're sensationalist bloodhounds and, remarkably, they're regarded as a legitimate news source in America.


so- who's seen this stuff? lets discuss them!

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Well since you just want to discuss Fox in general this thread can stay, but as fanman pointed out a thread about the news story is already up here in the handheld gaming board. (well, lets see what my fellow moderators think.)


Personally I can never take any American news source seriously, they're like live action Daily Mail.


Tycho Brahe has posted his reaction to the latest story on PA, along with a comic to reflect the ridiculousness of this "revelation".


Fox sucks.

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Well since you just want to discuss Fox in general this thread can stay, but as fanman pointed out a thread about the news story is already up here in the handheld gaming board. (well, lets see what my fellow moderators think.)


Personally I can never take any American news source seriously, they're like live action Daily Mail.


Tycho Brahe has posted his reaction to the latest story on PA, along with a comic to reflect the ridiculousness of this "revelation".


Fox sucks.


Yeah, I'm not really bothered about the particular story, I just thought we'd ramble about the comedy gold mine that is the American media

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has anyone ever watched News 24 at about...err...3 in the morning? they switch over to ABC from America, and that's pretty bad too. not as bad as fox but the thing that it highlights is that, as bad as ABC is by our standards, it's what the BBC pick as a station of comparable merit to the BBC itself. shows how poor the whole situation is over there

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Fox News isn't so much a joke, as a source of pure unfiltered evil. A voice directly from the GOP, telling people what to think. They put on these 'debates' where they give an illusion of freedom of opinion, but in reality you're all told to believe the same thing. I read that in 2005 there was a survey taken of fox news watchers, and 85% thought that they had found WMDs in Iraq. It's f**king criminal what they're doing, and proof that America is moving closer and closer to something out of an Orwell novel.

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"So yeah, I just wanted to express my opinion..."

"So you support Saddamn Hussein?"

"What? No. I'm just saying..."

"So you support terrorism?"

"No, I just wanted to say how tough it's been for Iraqis..."

"Pffft. Maybe you'd have a different opinion if YOUR parents had been crucified! Fuckin' terrorist..."

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I saw a Fox News classic a few weeks ago on Barack Obama, they basically making him out to be a terrorist because he went to Muslim school (but they called it the muslim word for school), it was absolutely hilarious. They caption on the picture of him was "Would you vote a smoker into the White House?"

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I saw a Fox News classic a few weeks ago on Barack Obama, they basically making him out to be a terrorist because he went to Muslim school (but they called it the muslim word for school), it was absolutely hilarious. They caption on the picture of him was "Would you vote a smoker into the White House?"

Er... *points higher up the thread* :heh:

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