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Driver: Parallel Lines discussion


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Like me, anyone looking forward to this?


I think It'll sell by the bucket load regardless of whether it's good or not. I've heard its OK on PS2 and XBOX. It's certainly no GTA beater but will it satisfy a Nintendo fans GTA needs? It has to be better than True Crime, mind you that wouldn't be hard.


I really enjoyed DRIV3R despite awful reviews. Here's hoping Reflections actually make some effort and do "Do an Ubisoft."

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I just think its a bit too late. I mean I hope they don't think that any old game they have they can bolt wii controls onto and they try and charge you the full wack over again. To tell the truth I don't really see much point in this despite the idea of wii makes, this wii make wasn't much of a good one the first time round.

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a nintendo fans gta needs?a nintendo fan likes to usually pretend they dont like gta(see retro the most overated series thread).it's nice to know some games that had left the gamecube are coming back to wii.i remember staris excuse for not bringing the third one to gamecube was that it wasn't powerful enough to handle the game.........er

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I absolutely loved Driver 1 on PC and still go back to it from time to time.


I didn't really like the Driv3r though. It's too much GTA like and the cars are a lot easier to control. I think the Series should go back to its roots and stay true to the name Driver and not Walk'n'Shooter.


But ultimately it's good to get more games, however, it would be nice it it weren't lazy ports we missed out on during GC.

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I thought that Driv3r controlled terribly. And if something that controlled as badly like that were to motion sensitive controls the crap factor would only increase. (I'm using 3 and a basis for parallel lines even though I shouldn't)

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well not really looking forward to it that much, but if it got good reviews I'd buy it for sure. I've never been that great a fan of GTA since GTA 3, got Vice City and San Andreas and just didn't enjoy them as much... but have never played any of the clones, other than Simpsons Hit and Run which only really survived cos it was a license game....

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Well the bottom screenshot could be an in-game shot, if you added the hearts and scores etc on the top of the shot. It also has a resi-evil 4 type look to the view. Maybe this might be more than a port, seeing as the original flopped, maybe they want to make it up to us ? Wishful thinking no doubt.

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I'm a big Driver fan. 1 & 2 are great, 3 is shite. I played PL on Xbox and liked it. Loads of great cars, trucks, and bikes to unlock and play around with. It more than made up for Driv3r.


Those screenies don't look as Sun drenched as the Xbox version but they do look better.


If they sort out the excessive traffic and targeting system then this could be a great game worth buying.


Only problem is the Xbox version let you play your own music off the harddrive. Any chance the Wii version will sport this feature?

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Nintendo News | Ubisoft Reveal Driver Wii Upgrades


Ubisoft have announced specifics for the upcoming Wii enhanced port for Driver: Parallel Lines, including graphical and gameplay updates after the mixed reception of the original.


The game takes place in New York, starting out in the late 70s, however after being locked up for 28 years, our protagonist is released into a sparkling new world, but with a vengeance.


A quick summary of the press release as follows:



Open New York environments with over 35 missions across two very different time periods - 1978 and 2006.


Full Wii controller integration - for targeting, driving, gesture-based actions - with over 30 unique functions with both the Wii remote and nunchuck.


Control and customise over 80 vehicles - from your standard cars and trucks, to motorcycles and bonus cars - "be a gangster".


Fulfill dreams and experience impossible scenarios that would be far too dangerous in reality.


The Wii version features a lot of enhancements over the Xbox and PS2 original - namely AI upgrades, a graphical overhall (as seen here), improvements in physics and some Wii special effects that have yet to be announced.


Driver: Parallel Lines hits retail in March 2007..

(The graphical overhall images cubed3.com refer to are the ones already posted here; so I guess they are what the Wii version will look like)


Still not that interested in the game, but it will appeal to many people with Wii's, and another game is another game!

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