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Manhunt 2


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Everyone just seems to assume that Rockstar will release different versions of the game.


And why not? Capcom released 3 different versions of RE4: the japanese one, the german one and the other one. Manhunt 2 was approved in the PEGI rating system (rated 18+, like RE4 and countless others), it was only rejected by the BBFC (UK) and was rated AO by ESRP (US). So, legally, R* can and SHOULD release the full version PEGI approved in all of Europe except the UK. Why should we suffer just because of the british and the americans?

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And why not? Capcom released 3 different versions of RE4: the japanese one, the german one and the other one. Manhunt 2 was approved in the PEGI rating system (rated 18+, like RE4 and countless others), it was only rejected by the BBFC (UK) and was rated AO by ESRP (US). So, legally, R* can and SHOULD release the full version PEGI approved in all of Europe except the UK. Why should we suffer just because of the british and the americans?


We shouldn't, and neither should we for the British. Or even suffer in general.

But, in all fairness, I don't see Rockstar producing and releasing so many different versions. Rockstar ain't Capcom as far as finances go.


Does anyone know what they did with Bully? Just change the name, or change the content? Might be an interesting precedent.



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They just changed the name. Many criticisms were from those that hadn't even played the game and naturally assumed that because of Rockstars notoriety you played a Bully whereas it was not as straightforward as that.


I believe it was more aimed at bullying bullies and protecting the bullied.

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Don't bother searching for importers. The Netherlands are most likely getting the exact same (censored) version as the rest of the world, according to Dutch website InsideGamer.


For are non-Dutch speaking friends, a quick recap:


Insidegamer has contacted Rockstar Games, who have confirmed that the Netherlands will get the same version contentwise as America and the rest of Europe. The words of Hirsch Ballin were misinterpreted and pulled outside of its context.


Hirsch Ballin said that, if Rockstar Games would choose to give the Netherlands the uncensored version, there would be nothing to stop them from doing so, but whether Rockstar is actually going to do this, is a different matter altogether. It would be considered rather expensive to make a 'unique' version of a game with very different code for only one country.


So it's still not entierly impossible, but very, very unlikely.

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games in the Netherlands usually have all translations because we have so many cultures here and we don't feel bound to our country . any way if some one whishes to get this game can order it with me and than ill get it at my shop http://foregames.nl (<-- you can order it your self at this shop to if you want)


Or alternatively you get all the languages because he games are made to be sold in most countries in Europe.

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Strange that they would release the cut version everywhere when the uncut version is legal in certain places. A lot of games have differences in content for different countries, the original Turok had robots in Germany rather than humans, I believe even the dinosaurs were robot dinosaurs!

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games in the Netherlands usually have all translations because we have so many cultures here and we don't feel bound to our country.
Eh? They don't translate because nobody can be arsed to translate a game for the 100,000 Dutch speakers buying the game (and rightly so) and not because of our multiculturality... We really aren't any more multicultural than any other country.


Also, advertising is forbidden!

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The first sentence she said is even annoying.


''The most violent video game ever.........for children''


You're misquoting her words, giving them a different meaning. Don't do that. She said "Critics are calling it the most violent game ever for children".

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You're misquoting her words, giving them a different meaning. Don't do that. She said "Critics are calling it the most violent game ever for children".


i did misquote only because i could not remember the exact original quote but what the hell difference Did that make. in fact that one is even worse. What the hell kind of critic would think this game is for children?

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Hmm, I got a chance to play this too and it felt very clunky, the controls. Maybe that was just because of the awful PS2 controller, but it did seem very clunky. Camera system also was crap.


And yeah, I got peed on and another inmate threw pieces of shit at me! LOL

Graphics were not that good, I know PS2 is the worse of last gen, but don't think I have a single GC game quite as blocky as this. All the violence seems toned down because of the blocks. Nice lighting and reflexions (puddles of water and such) but it seemed very low polygon.

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