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When we are dead.

THE ganondorflol

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You're from the ONM forums, aren't you?

That might be my fault. I do mention this forum a fair bit. Plus some other members [not here I mean] Link this site for some news article and whatnot.

Then you are clearly insane, and need to see a doctor. And I'm sorry for being happy, but its better than being depressed.

I'm insane for not believing in God and heaven etc? Fine.


And if by depressed you mean realistic, fine again.

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I wonder if primordial self replicating strands had this same discussion?


They were relf replicating when all the other molecules didn't that obviouly made them special. I wonder if they contemplated why they replicated by other molecules didn't. What was the purpose of this replication? Maybe they couldn't explain it, so they called it god, to make themselves feel special rather than just accepting it was a fluke based on the interaction between the fundamental forces that they replicated.


People believe God exists because they want to feel like they have a purpose and are somehow "special".


People believe in an afterlife because they don't want admit their own fragility and have given themselves a self profess purpose. Surely not believing in an afterlife is better, because it mean you value every second of life, because all it is is a stupidly unlike fluke in molecular chemistry that your here in the first place.

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I wonder if primordial self replicating strands had this same discussion?


They were relf replicating when all the other molecules didn't that obviouly made them special. I wonder if they contemplated why they replicated by other molecules didn't. What was the purpose of this replication? Maybe they couldn't explain it, so they called it god, to make themselves feel special rather than just accepting it was a fluke based on the interaction between the fundamental forces that they replicated.


People believe God exists because they want to feel like they have a purpose and are somehow "special".


People believe in an afterlife because they don't want admit their own fragility and have given themselves a self profess purpose. Surely not believing in an afterlife is better, because it mean you value every second of life, because all it is is a stupidly unlike fluke in molecular chemistry that your here in the first place.

I agree with you to some extent there. But why do you think life is a fluke? There are so many planets that you'd think there would be a relatively high chance of life existing on one of them. Also, saying why this planet is a stupid question- if life only exists on one planet, then it is this one, beacuse we are on it.


Also, just because you can see why people want to believe in Gods, that doesn't give you reason to dismiss the idea of a god entirely.

Ask yourself this: How many scientists in the world? 1 million. Christians? 2.1 million (biggest world religion) So, there are 3 times the amount of religious people in the world than aethiests.Just not on this forum on in this country, that's all.



Also, don't be ridiculous. All scientists are not atheists, and there are plenty of atheists who aren't scientists.

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To determine whether or not you are a good person? Also, I never thought of it in the way all scientists aren't aethiests- I'm seeing the bigger picture.


So this god that's all knowing doesn't know which of us he should be sending to hell yet? (He loves us all too right though? So he won't really send anyone to hell will he?)

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To determine whether or not you are a good person? Also, I never thought of it in the way all scientists aren't aethiests- I'm seeing the bigger picture.

So basically 'God' is basically playing a game with us for 80+ years to see if we are good enough to join him in heaven, like some sick 6 billion people Big Brother? Why has 'He' not made us all 'good' in the first place? What about people dying young, who haven't got the chance to prove themselves?


Religious people often ask reasons for everything about the universe, but what exactly would be the reason for God?

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Some people think Hell isn't all fiery depths- but being away from God. Also, God gives us free-will- we're the ones with the power to help God decide which ones to send to hell or not.

So why can't we have free will in heaven right away? After all, if we're too naughty, and He can't bring Himself (despite his everlasting forgivingness) to forgiving us, he can send us too hell.


If He's watching us going about our life for nothing more than His personal entertainment then He's certainly not worth believing in. It's a cruel plan really.


Basically God sounds a lot like Santa Claus to me. If you've behaving yourself well, you get a reward, and if you're not you get punished. Only adults believe this story as well.

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Dude, we would'nt be separate from God if Adam and Eve hadnt ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil when they were tempted in the garden. As soon as sin came in, God had to remove himself from us. He's a perfect being and can't have sin in his presence.


Before the fall of man (when they ate the fruit) God would come to Adam and Even in the cool of the evenings and walk and talk with them in the garden. It was perfect.


THE ganondorf, what are you're beliefs exactly? I'm interested to know, as you called yourself a Christian.

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Ask yourself this: How many scientists in the world? 1 million. Christians? 2.1 million (biggest world religion) So, there are 3 times the amount of religious people in the world than aethiests.Just not on this forum on in this country, that's all.


And im sure there are probably more brunettes than blondes. What does statistics have to do with anything? A greater number does not mean they are correct.


And are we talking about Christians who actively....Christian it up? Or anyone who was once christened? I was christened but im pretty sure God wouldn't really approve of my goings on.

