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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


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Ellen Degeneres sucks big time at guitar hero.


Check out this truly cringeworthy video here


A now, we were all GH nOObs at one point... just none of us have our own national TV talk show :heh:


Nice one Mokong! How's that video coming along? :D


I just recorded it tonight and just finished editing now, but i won't upload it till Friday evening as I don't like putting too many vids up close together

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The only way to leave the NEurope Super Rocking All Stars is when you DIE




OK new Youtube video just uploaded...with a GH3 theme :heh:



Awesome Video! :grin: Unlucky Mokong. :)


Loved the ending of you smashing the camera :heh:


I have the same problem but on a lower level i can't beat Lou on medium mode but i can now get half way through the songs on Hard! It makes no sense. :wtf:


At the start of Lou i always do a crazy dance and miss the notes...that maybe the reason why i don't complete it...


I never thought i'd be able to do songs on Hard mode! On christmas Day when i first played the game i never thought i'd get through easy! :o ( i was that bad :blank:

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Get out =(. Any tips? Other than dont die and get powers ups :P


I don't really have any tips. I just tried it over and over again and nearer the the end of the song I luckily hit every power-up that came and threw them at him.

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But I never get the chance to rub anything in. Not even fucking lotion! :shakehead:


Hush hush. You can rub it in with me too, as I too find Medium too freaking difficult. On the other hand, I've only played about an hour or five or so, with no previous GH experience, so maybe that's just norma.


Any news on those replacement discs? And on when the guitars will be sold seperately?

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Well I picked this back up last night and made my way through a good few songs on Medium. Just stuck on Tom Morello now, cannot for the life of me do it! Annoying! Anyway I've got back into atleast so I am going to add everyone who has sent me FC requests because I have only got 5 people on my list.

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I've just got back into playing this game, after a small absence.


I've moved the Wii downstairs into the living for a bit, and my housemates tried out this game and are now addicted.


I was up til 12 last night with two of them, as they took it in goes. I've found one of them has taken an instant shine to it. We played again this morning, and she was trying to five star "when you were young" on easy, but couldn't quite get it. Not bad for only her 5th or 6th go.


Then, when I was out, she sent me txts:


"I got 92% but no 5-star!"


"Wohoo! Got a five star on another song now!"


I'm trying out hard mode now. Moving to five buttons is hard. :(

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I'm trying out hard mode now. Moving to five buttons is hard. :(

Yup hard mode is a bitch to get used to that orange button is a swine!


I'm now 69% through hard but it's tough going - got stuck on same old song and dance for ages!


I'm not a natural on here unlike some people!


Do love playing online though! : peace:

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