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Titles you'd like to see on Revolution


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Basically pretty much what Bowser said only with Smash Bros online instead. Though perhaps a new franchise, which isn't typically wild, colourful and wacky. I get enough of that with Mario. Something, which bases itself around the new control method. Oh and the obvious updates to the other franchises.

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SSBR...online...oh wait we're getting that :hehe:

Well for a start I want some RPGs, especially Skies of Arcadia 2 and Golden Sun REV.

Maybe a first person Zelda?

Oh oh oh, how could I forget. When the guy uses it as a sword in the controller trailer, not only does it remind me of Zelda, but makes me imagine how immense a Soul Calibur will be with that controller.

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spiderman :P seriously, I was looking at ultimate spiderman review, just thinking about buying it (still undecided, so saying no atm) but I thought, duel wield rev. controller would be pretty awesome for spider man, just point the controller, press A, fire webby. but yeah, haven't thought the idea through, just think it could potentially be quite fun, actually travelling like spider man :P prolly would look pretty dumb though!

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spiderman :P seriously, I was looking at ultimate spiderman review, just thinking about buying it (still undecided, so saying no atm) but I thought, duel wield rev. controller would be pretty awesome for spider man, just point the controller, press A, fire webby. but yeah, haven't thought the idea through, just think it could potentially be quite fun, actually travelling like spider man :P prolly would look pretty dumb though!

OH MY GOD that is such a cool idea!!!!

You could enter a first person view for when you are swinging around the city, and using the controller/2 controllers you could have to crosshairs on-screen to aim where you fire!


Games i'd love to see; SSBM, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Skies of Arcadia, Resi 5, Sonic, Pilotwings, massive Pokemon RPG, updates to all the good Nintendo franchises and games that make great use of the controller!

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i want them to make Punch Out just imagine using two controllers one for both hands, and you just try and punch or knock out the other player, just think of it being online punching the shit out of someone on the other side of the word.

I remember saying we need a new Punch Out game on another thread somewhere, can't remember where. But yeah, glad someone else thinks Punch Out would be a great idea.


I'd like a second Luigi's mansion, thats a lot longer. Just imagine it. Analogue add on to move Luigi and the torch and the controller itself is the vacuum. It would be a truly awesome experience.

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i want them to make Punch Out just imagine using two controllers one for both hands, and you just try and punch or knock out the other player, just think of it being online punching the shit out of someone on the other side of the word.

Hehe, would be great but i'd own you all. Being a boxer is so great :grin:

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Harvets Moon and Animal crossing, both online and first person using the controller for shovelling and milking cows and stuff.


Donkey Kong game similar to DK64, just less collect-a-thon-ish. I'm thinking first person again (most of my Rev ideas involve first person) throwing cocanuts, punching enemies, swinging from vines all using controller. Oh and using two controllers for mine cart rides. You hold them like like you're doing dips at the gym, then tilt your body to tip mine cart, suddenly move them down to jump and cover you head with them to duck.


Download service Goldenye using controller as gun (yeah i know wishful thinking, screw you).


Fire Emblem


Killer 7 sequal - to be handeld with care - if at all possible


Band brothers, but obviously you mimick the instruments


Finally - Billy Hatcher and the giant egg - rolling a giant egg should be fun

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Anyway seriously.... I think a decent Contra/Probotector sequel is heeeavily required. Along with a Starfox game which is completely different. And in that sense I don't mean Starfox Adventures different, I just want to see the developers taking a little more time with it. They really need to start to think outside the box and come up with some new things. I can't believe how many rip-off levels there were in Assault: "Oh no... they're firing missiles at us.... again!"


As far as playing some things goes... how about an update to mario-paint! Use the 3D mouse for 3D modeling and what not.... show people how hard it really is! maybe a 3D tetris, pieces fall into the centre point like a planet's centre and the pieces fit in there. It could be quite complex cos you would have to keep on fllipping the view around and spin the pieces in all directions.... Tetroshpere anyone?

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Updates on all the usual franchises plus a new Harvest Moon, Eternal Darkness sequel, Killer 7 sequel, new resi game (RE5 will be fine) and a decent Kirby game seeing as Kirby could have potential i think (even though i've never played a Kirby game).

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Wait until you see the projects that some developers are cooking up. Such as Gearbox,Ubisoft,Activision,THQ I hear have something interesting coming for it, but a real surprise is what EA is doing on the Revolution. I haven't actually seen any game footage of any titles but I have heard of some concepts and ideas from Ubisoft,Activision and I'm looking forward to see things from other developers.

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Wait until you see the projects that some developers are cooking up. Such as Gearbox,Ubisoft,Activision,THQ I hear have something interesting coming for it, but a real surprise is what EA is doing on the Revolution. I haven't actually seen any game footage of any titles but I have heard of some concepts and ideas from Ubisoft,Activision and I'm looking forward to see things from other developers.

How do you know what those companies have planned? Are you in the industry or something?

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and a decent Kirby game seeing as Kirby could have potential i think (even though i've never played a Kirby game).


Yeah kirby would actually be good for the revolution, just imagine being sword kirby swinging the controller, or yoyo kirby, cutter kirby, the ideas would be endless.


and decent kirby game, try and get Kirby superstars on the SNES, in my opinion the best kirby game of all time but i just hope the new Kirby game on the gamecube will be good.

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