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Manhunt 2


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Agree all the way with the comment of how sick and wrong this game appears at first glance, but that whole thing (possibly, dependent on how mentally balanced you are) justified itself when you realised how sick and wrong your enemies were.

Killing is killing at the end of the day, it will never be a good thing graphic or non graphic.

For me it was a game of stealth at heart and I have never really found another to match it.


The one thing here is N has a good weapon on their side with this title.....the weapon of controversy, literally proven to be never a bad thing.:bowdown:

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The original was dull and repetitive, relying on shock value rather than gameplay to sell. You never know, maybe they'll put more effort into this one but I don't see why they'll bother seeing as how it'll sell like hotcakes regardless of quality thanks to the Daily Mail.

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This is great news, I dont really know tto much about Manhunt, But its good to have Rockstar developing for this Wii, if only to remove the stereotype of nintendo being for kids. I am intriegued by manhunt now, since people have been describing it as kinda like SAW which I though was an absolutely amazing movie.


One thing though. Do you think rockstar will have the balls to go the full way and have the player actually doing the motions when killing someone, I mean it is slightly different form just pulling a trigger. i really hope they go the full way and make it as graphics as possible,particularly the motions. This game needs to get as much publicity that its on the Wii as possible.

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This is great news, I dont really know tto much about Manhunt, But its good to have Rockstar developing for this Wii, if only to remove the stereotype of nintendo being for kids. I am intriegued by manhunt now, since people have been describing it as kinda like SAW which I though was an absolutely amazing movie.


One thing though. Do you think rockstar will have the balls to go the full way and have the player actually doing the motions when killing someone, I mean it is slightly different form just pulling a trigger. i really hope they go the full way and make it as graphics as possible,particularly the motions. This game needs to get as much publicity that its on the Wii as possible.


Yeah it is a bit like SAW in the way you get captured, but it does go very different in the end...


As for the motions hmmm not sure would be really good tho

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when this game comes out i will buy it for shure i played manhunt before and liked it i hope they make 2 with better visuals more indept storyline and more freaky killing also an online mode would be awesome Just kill all your friends online haha


The pairing of the words 'Manhunt' and 'Friend Code' suggests that that will never happen

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Manhunt was extremely gritty, but also very good.


I hate to say it, but i think Wii needs these type of games to continue being successful.


I'll be buying Manhunt 2 for Wii.


I also hate to say that i enjoyed a game where you killed people so brutally, but hey! It's not real.


Overall? The announcement was a surprise.



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Well it's like this. People like zelda freak think it's cool because it's violent. I hate that sort of thinking. However, violence in art (movies, books, etc...) is viable, if only responsible adults make contact with it. So, I have no grudge against sush adult content, only that games shouldn't rely on them.

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The people you kill in Manhunt are hardly innocent.


Oh and don't bunch me together with zeldafreak because I'm defending this game, I think he's nuts personally.


I reacted the same way you guys do when I first heard about the game, but actually playing it is different. Thinking Manhunt is a game where you murder innocent victims for shock value is about as accurate as GTA being a "cop killing simulator".

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Well it's like this. People like zelda freak think it's cool because it's violent. I hate that sort of thinking. However, violence in art (movies, books, etc...) is viable, if only responsible adults make contact with it. So, I have no grudge against sush adult content, only that games shouldn't rely on them.


Damn right regarding the correct ppl making contact with such material.


But we would have a pretty one dimensional set of games and films if it was'nt relied on.

How many games rely on killing being the object ?

I dont see the true difference between pumping something full of bullets (ie. Nazi in CoD) or suffocating someone with a plastic bag...Go back to Smash TV, the only reason it wasnt as shocking is the technology wasnt able to give the graphical edge.


Whether we agree or not, the technologies being set up now are going to make each one of the games based on killing more graphic and realistic, its what ppl are asking for and the debate with better graphics is pushing the whole industry towards....why slice someone with a sword if you dont see the wound and bloodshed?


Its a setup for a good debate, but i'm firmly more for the freedom of expression, Im fed up of the state trying to control what the hell I do with my spare time.

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I dont see the true difference between pumping something full of bullets (ie. Nazi in CoD) or suffocating someone with a plastic bag.


Really? :o


What about lethal injection and strangelation? What about bludgeoned to death or drowning? Surely there's a difference, especially in how inhuman the act is and subsequently how graphic.

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