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Dude, we would'nt be separate from God if Adam and Eve hadnt ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil when they were tempted in the garden. As soon as sin came in, God had to remove himself from us. He's a perfect being and can't have sin in his presence.


Before the fall of man (when they ate the fruit) God would come to Adam and Even in the cool of the evenings and walk and talk with them in the garden. It was perfect.

That is contradictive.


1) God defines sins and who is sinful

2) God is forgiving of sins


Yet, God cannot have sin in his presence. Also, God is narrow-minded by the fact that when Eva sins, humanity sins. Similar narrow-mindedness is what starts racism. God is even sinful himself with that decision.

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I see no contradiction.
According to what I got to learn on my catholic primary school:


(1) God is the one who defined the sins (revealed them to Moses)

(2) God is forgiving


From this follows: (3) God defines who are the sinful



He's a perfect being and can't have sin in his presence.

When it's entirely up to himself what sin is and what's not. That is contradictive.


Secondly he generalizes humanity to be sinful because Eva was.


Note that I don't believe the Bible story; I'm merely pointing out contradictions that make me find it hard to buy.

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To determine whether or not you are a good person? Also, I never thought of it in the way all scientists aren't aethiests- I'm seeing the bigger picture.

Maybe, but your argument goes like this:


There are 1 million scientists.


There are 2.1 million Christians.


2.1 million > 1 million


Therefore there is a God.


That's not an argument, it's just random unconnected statements.

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Ask yourself this: How many scientists in the world? 1 million. Christians? 2.1 million (biggest world religion) So, there are 3 times the amount of religious people in the world than atheists.Just not on this forum on in this country, that's all.


You may notice that a lot of the religious people are in the countries and areas of the world (i.e. deep south in the US) that have shite education. They don't know any better, and are taught in schools that their religion is correct. They aren't taught science (at least not well), and therefore they don't bother to question their religion. In the better educated world, what you generally get left with is the hardcore people.


Here's a thought: if there are 2.1 million christians in the world and 1.3 million muslims, then only one thing is certain: a hell of a lot of people are definitely wrong...:indeed:


Oh, and I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the God in the Old Testament is the evilest, meanest, son-of-a-bitch ever created...


That's not an argument, it's just random unconnected statements.


I prefer the term "ramblings of a maniac":wink:

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Guys, I've been keeping up to speed with the goings-on in this thread (trust me, I'm everywhere) and if this topic is going to stay open, we're going to need to have less of the flaming.


By all rights, discss. This is a discussion forum after all. However, I don't want people shitting on other people's beliefs or what they believe in. They've got a right to believe in God or to not believe in God. I think it's wrong to force people by saying "you prick, there is no god" etc.


You get the jist. Just keep it clean.

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You may notice that a lot of the religious people are in the countries and areas of the world (i.e. deep south in the US) that have shite education. They don't know any better, and are taught in schools that their religion is correct. They aren't taught science (at least not well), and therefore they don't bother to question their religion. In the better educated world, what you generally get left with is the hardcore people.


Here's a thought: if there are 2.1 million christians in the world and 1.3 million muslims, then only one thing is certain: a hell of a lot of people are definitely wrong...:indeed:


Oh, and I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but the God in the Old Testament is the evilest, meanest, son-of-a-bitch ever created...




I prefer the term "ramblings of a maniac":wink:


Wow just wow. Your accusing religious people of lacking an education and you just flame people.


I agree that it doesnt matter about numbers when it comes to belief system.


Just out of intrest what do you mean by evil when you say god in old testement. I dont understand how evil and good fit into a atheistic viewpoint.

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Wow just wow. Your accusing religious people of lacking an education and you just flame people.


I agree that it doesnt matter about numbers when it comes to belief system.


Just out of intrest what do you mean by evil when you say god in old testement. I dont understand how evil and good fit into a atheistic viewpoint.


Er...most religious people do lack a good education. They don't know, for example, any other way that the earth could have formed.


By evil I mean that in the old testament the God allows rape of girls as an acceptable alternative to homosexuality, he kills almost everyone, he not only allows, but actively encourages (and not to mention commands...) the massacring of thousands of people non-believers by the Israelites. Is that evil enough for you?

I can have a view of good and evil because I have morals. Or do I have to be religious to have them?:hmm:


And how am I flaming???:wtf:

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He's a bit of a hypocritical basted, isn't he?:heh:

Simply put, yeah. It's one of the major reasons why I don't believe. I wouldn't put it that harshly though, because I guess you'll offend Haden and some others now.

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