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Sounds like racial sterotyping to me...


lol, I hope that was a joke. Though the response doesn't help their case much neither. I first saw it as just a figure of speech.

I hate how alot of threads have been popping up in General recently, threads kind of like this, which aren't original just the flipside of a pre-existing thread(or another existing thread spun like 1 degree to the right *looks at thread about people who give you the irrits*).

Something else that really really really really jars me are people that DON'T FUCKING LISTEN. Then they complain when I shout at them after they tell me they didn't hear, surely it's only natural to speak louder to someone who didn't hear you?


.. to put in my imput...


i have hearing problems ( what i dont know - going to doctors) and ive told lots of people... but even when people know - and they say something to me.. and i dont quite catch it - and i ask them to speak louder/ repeat what they said... they huff cause they thought i wasnt listening - but i couldnt!

.. to put in my imput...


i have hearing problems ( what i dont know - going to doctors) and ive told lots of people... but even when people know - and they say something to me.. and i dont quite catch it - and i ask them to speak louder/ repeat what they said... they huff cause they thought i wasnt listening - but i couldnt!


Cheeky gits, sounds like they're the ones not listening (I'm sure there is a pun in there somewhere).


I'm annoyed by creationists, they confuse me. On one hand they're fun to argue with because some of there arguments are pure hilarity but on the other hand they are extremely irritating because as soon as they hit a dead end with there argument they resort to 'God did it' which you simply can't argue against.


Ah, but would you then complain at them for talking to you loudly? If not, then that is fine, I have no problem with that and don't expect everyone to hear what I say the first time I say it. Sometimes though, I'll tell someone something and like 30 seconds later they ask me something directly related to what I just said, but as if I hadn't said anything. A good example would be like;


'I'm going to uni tomorrow'

*30 seconds*

'Are you going to uni tomorrow?'


Oh, I've remembered another one.


When you tell someone, or advise someone not to do one specific thing. Just one thing. You've dedicated your life to someone and all you ask is for just one little itsy bitsy little thing as a return from them, and then they go and do it anyway.


Man, I'm such an anti-feminist.


.. oh.. and when i ask them to say what they said louder.. and they say it in the same flippin tone as they did before.. and i have to ask them to repeat it again.. they are worse


Ah, but would you then complain at them for talking to you loudly? If not, then that is fine, I have no problem with that and don't expect everyone to hear what I say the first time I say it. Sometimes though, I'll tell someone something and like 30 seconds later they ask me something directly related to what I just said, but as if I hadn't said anything. A good example would be like;


'I'm going to uni tomorrow'

*30 seconds*

'Are you going to uni tomorrow?'



haha - that happened me last night


/ nando / - what are you having for tea tonight?

me - dont know yet - ill check in the fridge -

*5 seconds later*

/ nando / -

what are you having for tea tonight?

*hadnt been at the fridge yet*


lol - wasnt annoying - more cute than annoying

lol, I hope that was a joke. Though the response doesn't help their case much neither. I first saw it as just a figure of speech.

I hate how alot of threads have been popping up in General recently, threads kind of like this, which aren't original just the flipside of a pre-existing thread(or another existing thread spun like 1 degree to the right *looks at thread about people who give you the irrits*).

Something else that really really really really jars me are people that DON'T FUCKING LISTEN. Then they complain when I shout at them after they tell me they didn't hear, surely it's only natural to speak louder to someone who didn't hear you?

Yes, I was joking. :wink:


And you're talking about copycat threads. They annoy me too.



Man, I'm such an anti-feminist.


Are you anti-feminist. As in you dislike feminists? Or are you masculinist? As in someone who believes in the equality for men?

Are you anti-feminist. As in you dislike feminists? Or are you masculinist? As in someone who believes in the equality for men?


Ain't sure now, feminists themselves just piss me off with their whole "freeeeeeeedom to women" thing.


But, hmm. My msn name now says "women can fuck right off", and I've just had a women asking me "awww, why you say that?"




if a guy wants to hold your stuff for you cause hes being nice - id let him ( lmao).. instead of saying " no i can do it myself"... i wouldnt mind letting a guy do all the heavy work ( actually my dad and (hopefully) my bf are moving my piano in a couple of weeks - am i helping? a feminist would try it herself cause she doesnt want to reply on men - but im not stupid - i could hurt myself! and im plain lazy)


Don't go lumping feminists together. There are plenty of non Radical (dungarees-wearing lesbians) Feminists out there. And many male feminists too.


Ehhh, so does it make me a feminist when a guy offers to do something for me but I say I can do it myself, just because I don't want to come off as lazy or just don't want to bother them with it?

Ain't sure now, feminists themselves just piss me off with their whole "freeeeeeeedom to women" thing.


But, hmm. My msn name now says "women can fuck right off", and I've just had a women asking me "awww, why you say that?"


Random Girl says:

awww, why you say that?


Women can fuck right off says:



Women can fuck right off says:

Fuck off!


I really hope the conversation went like that. I hate women who want equality, then start screaming you can't hit a girl when you punch them in the face.


Heh, I jest of course, but it does annoy me when some women think they should be equal to men then expect special treatment for being female too. I think men get a raw enough deal already anyway :(

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